Steve Rogers
You had just come back from helping Bruce and Tony on an important, dangerous, mission. It had been at least a week's worth of time and sweat, you were all drained as you finally made it back to the SHIELD headquarters. You were filthy with mud, dirt, and dried blood on your exposed skin. You were just ready to be home, clean up, and sleep for three days. You were walking with Tony, who still insisted on hitting on you, and Bruce, who was walking just like you in a zombie-like state. After talking to Fury he graced you with the time off you needed for resting. You hadn't seen Steve or anyone other than the two above mentioned men in a week so when you rounded the corner and saw him talking with Clint your eyes softened. You smiled walking up to him, "Steve" you whispered, and when he turned Clint took the opportunity to slip away. His eyes widened with shock and surprise, "Ma'am, no offense but you look horrendous" you laughed gently "but I'm back safe at least." Before you had time to react he pulled you into a strong hug, whispering into your hair "I love you, you know that this time with you away had me worried sick" you clung to him and happily muffled out "I love you too. . ."
Tony Stark
You felt like you had become Tony's baby sitter, you didn't do anything more than watch over him and make sure he didn't get himself killed or something worse. You were watching from a distance as he was flirting with numerous girls and chatting casually with other party members. You were livid as you watched him get all cuddly with a blond, you had seen enough. You grabbed your bag and headed for the door "Wait, don't leave!" Tony called out but you ignored it as you rushed from the tall building. You ended up collapsing into a chair that sat behind the building in the gardens, angry making you throw a small stone into the distance. You sat there not expecting the, as he put it, the life of the party to come out to talk to you or apologize. So when you heard him calling for you, you wanted to ignore him but you whispered out loud enough "back here, Tony. . ." you sighed not sure what to say or do. He walked up to you in an almost frantic state, you slapped him and he sighed "I deserve that" you grumbled, "yes, you did." He looked at your angry face but seeing the sadness deep in your eyes "I'm sorry, I know it bothers you and I should be more respectful. I will try harder, I promise I will." He pulled you into a hug and you let your arms slowly hold onto him, "you're so stupid, Stark" you mumbled and he laughed running his hand through your hair "I know, but you know I love you" your body tensed but relaxed whispering "I love you too" his cheesy grin on his face once again.
Bruce Banner
You were both sitting in the lab, this seemed to be your second home nowadays. Bruce and yourself were working feverishly to get this prototype done and neither of you slept much so when he looked over to see you knocked out head slumped onto the desk he wasn't surprised. He placed his jacket over you in an attempt to keep you the least bit comfortable. You weren't asleep, only had your eyes closed but were unable to open them from the exhaustion that tried to claim you. You felt his hand running through your hair, he was timid about it because he was afraid he would hurt you or Tony would come in and bother him more. You sighed and felt him stiffened but soon relaxed again when you did, you smelled the cologne from his jacket draped over you and you smiled. You were almost truly asleep until you heard him talking, at first about the project but then he was talking about you, "you know, I love you... .maybe one day I'll be strong enough to tell you-" you grinned, blushing fiercely and whispered "I love you too, Bruce" you turned your head towards him. His expression was priceless and you chuckled "I thought-" you hushed him with a touch of your hand on his and a gentle, kind look in your eyes. "Don't worry so much, I'm here to stay" with blush and embarrassed look on his face he smiled.
Thor Odinson
Sitting alone, reading book after book bored out of your mind waiting for Thor to get back from Midgard once more. You were trying to be patient but you were far too eager for that, you missed him dearly. You weren't paying any attention to the books anymore so you gave up, pacing until you heard his voice cut through the silence. It had been twelve hours and you had collapsed onto the couch, curled up, sleeping soundly. Thor had walked in, noticing the messy stacks of books that lead to the couch. He smiled walking around to find you sleeping soundly curled up, he picked you up after placing Mjolnir against the wall near the door. When he placed you onto the bed you clung to him like a child, he simply chuckled sitting in bed with you in his arms. You awoke to the sound of chuckling and movement, looking around you were confused having remembered that you fell asleep on the couch. His voice brought you immediately to a state of attentiveness "sleep well, my dear?" eyes wide you dove into his chest once more, crying from happiness. He seemed confused by your tears "why do you cry?" you looked up at him, placing a small kiss on his lips "I've simply missed you so much!" he grinned "well, I love you and I will always come back to you" your face became red and you whispered against his lips, "I love you too."
Loki Laufeyson
You two were sitting together, in the gardens that became your spot. This was the place you both came for comfort if the other was not around, but as luck would have it, you were both together now. You leaned against his shoulder, shivering slightly as a breeze ran across your skin. It was such a lovely night as you gazed at the stars watching them twinkle and shine. Your hand was intertwined with his, spending most of your time in silence but together. You had opened up more to him and vice versa, you felt like you could trust him so when you shifted he eyed you, "Loki?" he looked towards you completely "yes?" You suddenly felt self-conscious under his green eyes "what did you want to say?" you shuffled and gripped his hand "I...I love you" there was silence and you feared the worst was about to happen. The moments felt like they were turning to hours as you sat waiting for some sort of response "and I, you" you released a shaky breath smiling, finally able to look back up into his eyes. You spent the night there, in his arms and under the stars.
Clint Barton
You two sat back to back, bored, you had both spared and practiced but the day seemed to only drag on more. You shifted to look at Clint, "any ideas on what to do?" he shrugged "you could always kiss me again" you laughed shoving his shoulder gently. You leaned your head on his shoulder, and for a while, he watched you from the corner of his eyes. He loved to watch you, for any reason he would because he thought you were wonderfully beautiful. He grinned to himself taking your hand in his, interlocking his fingers with yours. Spending this rainy day together was lovely, but you hated to be bored, you were so used to constantly being busy so to be able to just sit together was pretty nice. He always seemed to have a grin painted on his face, he always seemed so happy around you and you around him. The silence was broken by a loud crack of thunder and a thud, "did you know Tony was afraid of storms?" you mused "no, really?" you shrugged and he laughed. Another bout of silence and he spoke up this time "I love you" you froze in place looking up at him with wide eyes "really... .oh! I mean, um, I love you too" you managed to stutter out. He laughed at you but before you could scold him for doing so he kissed you.
James "Bucky" Barnes
You sat watching him study all of the papers you had gathered for him but you were going to help him one way or another to remember no matter how painful. You were awake for those seventy years without him, without knowing what had happened so you were just as pained as he was. You knew it was hard for him to remember, hard for him to handle it all but it was best if he got all of the information he needed upfront so he could let it sink in. His face was pained as he tossed the papers on the table and turned towards you ", this can't be real" you reached for his metal hand but he pulled away "don't...I, don't want to hurt you" you rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand anyways. Your eyes did not show the fear of him that he was so used to seeing, he saw the love you had for him, he saw the concern; he saw happiness. He stood and pulled away from you "no, I can't love you... .I'm a monster! I have killed people like you!" he wanted to push you away but you were relentless "I won't leave, you want to know why?" he didn't say anything as your voice raised slightly "because I fell in love with you back then and that kind of feeling doesn't just disappear! I spent those seventy years waiting for word of what happened but I didn't get so much as a newspaper article or anything!" you were shaking "I missed you, I tried to move on and I tried to be alone but all I ever thought of was you! Buck...I do love you and I will not give up on you because you went through so tough things, that's life but we have to move on from those bad memories." You reached out to touch his face and he didn't move, he still hadn't said anything to you but you knew he was conflicted "thank you" it was a start at least.
Sam Wilson
You were sitting with Sam on the couch, watching a movie that happened to be on TV when it went on commercial. "I'm going to make some popcorn, you want anything?" You asked standing and stretching your legs as you did. "Just a soda from the refrigerator, and your cute self back." You laughed shaking your head as you left the room. Humming as you waited for the microwave to do its thing, Sam's drink sitting on the table nearby. "Oh!" Sam's arms were suddenly around your waist and it surprised you. "You scared me, Sam!" You laughed and you could feel him chuckle against your back. "I'm sorry, you were just too cute to not hold. You know..." He paused and you would feel him breathing, feel him hesitate. "Yeah?" You whispered turning yourself in his arms so that you could look at him. "I love you, as truthfully as I possibly can." You smiled kissing him gently. "I love you too, now, let's get comfy on the couch and stuff our face with sweets and popcorn until we fall asleep. Sound fun?" He kissed your forehead with a smile. "As long as it's with you, it sounds fun to me."