Steve Rogers
He was a super-soldier, he wasn't supposed to be the one to get hurt but there he was. He had been hit by a blast from those stupid creatures Loki summoned, he was bleeding and in pain but fought on. You were helpless at the moment, being caught in some fighting yourself as you tried to get as many people to safety as possible. It felt like torture to see him hurt and fighting but being unable to do anything, you were doing the best you could but you felt like you could do better. You were finally able to take a second and catch your breath, you noticed Steve and Thor were taking a second as well and you rushed over to them. You panted when you got to him, looking him over you frowned "you alright?" he asked and you could only chuckle at his kind nature "me? look at yourself!" your eyes began to fill with tears. You shook them away and kissed his suddenly "be careful! Come find me when you get done, I'll be helping more people on 39th street!" you called out as you darted away just about the time another wave of creatures came flooding in. Not too much later, about an hour, things had stopped no more explosions and no more noises aside from those crying in pain. You helped as many as you could before letting rescue workers do their jobs, you sat on a curb corner head in your hands. Today had been one big mess after another but you were alive and all of your close friends were as well and that was all that mattered. Yes, you wanted Loki to pay for his crimes but all-in-all you wanted those closest to stay safe. You were off in your thoughts until a figure blocked out the sun above you, you looked up and met the soft eyes of Steve. You hugged him and when he winced you stepped back, "sorry! Are you okay? Do you want me to call someone?" his smile and laugh made you look at him confused "I'm fine as long as you are, this wound will heal and I'll be okay" he hugged you, and you smiled crying quietly against him.
Tony Stark
You were livid, so angry you had broken the door on your way in. You could not believe that Tony would do that again, you received a call from Jarvis telling you in his robotic voice that Tony had hurt himself again. You grumbled as you tapped your foot, standing at the door of the elevator impatiently. You weren't sure what you were going to do or say when you saw him this time, it was the third time in less than two days. The doors slid open and you stomped through, heading towards the body that hovered over a sink "Anthony Edward Stark" you said it as calmly as you could manage as he turned to face you. He tried to lighten the mood with a careless grin but your face did not falter from the angry frown you wore. He had burned his hand again, nothing too surprising but it looked awful already. Motioning for him to follow you, you lead him to a nearby bathroom where you began to dress the burn. The ointment stung and he grumbled "ow, be gentle!" you rolled your eyes "really?" you mumbled backing away once you had finished and looked at him. He looked exhausted and worn out from working constantly on new suits and equipment that you felt sorry for him. He shrugged glancing at his hand "nothing too bad!" he headed back to restart his work but you grabbed his arm, looking into his dark brown eyes "you need to rest, would you if I stuck around?" his grin only grew as he pulled you into his chest. "I'll see what I can do" he mumbled into your hair, you rolled your eyes but hugged him tightly.
Bruce Banner
He never seemed like he hurt when he became that other guy but to you, it always looked like it hurt. You were always so concerned for him and when you heard the news about the fight with Loki and what not you were around when they returned. They all looked beaten and tired so you and a few others began looking over everyone making sure they were not seriously injured. Your first concern was Bruce so when you did not see him you were worried, finding Tony you asked him "where is he?" he knew who you were asking about and nodded towards the basement. Why would he be there? You walked with no fear towards the basement and heard Bruce from the other side of the room mumbling about everything and cleared your throat. He whipped around quickly before relaxing "you shouldn't come over here, I could hurt you, I cou-" you stopped him by raising your hand, your only concern was his well-being. Looking him over you noticed the few marks he had on his forearm "you're hurt" he glanced down at the wounds and shrugged "it's been worse" "let me help you, please" you pleaded to take a step closer with each word. He was so nervous but let you take his arm in your hands, you cleaned and patched the wounds before looking back up at him. Standing straight you smiled looking into his eyes, "Bruce, I'm not worried about the other guy hurting me because as long as it's you inside of that skin," you paused a second before taking a shaky breath "it's always you I'll be worried about, it's always going to be just you for me. I love you and nothing with make that change not even the other guy" he seemed reluctant to take your hand as you offered it but he did. Gently pulling him against you, you smiled holding onto him for a few long moments before he whispered "thank you and I love you too."
Thor Odinson
Being the healer you were you were used to seeing all sorts of injuries but to see them on him made your heart sink. You always worried about him and always gave him your blessings and words of love before he left. You were helping in Midgard, it was a request from Mister Fury and Thor so you could not refuse them but you were working as fast as you could. This was something that you hadn't done in a long time, not since the last Asgardian war and that was many moons ago. You finally had some time to rest, sitting with most of the avengers you were catching your breath and letting yourself calm down until you heard his voice call for you. You hadn't heard him in such distress and so panic rose into the pits of your stomach as you rushed to his aid. He was leaning against Tony in one of his suits and was bleeding from a gaping wound in his side "thought was best to bring him to you" Tony said setting him on a nearby couch. Trying to avoid tears and focus on healing him you smiled trying to calm him by placing a gentle hand on his cheek. Placing the other over the wound you began to heal it, as best as you possibly could to stop the bleeding and stabilize him "look at my love, me and only me" you whispered "I remember" you tried to chuckle "ah, do not laugh it makes my job harder" you smiled. You were so very tired by the time you had finished healing Thor's wound that you fell asleep against him and the couch. Steve noticed a lifted you onto the opposite facing couch, letting you rest with Thor in peace. A few hours later you woke to talk, familiar talking "hey there sleeping beauty!" Tony chirped earning a glare from Steve and Tony just shrugged "the big guys outside on the balcony, doing tons better because of you" you smiled and thanked him before stepping out with Thor. "Thor, how do you feel?" he turned and smiled, "much better knowing you have awakened" he pulled you into a tight hug and you could only smile with tears in your eyes.
Loki Laufeyson
Damn Loki and his carelessness, he's not a brawny man so he usually relies on smarts to get him out of potential fights but sometimes they couldn't be avoided. Today happened to be one of those days, he was pissing off his brother again and you were sitting idly by because usually nothing happens but hearing the deafening sound of Mjolnir you knew otherwise. You stood up and shouted "Thor, Loki! Stop this nonsense" but it fell on deaf ears and the hammer hit Loki in the stomach, you grumbled and grabbed his staff holding it out at The other god. He recalled the hammer and stormed off, placing the staff down and rushing over to Loki you rolled your eyes at his pitiful attempt at a glare. He was alright, you knew he would be but seeing his hurt made you hurt, made you worry you were going to lose him "I am fine" choking on a sob you replied "don't be stupid! let me help you" fetching his mother, Frigga, you waited by his side until she said he was alright. When he was comfortable able to sit up you hugged him, he rubbed your head but said nothing. You couldn't bear to let him go so you didn't until you both fell asleep leaning against the back wall of the throne room.
Clint Barton
You were positioned opposite Clint, on a floor just below the roof sniping enemies left and right. You were on a roll and also back up for Clint in case he ended up surrounded or in trouble. You two often were partners on big missions and this, this was a big mission. Stop Loki. You were watching and shooting, reloading, and adjusting position as was necessary but helping Clint wasn't your only job so you were busy helping Cap and Thor down below. You shot and killed as many as you could before turning your attention back you your partner, who was fist fighting one of those creatures. He killed it, grabbed the last arrow he had and jumped "WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!" you called out to him threw the earpiece you had and failed to notice what he was doing. He didn't answer, he was too busy at the moment once swinging in and landing through the window of a lower floor you rushed down and called once more threw the earpiece. "Are you okay?" you panted looking through the windows and shooting some stray creatures "yeah," he panted "meet me at the bottom of the building" you rushed down more stairs "roger that!" was the last thing you said before running a few more floors down. Meeting him you grabbed his arms and checked him over "you're okay, thank goodness! I thought you were dead after that fall...I mean, I should have-" he stopped your rambling with a gentle kiss. Pulling back he grinned, you smiled "don't worry, those creatures can't kill me" you rolled your eyes and noticed that he shared the scratches and marks you did "you're hurt" you pointed out and he shrugged "nothing I can't handle, besides, look at yourself" he looked you over and sighed "be more careful." You rolled your eyes turning back to back to him "you're one to talk, now, let's kick some ass!" you handed him a pistol and you both began to fight again, staying together until the fight was over.
James "Bucky" Barnes
You were sure you had been seen with Bucky walking around New York, he was wanted after all but you were determined to keep him safe even at your own expense. You were sneaking through the city with some men hot on your trail, you had told Bucky to go another way unaware that he did not listen to you and following behind the men following you. You were running now, running for your life to save Bucky at all costs. You felt the wiz of bullets go by your head and screams of people who were running scared away from the gunmen, you were not going to stop for anything so when you noticed more men ahead you swung wide around a short cut to get past them. You glanced back only to look back and fall flat on your butt after running full force into some men, you rubbed your hip knowing that was probably going to leave a bruise. You looked into the barrels of multiple guns but you were not going to give him up, you would die before they would get anything from you but they seemed okay with that. You were special though so you knew they would just take you and lock you up in a cell for the rest of eternity for punishment. You weren't going to go without a fight but with a flash of metal and movements, your eyes couldn't quite catch fully you were now surrounded by dead men and being pulled along to your safe house. Neither of you had time to stop, time to talk, or time to think about anything that just happened but you did when you finally made it somewhere safe and far away from the people chasing you both, You panted catching your breath on the floor next to the couch Bucky sat on "you're hurt" you huffed out finally catching your breath and managing to stand up. He had a few graze wounds, a small scold mark, and the most serious was a gunshot wound that was on the edge of his arm and looked worse than it was. You rushed to the bathroom and grabbed your first aid gear, you spent centuries on earth so you managed to pick up quite a few skills along the way. You cleaned his wounds and patched him up but all he asked was "are you alright? They didn't get you, right?" you smiled, the more time you spent with him the more he sounded like the man you used to know. You rolled your eyes and handed him some medication for the pain "I'm fine Bucky, a bruised butt, but I'm just fine thanks to you" you grinned kissing him on the cheek. He would spend a short time healing and more worried about your well-being when you were away from him.