"Yes Mom, I'm sure I'll be fine"I say sighing as I walk inside the hotel, "you sure you don't want us to come get you Pen?" Dad asks and I sighed, "I'm fine guys, I'll just stay here for the night and be there early tomorrow"I say stopping at the front desk, the lady smiles at me politely, "okay sweetheart, be careful, we love you" "I love you guys, lots of kisses, bye", I hung then sighed out, the lady chuckles at my frustration. "Home for the weekend?" Diana, I think her name is, "something like that"I nod taking out my card.
"Room for one I presume?" Diana asks looking at my luggage, "oh, yeah"I say nodding, "okay, cash or card?" "card", she nods taking the card from my fingers, she typed up on her computer then her eyes widened, "is something wrong?" I ask concerned, "'re a Hilton?", that's why she's surprised. "Yeah, I'm tryna lay low, keep it down"I say and she noticed my hoodie, "yeah yeah sure, here's your room key, enjoy your stay", I take the key and my card then head straight up to my room.
The elevator doors were about to close but someone jumped in immediately almost killing himself. I inspect my nails then checked my phone, the elevator ride was slower than I'd thought, then finally it stopped and we both got off on the same floor, "need any help there?" he asks, "nope"I say popping the P, he chuckles and I walk down the hall to my room.
The room was huge, there was a huge balcony but I'd have to explore that later, right now I'm exhausted and hungry, first I need to eat then I come back and sleep.
"Yeah, the room's fine"I say through the phone to Demi, "you sure or do I have to come get you?" Demi asks concerned, "I'm fine, I'm absolutely fine"I say rolling my eyes, "did you just roll your eyes at me?" Demi asks, "no"I say biting a cookie, "I can't wait to see you Sparky" "I tell yah....where's that beautiful best friend of mine?" I ask feeling all bubbly, "you mean my fiance?" "no love, my best friend, where is she?" "hold on".
I couldn't wait until they got engaged and that's why I'm here in New York, I was away at boarding school this whole time. Then I hear that Trixie and Demi got engaged, I just had to be here for it, I haven't seen them in a while, we talk on the phone and stuff but it's not the same as being face to face. "Hold on Trix"I say getting up from the couch and walking to the knocking door, I open it slowly and I'm met with a man, he was tall and had very dark brown hair matched with grey eyes, he wore a button down shirt and jeans that looked tight but he wasn't uncomfortable so I guess they aren't. "Can I help you?" I ask and he looked me over.
I was only wearing a hoodie and very short shorts, "umm you ordered room service?" he asks "why?" I ask him, he pulled a tray of food towards me, "they left it at my door" "oh, well I don't want it now, it's cold"I say about to close the door, "I can buy you dinner if you want"he suggests, "not hungry", I close the door then continue my conversation, maybe I'll just doze off, I'm kinda tired.
Groaning, I rolled out of bed and looked at my fine, "it's only eleven!" I exclaim softly, geez, I can't even sleep. I got up and went to take a shower, dug up my suitcases and found a black dress, it was pretty short and showed alot of cleavage but I don't care, I can't sleep so I might as well party, grabbing my purse with my card I left the room, I hope I don't do anything stupid.
"You here all by yourself?" Joe, the bartender asks, why did bartenders that are hot always have names like that?. "I prefer my own company"I say sipping my drink, "you look like you could use a good time"he chuckles as I finish the martini, "it's that obvious?" "go have some fun", he motions to the DJ to crank up the music and that's when the adrenaline kicked in. Before I knew it, I was dancing with random people and have tons of fun, I somehow felt relaxed.
I sat down and Joe smiles shoving a shot my way, "I didn't order this"I say confused, "the gentleman over there did"he says pointing across the bar, I look at the man, he's the same one on my floor, I nod at him then downed the shot, "whoa, you're on a roll tonight"Joe laughs, "I just got home, I need to relax before I actually go home"I say and he nods understanding my situation, "and plus, I can't sleep"I add, "well there's no sleeping now" "get me another drink" "what kind?" "surprise me".
"You are quite interesting"a voice says from next to me, I look over at the man, "I bet"I say turning to look at Joe who just watched us in amusement, "what's your name?" the man asks, "I don't have one" "oh come on, don't be like that", I got up and grabbed my purse, "Joe, I'll see you around"I say and he waved. I was not in the mood to be hit on by some stranger, he did buy me a drink but that doesn't mean he can speak to me.
I stumble towards the elevator trying to catch my balance but couldn't. Someone held me up and I turn to look, "don't argue with me"he says helping me inside the elevator, he pressed the button to our floor then leaned back, he was gorgeous, his presence alone was making me hot and bothered, the way he was standing made my head light and his lips and eyes were enough to send me over board, oh crap, I'm wet. "See something you like?" he asks smoothly, his voice was so perfect, how did I not notice before, I don't reply and he stepped closer, why did the elevator take so long?!.
He placed his hands either side of my head, I look up at him slowly, "the dress looks great on you by the way"he says and I pull him down by his collar, "wanna take it off?".
"How was your night?" Joe asks when I was about to walk out of the hotel, "fine"I say and he chuckles, "judging by the look on your face, you're relieved of whatever was bothering you" "indeed, here's my number you can text or call, maybe we can party sometime" "how old are you?" "old enough "I knew I liked you, alright go on home" "bye". I got in the car that was waiting for me then I waved at him. My mind went back to last night, I can't believe I had sex with a stranger, I didn't even get his name, but when you're in the same area as a fine ass dude, no introduction needed.
The driver stopped the car then looked around at me, "why'd you stop?" I ask him but he just turned back around, that was creepy. The two doors open and two men got in also one got in on the front, "what is....." I trail off but when the one on the front turned to look at me, chills went down my whole body, "let me out"I say but the car started moving again, "who's the girl?" one of the men asks the driver, "dunno, I just got a call to pick her up and take her wherever she wants to go", the way he said the last part had me chilled.
"What's your name dollface?" the one on my right asks, "I don't have one"I say swatting him as he touched my hair, "be nice and we'll let you live"the one on my left says and that was it, "fine"I say sitting back relaxed, the ride was filled with silence and they kept looking at me to see if I was fine then the other one in the passenger seat gave me a dirty look, "what are you looking at?" I ask glaring at me, "nothing, you look like a hooker I knew"he says and I gasp, "you jerk!" I snapped punching him in the face, I hit the other two and tried to fight my way out, there's no way I'm getting kidnapped today, maybe tomorrow but not today.
"My father will have you all thrown in jail for this!" I say and they laugh, "who's your father Dominic Hilton?" one teased and I raise an eyebrow at him, "wait.... Dominic Hilton, the one who owns the five top banks in New York, one of the most powerful men in.....USA and other countries, that Hilton?", I smile and the car stopped, "great, we're gonna die, why'd you pick her up True?!" "I got a call to!" "and you James, you said she looks like hooker!" "hey Ryan, don't blame me, Bryan was touching her hair and shit!", "True, James, Bryan and Ryan, noted"I say and they all look at me, "okay look, we didn't know he was your father okay, we'll take you home now, please don't say anything to him" "maybe" "come on, please" "fine, but you gotta tell me what you guys are up to first", they look at each other.
I sighed opening the door to my house then walked in, "Penny!" I hear a voice scream and my sister came blazing towards me, "hey Skai" "I missed you I missed you I missed you!" "aww, I missed you too", she wouldn't let go and I smile, "Skai, I'm going to be here for a while, you can let go"I chuckle, she let go then hugged me again, "alright, that's enough hugging"Dad says picking her up, "Dad"I say happily, he kissed my hair then hugged me, "you died it black?" Dad asks kinda sad, "yeah but I'll dye it back if you want" "no no, it's your hair, plus, you're still beautiful", I nod at him before I walk to the kitchen where my Mom always was.
"Mom!" I yell catching her off guard, "ugh!, don't do that!" Mom yelled and I laugh, I hug her tightly, I missed her, "I know I heard your loud mouth" came Demi's voice, I spun around with a smile but my smile fades when I see the person standing next to him, "you remember Lucas right?" Demi asks and we both stare at each other, oh shit, that's the guy I slept with, he's Lucas, Lucas is him?!.