Lucas and I stare at each other, his grey eyes dancing with mischief as usual, I can't believe he actually grew out of his blonde hair. But I slept with him?!, I freaking slept with the man that I have hated since I was thirteen, I can't believe it.
"Penny, you okay?" Demi asks seeing my expectation, "fine"I chirped hugging him, I glance at Lucas who looked away, "sure?" "I'm sure, where's Trixie?" "upstairs taking a nap, you don't look too good" "I'm fine, just tired", he eyed me but kept quiet, "who did you say this was again?" I ask finally recovering. "Luke, you had a crush on him when you were younger"Mom says as if trying to remind me who he was, I knew exactly who he is.
"I never had a crush on him, it was a misunderstanding"I say nodding, "yeah, whatever you say"she replied rolling her eyes but turned to make dinner, "nice meeting you Lucas"I say then pushed pass them both, Demi grabbed my arm, "whoa there Sparky, why you in such a rush?" "I had a long night, I'm tired" "I see, but we're going out as soon as you're settled" "yup yup yup".
Closing my door, I breathe out falling on the floor, "oh shit, I slept with him?!" I blurt out in shock, but damn, he got hotter!!!. Kids, this is why you should always ask for his name, but maybe if he did tell me his name I was too tipsy to even care, so this is kinda my fault. "Slept with you?", I jump a little at the sudden voice, looking up, I saw my purple haired best friend sitting up with sleep in her eyes staring down at me, "Trix, you scared me"I say calming my panic, "I see uhh....who'd you sleep with?" Trix asks bluntly, I disturbed her nap, I see.
"Maybe later"I say getting up from the floor to sit on the bed, I admired my room, I missed this place, my carnival themed bedroom. Trix watched me with close eyes before she jumped at me, we both fall and hit the floor with a thud, "ow"I mutter rubbing my head, she grins at me then hugs me tightly, "gosh, I missed you"Trix says sighing, "tell me about it, but you will not believe what happened to me today" "you got hit by a bus?", I stare at her, "it was the first thing that popped up" "mhmm, I'm sure", so I told her what happened except me and Lucas, I just told her I slept with some random guy.
My parents planned a little get together which turned out huge and very interesting, all my family members were here, everyone was getting along fine while I was trying to drown out the fact that I slept with Lucas, the guy I oh so despise. "You okay there Sparky?" Kyle asks chuckling as I downed my fifth glass of whiskey, why Dad encouraged me to try it was beyond my knowledge, "can you believe I slept with the jerk?" I whisper and he choked, "you what?!", heads turned and I downed another glass, "you did what?.....are you crazy, why would you do that?" Dad asks from next to me, "hey, I didn't know okay and I was tipsy", they both shook their heads, "so he took your innocence?" Kyle asks making Dad and I snort.
"Who said she still had it?" Dad says then bursts out laughing, I joined while Kyle stared at us as if we're crazy, "dude, when did that happen?" Kyle asks and I shrugged, "remember that boy I was always talking about at boarding school?" I ask him and he nods, "the headmaster's son?" Kyle asks with a shocked expression, Dad and I bumped fists, "yeah, he was beautiful indeed"I say drifting off then laughed again, "how old were you?" "I had just turned 15, I think he's your age now, we were fooling around when he came to visit all the time, he had a girlfriend already though but I didn't care".
Kyle eyed me and Dad then shook his head, "you definitely are a true Hilton"he says smiling, "don't I know it, hey I'm gonna go for a swim"I say and they nod, I walk out back, leaving the party and exited my clothes, it's my house, I do what I want. I wonder how my new friends were doing, the four boys I met earlier, I don't know what they're up to now, they said that they were going to prank someone, I don't even know how it went. I've been out here for half hour, I was now seated on a chair smoking, let's just say I learned alot in boarding school.
"Rule number one: never let them see your emotions"
"Rule number two: always aim for what you want"
"Rule number three: you are the ruler of your own mind, never let it overthrow you"
"Rule number four: don't forget the last three rules"
I don't know how Dad found that school but it helped me alot and I've been investing in it ever since I was sixteen so I basically own the school, I've been investing in alot of things actually, school's around the globe, foster homes and stuff like that, I haven't been wasting my time and I've also made my own billions over the years, so that's that.
"You are quite an interesting figure Penny"
I look up at the person, Lucas, my whole mood changed. "I have my ways"I say shrugging, "you've changed alot"he says acknowledging me, I scoffed, "everyone's changed Walcott, I don't see what that's gotta do with you"I bite earning a chuckle, "you're definitely not the girl I knew a few years ago", I got up to look at him, he was taller, I'd admit that, so I had to look up at him, his dark grey eyes watched me just like he did the night before, and why did it affect me?!. "You didn't know me at all Lucas, you assumed you did but you didn't"I say glaring at him, "I know you're still hardheaded and stubborn" "I am not hardheaded and I'm most certainly not stubborn!", we glare at each other and he did the most unthinkable thing, he kissed me, he freaking kissed me!.
And what made me more angry was that I responded with ease, why is my body betraying me?.
"If you're not stubborn then admit last night happened"he says staring down at me, I shrug him away, "it happened, I just won't acknowledge it"I say then walked away, "hardheaded"Lucas muttered, I spun around then shoved him into the pool, "I am not hardheaded you egoistic jerk!" I shout storming into the house. Blowing out a breath, I sit at the counter, "so.....Lucas Thiago Walcott is the random guy I presume", oh shit.