Lenarya's p.o.v
I woke up an hour ago and now am taking a walk in the garden to clear my head, am confused and frustrated with the whole zeus situation. .....
I think we should try to talk to him again so that we can know what he wants. ....... i agree with you on that but i just don't want him to break my heart again, i dont want him to abuse me or put me back to that cell...I also don't want to kill him but if I have to I honestly will... but I would prefer not to be the shewolf that killed her mate.
'It's ok to be scared. ......am scared too because no matter how strong we are ,we just can't help being weak when we are with him'.... "luna!!!" I turn around to see seven pack members looking at me with frustrated expressions.
"Whats wrong.....why are you shouting for me ,what happened? " i ask them. "We are pack warriors sent by alpha zues to look for you.... please just follow us back to the pack house, the alpha is worried about you ".
I hurriedly followed them to the pack house not wanting to make zeus even more angry....
I.....c-cant....br-eat-h....i try to say as zeus now has me in a bone crushing hug . Zeus reluctantly lets me go and sends eveyone out. I just stand there taking deep breaths when he hugs me again.
"Am..am sorry " Zues says as he holds me in his arms as if i am fine china , i slowly hug him back as he continues to caress me.
We stand there in each others arms when he lifts me up and carries me to his office and gently places me down on his chair as if am as fragile as glass.
'Is mate alright?' ...... i slow run my fingers from his neck to his chin and tug on it and lift his face to meet my eyes . "Are you ok" i ask him as he refuses to look into my eyes .
Nothing. ......that's the answer i got. I hesitate before i wrap my arms around him and give him comfort. I could feel something wet on my shoulder but I didnt want to point it out as he silently cried on my shoulder.
After a while he stops crying and we just lay on the floor in each others arms.' Maybe he's hurt because we left this morning, after he told us not to leave the room'. "am sorry i left this morning , i just went to the garden , i didn't mean to make you mad .....i swear i wouldn't hurt you on purpose " i said as a wave of shame went through me
"Dont apologise it's not your fault. .....it's mine. Am not mad at you am just ashamed of myself so dont blaim yourself. .....it's not your fault that you got a messed up bastard as a mate" i tried cutting him of but he just stood up and left the room.
I decided to give him some space and so i went to the kitchen and made some sandwiches. I nicely asked jane to give zeus his lunch as i quietly ate mine.
I spent the whole day in my room reading a book as i kept on wondering what coursed zeus to have a breakdown.
I was getting dressed in a large shirt that i 'borrowed' from my mate when they was a knock on my door. My excitement disappeared as soon as i saw jane coming in with dinner . "Dont look so happy to see me" jane said in a sarcastic tone as she saw my disappointment.
Am sorry , i thought it was the alpha. " i dont think he would like it if you called him alpha "
Jane said as she sat down on my bed. " please give him some time, am not saying that you should forgive him because god knows i wouldn't......what am saying is that he is just a troubled men haunted by his past , the future of this pack depends on you all we ask is that you give him some time and maybe even a second chance... Veronica really did a number on him and that's not even half of it.i am not at liberty to say more it's not my story to tell " jane said as she held my hands.
"I just don't know anymore jane, he is so confusing its driving me crazy. I just can't promise anything because clearly our relationship isn't working since he cant even talk to me not to mention looking at me. He is just .............mmhhmmmmhhh!!"
"Calm down...don't scream he might just hear you and think you are in trouble...just breath ok we not asking you to marry him just hang in there and follow you heart and we would have your back no matter what your choice ends up being. Good night luna. Jane said as she stood up and left the room. leaving me wondering what exactly happened to him ...not that anything would be reason enough for what he did ...I went through some horrible stuff too am a rougue for goodness sake but am not walking around being mean to my mate...and who the hell is this Veronica chic is she one of his bimbos?