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You Tell Him a secret/bad or sad memory

Steve Rogers

You paced your room, almost causing a path to be worn through the old beige carpet. You were alone at the moment but you were meeting Steve for lunch, he was coming to get you. It had been his idea, saying it was just a gesture to repay a lady for her kindness. You were worried, having no idea how to tell him or even if you could. You had known him for so very long now and you, honestly, loved the man but from past experience this wasn't always a pleasant road to travel. You ended up sliding down your bedroom wall, in the corner with your head in your hands crying. You felt ashamed, fearful, and confused. For all the time you had known Steve, you knew he was a sweet, generous, kind soul that would never hurt you on purpose. Hearing the knock you still couldn't manage to stop the tears and never heard the door open but the voice calling out to you "miss?" He seemed hesitant to enter your room but when he heard the soft sobbing through the door he opened it and walked over to you. You nearly jumped out of your skin when he touched your arm "NO! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" it seemed to him that you had been in another world from the dazed fear stricken look in your eyes. He gently grabbed your arm "calm down, it's only me. It's me, Steve" you seemed to snap out of it and look into his eyes "what happened?" his whisper was soft and his eyes were worried. "I'm afraid Steve. . ." he gave you a questioning look "of what?" he held you in his arms and you wanted to cling to him and bury your face into his strong chest "this, us. . .love" his embrace calmed your nerves and you leaned into him, explaining all of the pain and struggles of past relationships. You two stayed home that day, talking and just being together despite your worry about how things would go.

Tony Stark

You had never told Tony about the loss of your father, you two were so close that when he passed it literally tore your heart up. You had tried to make solace with the idea of him passing, he was very sick the cancer had ravaged his body leaving him weak and frail but still so loving and sweet. He was still the father you knew and loved, so when you told everyone that you had to return to London for an emergency most of them didn't think anything of it because they knew you were grieving they could feel it and see it in your eyes. All except Tony, he seemed too dense to understand and it had really hurt you to know that he didn't understand your pain so when you came back to the headquarters you were less than thrilled to see Tony. So when he walked up to you, that cocky smirk on his face you snapped when he talked "hey sweet-" within the blink of an eye there was a click and a gun to Tony's face and he raised his hands. He noticed the sad look in you red eyes, it was obvious you had been crying and through gritted teeth you growled "Stark, leave me alone." you were simple in what you desires from him because that's all you wanted right now. You would never shoot him, never, so when you dropped the unloaded weapon and fell to your knees in tears he was there. He may not have been the most romantic or the best at handling tears but he truly tried to make you feel even slightly better.

Bruce Banner

You weren't always the strong woman that worked with the greatest scientists in the world, you had some dark memories and a hard childhood. You had become quiet close to the chocolate haired man you worked with today, sitting across from him as you went over schematics and formulas. He noticed the distance in your eyes and the pained look that seemed to subconsciously cross your face for a few seconds. He couldn't bare seeing that pain and sat the papers down, taking off his glasses "what's bothering you?" you seemed shocked that he noticed something was bothering you but then again you shouldn't have been seeing as how this was his job. You shrugged, trying to change the subject "nothing, so what about these numbers they seem off. . ." he wasn't going to drop it and from experience you knew he was not going to just let it go like you would have hoped. Messing with your jacket you were hesitant but said "bad memories, I'm. . .never mind can't we just drop this" the tears making it hard to see and Bruce noticed, standing up and bringing you into a tight hug. "Talking about it always helps" you were still hesitant but told him the truth "I had a bad childhood, I was beaten Bruce" you felt his heart rate speed up before slowing with a deep breath "calm down, it was a long time ago and I got out of there with government help. I'm. . .it's just the memories that haunt me some days" you were trying to sound strong but your voice had cracked as he pulled you to arms length "you know I'll be here for you, no matter what" you nod as the tears slowly disappeared and a smile replacing them "thank you."

Thor Odinson

You sat with Thor, it had been many years since you last had this kind of private time. He was always so busy that these moments were cherished. You were leaning against his chest, simply listening to him talk about everything that had been going on and something he mentioned had brought up some painful memories. All talked highly of your family, them being what most would consider a perfect family but all was not as it seemed. You father was a rather demanding man, he was very verbally angry and harsh with both you and your mother. You listened to Thor though, never giving him any reason to suspect you were now crying until you sniffled and let a quiet sob cut through the silence. This stopped Thor's ranting "maiden, you do you cry?" you broke down at the sight of Thor's worried face "no one would believe me even if I told them, it has been many a year since these occurrences and it would slander my family name. I could not possibly say what irks me dear, please. . .leave it be" he was a persistent man. How could he not be, this is how he was born and so when he urged you to tell him you weren't surprised "please, dearest, tell me what has you so distraught" your cries became harder to control as he wrapped you in his large arms, careful not to hurt you more than you already seemed to be. Taking a deep breath "my father, he was not the kindest man. His words were harsh and cut deep, making the memories spiteful and unpleasant. I try not to hold resentment but it remains buried into the memories of him and it hurt me, Thor" your sobs were muffled by his shirt "oh, my lovely, these are only bad memories now. Know that his words can not hurt you, for I will always be right here" You sobs turned into hiccups and the crying stopped as you spent more time just wrapped in a hug from the gentle god.

Loki Laufeyson

To expect sympathy from Loki was asking for a miracle but to get it was that miracle in its rarest form. You were always rather chatty when it came to guarding Loki's cell but today, today you were not. So quiet in fact Loki thought a few times you had left but in fact you had only just been staring ahead. His words were delicate in the strangest sense of the word "woman, what bothers you? You're quiet and it's. . .unlike you" you eyed him from your spot before shrugging and shifting your feet. You were unsure about whether you tell him something that personal or not, it was Loki after all. You stood there for a while not answering him but whispered "it shouldn't matter to you, why worry about your guard? about me, the woman you consider so useless" it was as though you had read his mind, it was true he held a great deal of resentment towards anyone that made him stay in the cell. He didn't know how to respond to these words, this was the first time you challenged them "see? I knew you didn't really care" that had almost brought you to tears and seeing this Loki said something he hand't in a long while "I do care, tell me what bothers you?" now looking directly at him. Your eyes connecting and never once looking away you spoke softly as if you could only whisper "she left me today, my mother has passed that it was brings me such pain, Loki" now he could not understand the pain of losing someone dear to him because he never felt close enough for it to matter. Your eyes, despite being full of tears, never wavered from his. Sympathy grew apparent in his and you whispered "thanks" even though he said nothing you felt better and even though you could not hug him you felt closer to Loki.

Clint Barton

You had lost four teammates and your brother to a faulty helicopter, the memory still haunted your mind. It had been almost five years since it happened and you still felt the sting of the guilt and pain in your heart as though it had only happened yesterday. You were target practicing, unable to hit the centre because of the thoughts and flashes going through your head. Frustrated you tossed the weapon to you left angrily unaware that you were being watched from the balcony above. He watched you bring your knees to your chest and cover your face with your hands, he felt like he needed, had, to talk to you. It was the date of the incident and was raining, just the same "you okay?" you jumped and hurriedly cleaned your face of the free-flow of tears. "Yep, just frustrated is all" Clint looked at you with obvious doubt in his eyes "that's a load of crap, come here" he pulled you to your feet holding you at arms length and studied your eyes. You tired to avoid his gaze but he made you look at him "talk to me, tell me what's bugging you" he pleaded for you to talk and you took a shaky unsteady breath. "Five years ago, I lost Five members of a team I was leading. . .the stupid helicopter was faulty and we went down. I should have died and they should have lived! dammit!" you shook angrily and clearly upset because tears leaked from you eyes with no hesitation "it should have been me. . .not my brother or my team. . .Clint I-" he but you off by bringing you into a strong, needed hug. You clung to him desperate for him to take the pain away. Into your hair he whispered "it's alright to feel guilty, but it wasn't your fault and I'm glad you survived. . ."

James "Bucky" Barnes

You were a mutant, a freak, something that should not exist at least not in your eyes anyways. You felt out of place no matter what century you lived through, it always made you feel like a freak. You kept this from Bucky, you didn't want him to see you any differently but you only had a few more days with him before he was to depart for war. You paced and stressed over how you were going to tell him, thinking about everything that could happen when he came walking up to pick you up for your dinner together. He had that same sweet, yet cocky, smile on his lips and it made you feel ten times more nervous than you had been before. He offered you his arm "ready?" you nodded but for the entire walk while he talked you only responded when necessary and it was beginning to worry him. You were both seated at your favorite restaurant when he asked, taking your hand in his "what's the matter? Something is clearly bothering you, why not share it and get it off your chest?" he gave you an encouraging smile "Bucky, I need a favor from you" he answered you quickly "anything" "what I am about to tell you will change the way you see me but I can't change. . .so" you took a long deep breath and explained everything to him ending with you in tears as you waved the waitress off. You watched Bucky's eyes change and his brows come together, he was confused clearly; but who wouldn't be after that much was told to them. You went to stand but he grabbed your hand pulling you into his chest "I believe you but it doesn't change how I see you or how I feel about you" you smiled clinging onto his nice white shirt before looking up at him, eyes full of honesty "thank you, Buck." He gave you a goofy grin "now! How about we eat something?" you nodded and had a lovely night with him despite having come into this thinking you'd end up alone again.

Sam Wilson

You worked very hard with your therapist to work through the PTSD but sometimes it felt like you were in a rut, like you were stuck in the dark without a light to guide you back out. You felt trapped and vulnerable and it made you frightened, made you close yourself off from anyone who wanted to know you or get close. You never told Sam about the nightmares or about seeing a therapist each week because you didn't want him to know. You felt like if he knew that part of your life, if he knew that then he would know the very vulnerable you that you tried so hard to hide from him. From everyone. You weren't ready to tell him but when your therapist called you and he happened to pick up the metaphorical cat was out of the bag and you sat next to him in silence. You didn't know what to say or how to say it, you knew he deserved to know but you didn't know how to go about telling him. He placed his hand on your left knee and you flinched "I know it's hard for you but you don't have to act all tough, I'm here to help you in any way I can. You can tell me, I won't run off and I won't tell anyone." He tried to reassure you. "I just, fine. . .I get really bad nightmares about the things that I saw while I was on tour and I can't handle them. I talk to a therapist every week, or twice if their bad, so I won't go crazy. I feel like I have, I know I'm not and that plenty of soldiers go through this sort of thing but-" "You feel alone?" He asked and you nodded trying to will away the tears creeping up on you. "Well, Pretty thing you ain't gotta worry about being alone because ol' Sam is here to help!" He grinned while he said it and you grinned without meaning to do so. "You're a good man, Sam, thanks." You leaned your head on his shoulder and sat with him while he told you goofy or stupid stories to make you smile.

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