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He Gets Jealous

Steve Rogers

            He never seemed to you as the jealous type but thinking back on it, it should have been an obvious trait for him. He always felt inadequate about almost everything, he was very insecure and always worried you would find someone better but for you, there was no one better. Smiling you were working with Clint today, helping him hone his newest arrow addition. It was harmless but Clint being a natural flirt made Steve angry and frustrated because you didn't deserve that kind of treatment. You saw it as harmless, Clint was only joking most of the time anyway and you saw no reason to act upon it because you had Steve. You laughed every time Clint would make a corny joke and it was starting to make Steve angrier so he had to step in. He walked, trying to act casual, towards you and Clint hearing what was going on better the closer he got. Clint was looking over the arrow, that just so happens to be pointed at your chest "nice view" he grinned and you rolled your eyes "hush, now do you-" stopping mid-sentence to greet Steve as he approached looking rather determined "hey Steve!" you smiled but he did not return it and you frowned immediately. Clint gave you the look of someone's jealous and you nodded letting Steve pull you away to another room. He didn't say anything for a few moments so you did "jealous?" you stated bluntly looking at him with your arms crossed. He remained quiet, he looked as though he was trying to find the right words to say "Steve, look at me" you said it firmly and grabbed his cheeks in your hands, effectively cupping his face "I love you, you and only you. No man can change my feelings for you, you will always be all the man I ever need." Trying to calm his worries with you gentle look and kind words, "you mean that?" you nodded "yes, every word." You smiled "you alright now?" he nodded pulling you into a tight hug, kissing the top of your head.

Tony Stark

       Tony wasn't the type to feel insecure, he was the exact opposite being so narcissistic that he thought every woman wanted him and he was undeniable handsome in every way. So to know that Tony was jealous of another man talking to you was, endearing for the most part but rather annoying some days. You were working, doing your job in the lab with Dr. Banner by filing his paperwork and writing down notes for him. You had never been attracted to the man, you were close friends and colleagues but nothing more. You smiled, scribbling down notes to type up properly, later on, that night when you noticed the growing grimace on Tony's face as he watched you both from across the room. Trying to ignore it and continue your work was a challenge because you didn't want him feeling as though you would wander off with his best friend. After an hour's worth of working Bruce excused himself for more coffee, now was your chance to talk to the jealous man. Walking over to him, you could feel how bitter he was by just being next to him "Tony?" you asked calmly as you placed your hands on your hips. "What?" he grumbled fiddling with some machine parts on his desk, "I know you're jealous of Dr. Banner and I working together but he needed help and your busy. Tony, it's my job to help out here, I requested to be in here for you not him. I care about you Tony, you alone, not him. He is a very close friend but that is all he will ever be to me." You felt him relax but the bitter look remained on his face when he looked at you, you grinned before placing your lips firmly onto him calming his nerves and trying to reassure him of your faithfulness for him and only him. After a few brief seconds, he grinned pulling you onto his lap, Bruce walking in and looking away embarrassed. Tony laughed before letting you go, knowing you were indeed faithfully his "ready to get back to work, Dr. Banner?" he simply nodded walking back to your previous place and continuing the work where you both had left off.

Bruce Banner

         Being insecure and nervous was in Bruce's nature, he was always worried and always cautious so it came as no surprise that he would get jealous easily. He was always looking around, getting jumpy but you feel like you had calmed those feelings for the most part by being around him all the time. That being said, you also worked with Tony and that was enough of a job in itself. You were showing Tony the mistakes he made in his formula while Bruce went to get a bite to eat and something to drink for you. You were feverishly trying to get the playboy to understand that his calculations were wrong and that he needed to recalculate everything. He was denying every word as you rested across the table pointing out all of the errors, giving the man a clear view of your chest. Realizing this about the same time as Bruce returned, you felt the sadness coming off of him and you were upset. Tony only snickered but you sacked his arm hard, giving him something else to complain about while you talked to Bruce, alone. "Come with me" you whispered, setting the drink down and pulling the brown-haired man with you to another, empty room. You sighed and smiled but he did not look at you, only the floor "Bruce, sweetie, look at me" he raised his eyes briefly "please? I know you're worried about me leaving you for someone you consider better than yourself but believe me, there is no one better for me than you. I care about you, you are my world and I wouldn't  know what to do with myself without you around." you grabbed his arms gently "do you believe me?" He seemed hesitant "but Tony would be-" you hushed his protest with a quick kiss. "Tony will be nothing more than a colleague to me, you will always be the only one I want. I love you, Bruce, I do" his smile was slight but it made you grin "see, there's that cute grin!" he blushed but you both hugged, rest assured you were perfect for each other.

Thor Odinson

          Being jealous was not something Thor was, he was proud and confident in your relationship with him. He was boastful even, he never did feel jealous with you in Asgard but when you came to Midgard with him that changed. You were another world beautiful, so men stared and gawked. You were, however, unaware of the attention but your lover was not. You smiled often, being the kind and generous woman you were it came naturally. You were currently walking with Thor towards Stark tower, mindlessly talking to him about how strange things here were but how attentive the people seemed to be, unaware it was your presence that made it so. You both had stopped noticing a man selling flowers, they were beautiful and orange and you simply adored them so you stopped in front of him. You eyes making the man noticeably nervous "sir, how much are these lovely flower?" he grinned sheepishly and almost looked starstruck as he handed you a bouquet "for you? free" Thor felt his hands tense and release with your kind lovely smile directed towards the flower man and not him. You nodded "thank you, kind man" you bowed your head quickly as thanks before walking once more with Thor, but now he said nothing. "Dearest, what troubles you?" he remained quiet and you knew what that meant "Thor, do you happen to be jealous of these Midgardian men?" He grunted, trying not to lash out and hurt you or anyone by mistake. Noticing the clear anger on his face as you glanced at him you sighed, quietly walking until you made it to Stark tower. Once inside you pulled him into a quiet corridor, "Thor, I assure you that these men do not compare to you. There is no man, in any universe, that can compare to you. You are all the man I will ever need, you know I love you." You placed your hand on his cheek meeting firm eyes with his frustrated baby blues. He nodded "I only fear for your safety, I-umpf!" you silenced his rambling with a harsh but loving kiss, "fear not for me."

Loki Laufeyson

      Loki was always jealous, always looking out for you and over his shoulder for any man who would even try to compete for your affection. It was not necessary because your heart was always his and it was not likely to change anytime soon either. You always found it amusing when he became frustrated or angry because some man flirted with you. Presently working in the dungeons again, you received endless compliments and even some stares but none truly bothered you or Loki. The ones that bothered him most? those kind compliments from his brother on your work or appearance. Seeing Thor was a rare treat for you, you found him funny and kind but in no way did you want to be romantically involved with Loki's brother. Loki seemed to resent the close relationship you two seemed to have, he always worried when his brother was around. He paced and grumbled more, seemed more agitated and aggressive, and always had harsh words to share when he saw the smile you gave Thor. You were not expecting to see Thor for another few weeks so when he surprised you, you hugged him tight giving his a large grin and his always seemed stuck on his face "good evening, lady!" his voice boomed and slightly echoed in these dungeons "let us talk outside, it is such a lovely day after all" he suggested and you nodded, taking his arm as he offered it. He was a polite man like always "having fun?" Loki's harsh glare made you sigh in frustration "pardon?" you asked Thor and he nodded, he knew Loki got like this around him. Pulling Loki into a back room you glared at him "how dare you to accuse me of being unfaithful! I do nothing but love you Loki and this is how you treat my affections! You know how I care, you should at the very least. I have spent many nights with you and you alone, I could have left then but done I? No, because I want nothing more than to be around you." His eyes were narrowed but your softened taking his hand in yours, you searched his eyes "please, do not worry about my loyalties, they are to you." his gaze shifted to the ground, he was ashamed that these feelings always came but he was only afraid to lose you. 

Clint Barton

          You laughed and carried on with Steve, you were having a blast training with him and you always did. Clint never liked it but he didn't like you being around any other man because of how jealous it made him. Steve only made it worse because you two were exceptionally close, brother and sister close. He knew by now he had nothing to worry about but it still ate at him on occasions. You panted throwing punches and dodging them, Steve always went easy on you despite your constant arguing for him not to. It was his habit really, he didn't want to hurt you is all and you just ignored it nowadays. You threw one punch that made you spin and fall into him, it was only an accidental spin-out you both knew that but the man that came in did not. Looking back upon seeing the look on Steve's face you saw Clint leaving, you turned back and he nodded "I'm sure he's pissed now, you should get to him" you turned and ran, as fast as you could catching up to him in the target room. Looking around you noticed him in his nest, you had the tape still on your hands and no shoes but you didn't care as you panted taking deep gulps of air. "Clint, will you come down here so I can talk to you?" "why not talk to mister muscle, I saw what happened" he spat and your eyes narrowed "Clint Barton, here. now." he got down and stood in front of you, defeated. Your eyes saddened "really, Clint? Do you think I would do that to you? After all of the things we've been through, after all of that you think I would throw that away?" putting it that way made his eyes only look more upset "what were you in his arms for?!" he snapped but you did not raise your voice to him "I threw a bad round punch, I fell into him. Listen, Steve is like a brother to me and I care about him but, I love you. I only love you" you poked his chest gently "that is the only heart I want to steal away...Clint, please listen to me." He sighed pulling you into a hug "I...I just worry that he's going to steal you from me" you heard the sincerity in his voice "I love you" you smiled into his chest holding onto him tight. His fingers running through your hair, trying to soothe himself and reassure himself you were truly still him and standing there with him "I'm still here, you always do that when your nervous" he chuckled and you felt it vibrate your chest. You looked up at him and he grinned "you look a mess" he muttered and you grumbled scrunching up your nose at him "shut up and kiss me you idiot!" your lips touched in a soft and sweet kiss.

James "Bucky" Barnes

     You had made a lot of progress with Bucky while still trying to remain hidden and as far away from public eyes as possible. You decided it was a good chance to get him out of this stuffy old house and into town, you had given him some clothes an old acquaintance of yours left and a ball cap. You convinced him to let you cut his hair, saying it would help disguise him from curious eyes. You were both standing in front of the display that gave the people coming in all the information about the war and the people in it, he was at his display reading it with careful eyes. He looked skeptical but he noticed the smile you wore and realized it had to be true, this had to be what he had done but why he couldn't remember it he still didn't understand it all. You took his good hand in yours whispering "we need to leave, people are getting too nosy" he nodded and walked out with your hand still in his but he couldn't get that smile of yours out of his head. He watched you casually talk to a man that you didn't know but was being too curious and he felt angry, was he jealous of this man? He shook his head and pulled you along with him, trying to get out of the city as quickly as possible. You yanked him into an alley that leads to a short cut out of the city "no reason to be jealous, Bucky, trust me you are all the man I need" you gave him the same smile that plagued his mind when he was alone. He didn't say anything as you both sat in your home catching your breath "I wasn't jealous" he grumbled taking a drink of the water you brought out to him "right, well it doesn't matter either way, now, does it?" he didn't say anything but you sat leaning against him "you should smile more" he said suddenly and you giggled "really? I remember you used to say that back then when I would get angry or upset" he grunted. Was that the reason that smile was etched into his brain like a brand to his memories? Was it the reason he got so jealous when you were with others? He didn't know but what he knew was that you belonged to him no matter how hard it was for him to remember the truth, he felt like you were his truth and no one else was going to take that from him. 

Sam Wilson

     Sam wasn't insecure about other men looking at you it was when they made a move to get you that it bothered him. He loved showing you off because you are beautiful and bright and he is proud that he gets to call you his girl. You were happy with Sam, proud to be with him, and having fun with him. You loved doing it all with him because his energy was contagious. The two of you were out for coffee, the local shop near his home knew both of you by now with how often you visited. "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Sam got up and you were simply enjoying your drink in the quiet morning atmosphere. As he walked out of the bathroom he noticed two things, there was a guy talking with you and you were smiling. He certainly did not appreciate that and made his way over to you quickly. "Excuse me, did you need something from my girlfriend?" Sam's question was low and angry but you had to hush a laugh by sipping your drink. The man stammered an excuse before walking off quickly. "Jealous much?" You laughed as he sat down and he scoffed. "No, I just didn't like him talking with you and why were you smiling at him?" "Manners, I was politely telling him I have a wonderful man in my life and that I wasn't interested when you showed up." He went quiet and you shook your head. "It's alright, Sam. I would've probably reacted the same way you did if I saw it from your perspective. Don't worry though, I love you and I wouldn't ditch you for a stranger...or a friend for that matter. I want you in my life, not just anyone." He smiled and gave you an awkward apology and it wasn't long after that the incident was forgotten and your day enjoyed.

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