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Chapter 6


I was in the kitchen making breakfast when the door opened, "Penny, you home?" Dad asked walking in, followed by Demi, "hey guys"I say turning back to my stove, "hey yourself, we've been calling you all night"Demi says swiping a bacon from the plate, "sorry, missed them"I say turning the stove off and putting the last waffle on the plate, "so many food, you got company?" Dad asks curiously, I bite my lip, "uh....yeah"I say nervously just when Lucas walked in.

The trio stare at each other for some seconds before they shrugged and he sat, "so this seems normal to you?" I ask them, "not really"they replied in sync, I huffed in annoyance then joined them before they ate all my food. "Penny, dude I have great news"Joe says walking in, he stopped and the trio look at him, "um....should I come back?" Joe asks and I shook my head, "no, what's up?" I ask him, "oh, Mindy cheated on me"he says happily, the boys look at me concerned, "why's that good news?" I ask confused, "I met this awesome girl, she's a blonde also but she's so funny and intelligent" "but?".

"I have to take her out but I don't know where"he says sighing and grabbing my plate, "do you all just wish for me to starve?!" I exclaimed, they look at each other then at me, "never mind, never mind"I say rolling my eyes, I have the meanest set of people in my life. "Take her on a private date"Demi suggests, "yeah, judging by what Penny has told me, you're a great cook, so cook her something nice and then maybe watch a movie and see how it goes"Dad nods, "but where?, I'd be stupid to take her to that house"Joe groans, I roll my eyes, "you can use my pent house"I say and he looked at me, "that's too much" "just take the offer, she won't stop bugging you about it", he nods reluctantly, "there's like six bedrooms in there, don't get all of them dirty"I say then laugh, "did you just imagine all six beds-...." "don't ask if you already know", I smile, "I'm sick"I say then laugh again, "we know", ugh, these four.

All my life I've never been so unimpressed by this whole wedding, I mean Trixie is so busy with Natasha and Madison, it's like I'm not even here, to think I came back to my best friend, I've been super supportive of her but my opinion is never acknowledged by them, yesterday when I got back from Florida, Trixie threw a bitch fit about me not being a good friend, she said I just left without saying anything to her, I did tell her but she was too busy with Madison to care, I have business to take care of also, it's not like I'm not helping, I'm paying for the whole wedding actually, I asked Demi to let me do it and not to tell her, I paid for her dress, her cake, the reception, I paid for the whole package, even their honeymoon, I bought them a pent house in Dubai to spend the honeymoon there and when they get back after three months, I'll be leaving for college, I didn't need college but I wanted to be a doctor.

Trixie doesn't know about the things I did for her and I asked my family not to tell her, I asked her parents not to tell her, I just let her do whatever she wants and think whatever she wants. I don't have time to pinpoint and cut out anything, I just want her to have the best wedding ever.

"Sparky, you got a minute?" Demi asks quietly, I noticed he wasn't looking at me, he was focused elsewhere, "yeah, will you excuse me?" I ask Lucas, who had me pinned to the wall, we were at a business luncheon for my Dad, my family is very busy, how we find time for each other is a mystery, but I guess family comes first in everything. Lucas moved so I could walk away but he grabbed my wrist and snatched my phone, "hey, give that-....." "nope, you gotta come back for it, which means I'll still have you for as long as I desire", I let myself stay calm although I wanted to snack that little smirk off his ugly face, not that he's ugly because trust me, he is fine....whoa ew Penny.

Demi and I walk out to the balcony but not before I glimpse Trixie giving me death stares, what is wrong with this girl?!. "What's up Dem?" I ask anxiously, he sighed running his fingers through his already messy hair, "I don't know if I wanna marry Trixie anymore"he says, my whole being froze but I was kinda glad but I knew he was only having doubts, the wedding is in two months, he can't back out now.

I was about to say something but some people walked out to where we were, "Que voulez-vous dire?" I ask and Demi groans, "elle a été un gamin ces derniers temps"he replied and I nod, "tu ne peux pas laisser ça t'arrêter, tu l'aimes et c'est ce qui compte, maintenant je n'ai pas dépensé autant d'argent pour te faire sauter ça"I say crossing my arms, he chuckles then nods, we both walk back inside just when Trixie grabbed Demi to her side and bumped me, "I've been looking all over for you"she says to him, I glare at her but stand my ground.

"I told you I was gonna talk to Penny"Demi says looking at me, "oh, I totally forgot, you've been spending all your time with her, can't we have a few minutes to ourselves?" Trixie pouts, you have got to be kidding me, "I'm gonna go"I say walking away, "Sparky, wait a minute, I still-...." "later Demi, I've got some things to take care of anyway", I didn't bother getting my phone from Lucas, he was surrounded by Madison and a few other girls, I just want to get this wedding over with.

Sighing, I place my helmet on the kitchen counter and open the refrigerator to get something to eat, I found chocolate syrup and cookies, a cake and cupcakes, I love that my mother is a great cook. I was out all day, first I had to rehearse for the wedding then I went to see Nick, now I was so tired, I just wanted to eat food.

I was so busy in my phone that I didn't even see the guy standing at the refrigerator, with no shirt on, only swimming trunks, he turned to look at me and I stare at his amazing body, wow, my eyes trail up to his face and his eyes, he had pretty brown eyes and black hair, he was gorgeous, also, he had SpongeBob on his swimming trunks, "had enough?" he asks and I clear my throat, "sorry, what're you doing in my house?" I ask and he smiles, "and when did I get a pool?" I ask confused then loud chatting and laughing was heard, Joe walked in with Tricia and Demi, they had picnic baskets and towels.

"Why do you look like you've met your future husband?" Joe asks laughing at my confused state, "well I came home and found a strange guy in my house, so of course I look like this"I say and he looked over at the guy, "oh, hey Jake"Joe waved, "hey"the guy replied and they start a whole ass conversation, "hello?!" I yell ceasing all talking, "can we help you dear?" Joe asks and I gape at him, "who is he?" "oh, Penny meet my little brother Jacob, Jake meet my friend Penelope" "charmed"I say glaring at Joe, "nice to meet you too" "yeah, he'll be staying with me until he starts college in two months, is that okay?" Joe asks almost pleadingly, "I don't think she'll have a problem, she was giving me goo goo eyes earlier"Jake says smirking.

"Does he scratch furniture?" I ask earning a look from the four, "I think they'll get along just fine"Tricia chuckles nervously, great, another one.

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