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Chapter 7: Meeting my Groom 2

Gone was the thought of giving him palliative care. His eyes sparkled with life and vitality, and his features, which Dalma deemed unremarkable, seemed to possess a striking symmetry and strength. This wasn't what she had painted in her head. Rumor had it that he was on his deathbed, but the young man that just stepped in looked very much alive.

"Anderson, you finally arrived," Mrs. Hudson exclaimed, her voice infused with warmth and affection as she enveloped her son in a tender embrace. "You look positively radiant, darling."

Anderson's smile illuminated the room, his gaze unwavering as it met Dalma's. "Thank you, Mother," he replied, his voice a rich melody that resonated with charm and grace. "It feels good to be back home."

In that moment, as their eyes locked in a silent exchange, Dalma felt a glimmer of hope kindle within her heart. Perhaps, against all odds, this arranged meeting held the promise of unexpected joy and newfound connection.

Dalma felt her heart swell with relief, a radiant smile gracing her lips as she gazed upon him as if he were a vision from paradise itself.

With a chiseled jawline, an infectious smile, and a towering height of 6'4", Anderson epitomized perfection. His flawless complexion and magnetic presence surpassed all expectations, defying the rumors that had preceded him. Dalma had braced herself for disappointment, prepared to fulfill her family obligations regardless of her personal desires. Yet, in this moment, as she beheld Anderson in all his glory, she couldn't suppress the stirrings of a newfound emotion—something akin to desire.

"I'm thrilled you could join us, Dalma," Anderson spoke, his voice a symphony of warmth and sincerity as he crossed the room to grasp her hand in his own. "I've eagerly anticipated our meeting," he confessed, his lips brushing gently against her hand in a gesture of polite that sent a thrill coursing through her veins.

"Oh, what a splendid gentleman," Dalma whispered with a smile, her heart afluttering with admiration. Dalma's cheeks flushed with colour as she returned his gaze. The sight of Anderson before her filled her with a warmth that chased away any lingering doubts. At that moment, she silently thanked her mother for arranging this meeting. Anderson was indeed the epitome of a perfect suitor.

As they settled into the conversation, Dalma found herself enchanted by Anderson's charm and grace. His easy laughter and thoughtful insights swept her off her feet, erasing any trace of apprehension she had harboured before.

"Pardon me," Mrs. Hudson interjected with a smile, her voice carrying a maternal warmth that enveloped them all. "We must wait for one more family member before we proceed to dinner. Please forgive his tardiness, my dear Dalma."

Just as she concluded her sentence, the door swung open once more, revealing a commanding figure striding into the room. Dalma couldn't help but feel drawn to the intriguing aura of authority emanating from the newcomer. Yet, a sense of unease crept over her as she recognized Mr. Jaden, her employer, standing before her in the opulent surroundings of the Hudson Villa.

As Mr. Jaden's penetrating gaze settled on Dalma, her heart skipped a beat, a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. She couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that gripped her, wondering what business he could possibly have at this prestigious estate.

Mr. Jaden's eyes narrowed with surprise and disdain as they locked onto Dalma, his sharp tone cutting through the air. "What is she doing here?" he demanded, his voice laced with accusation.

In that tense moment, Anderson rose from his seat, his expression flushed with indignation. "Dalma is my fiancée" , he proclaimed firmly, his voice quivering with determination. Turning to Dalma, he offered a reassuring smile. "Meet my elder brother, Jaden. Don't let him intimidate you," he chuckled warmly, his words a comforting shield against the storm of uncertainty that had swept into the room.

Dalma's mind reeled as she struggled to process the revelation. The realization that she had unknowingly been working for her fiancé's family left her stunned, her thoughts racing to make sense of the situation unfolding before her.

Her voice, normally steady and composed, now trembled with the weight of uncertainty, its cadence betraying the tumultuous storm raging within her. “Good evening, Mr. Jaden," she managed to utter.

"I thought you had a stomach upset and went to the hospital. This place looks nothing like a hospital," Mr. Jaden retorted sharply with an accusatory tone.

Before Dalma could respond, he continued, his words dripping with scorn. "It's barely a month, and you're already lying to get out of work. Ha! I'm not surprised. You indeed had important business to finish, gold digger," he sneered, not bothering to give her a chance to explain.

In the midst of the tension, Anderson stepped forward, his voice filled with conviction. "Jaden, you know Mother arranged for this marriage. Please, show some respect to this young lady," he interjected, coming to Dalma's defence.

Mr. Jaden's lip curled in disgust as he redirected his piercing gaze towards Dalma. "You," he spat, his voice a venomous cascade of contempt. "You're nothing but a low-life, a pauper attempting to ensnare my brother with your deceitful charms."

Dalma recoiled at the harshness of Mr. Jaden's accusations, each word landing like a dagger to her heart. She felt the weight of his disdain pressing down on her, a suffocating reminder of her perceived inadequacies. "I'm sorry, sir," she murmured, her voice laced with genuine remorse. "I didn't know how to tell you that I simply wanted to meet my fiancé, and I had no idea he was your brother."

Before Mr. Jaden could respond, Anderson intervened, his tone firm yet filled with curiosity. "Hold up," he interjected, his eyes narrowing in contemplation. "She works at Worthington Enterprise?"

Mr. Jaden's gaze hardened as he confirmed Anderson's inquiry. "Yes, she's among the new recruits. We were supposed to meet with Mr. Ethan, but she feigned a stomach upset just to shirk her responsibilities.”

“But how could you fabricate such a colossal lie?" Jaden's incredulous voice pierced the air. "We share the same last names, and it's inconceivable that anyone in Los Angeles wouldn't recognize our family's reputation." He emphasized, "Jaden H. Worthington, 'H' for Hudson, dummy."

Dalma's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she struggled to find the right words. "Mr Jaden, I truly didn't pay attention to your last name, so I had no idea," she admitted, her voice tinged with genuine remorse. "Forgive me, sir. I'll just leave."

Her heart sank as she felt the weight of Mr. Jaden's scornful gaze upon her. The accusation of being labelled a gold digger stung deeply, for she was merely trying to fulfill her family's expectations while maintaining her self-respect.

But Mr. Jaden scoffed, his eyes ablaze with fury. "More lies," he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "You wouldn't know because you were too busy scheming how to worm your way into a wealthy family. Money is all you care about, and you'll stop at nothing to get your hands on it."

In the face of Mr. Jaden's harsh judgment, Dalma felt a surge of indignation rise within her. Despite the accusations and the humiliation, she refused to let her integrity be tarnished. She would not allow herself to be reduced to mere accusations and assumptions.

Anderson's face flushed with indignation as he rose to his feet, his fists clenched at his sides. "That's enough, Jaden," he said, his voice cutting through the tension. "You're not even being considerate, neither are you giving her a chance to speak up for herself. Take your authoritarian attitude elsewhere."

"She's more than just an employee," Anderson insisted, his voice rising with passion. "She's a human being with feelings and deserves to be treated as such.”

Despite Anderson's impassioned plea, Mr. Jaden remained stoic, his gaze fixed on Dalma with a palpable disdain. His words dripped with a cold echo of finality. "You're making a grave mistake, Anderson," he warned, as he delivered his ultimatum. "I will not allow a riffraff like her into our family. You can not marry her. I would have given her a chance, but she's not worth it.”

With that, he turned on his heel and stormed out of the room, leaving Dalma and Anderson alone in the suffocating silence of his wake. Dalma felt tears prickle at the corners of her eyes as she struggled to make sense of what had just happened. Never had she anticipated such hostility from her boss over a simple excuse, and the realization cut deep. Was it truly just a simple excuse that sparked such vehement disdain? She couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that there was more to Mr. Jaden's hostility than met the eye. Was it possible that he had discovered the truth about her past, the incident from five years ago? The uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed in the wake of his departure.

"Forgive my brother, Dalma. I'll drive you home," Anderson offered, his voice filled with sympathy and regret.

Despite his attempt at reassurance, Dalma couldn't shake off the weight of shame that hung heavy on her shoulders as she returned to work the following day. The incident from the previous night at the Hudson Villa seemed to follow her like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over her every move.

As she made her way through the office, whispers and sidelong glances followed her, a constant reminder of the gossip that had spread like wildfire. Overheard conversations only added fuel to the fire, leaving Dalma feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"She tried getting herself entangled with Second Master” , a hushed voice murmured.

"Absolutely shameless," another voice chimed in, followed by mocking laughter.

Slipping into her work space, Dalma bowed her head, consumed by a sense of regret and humiliation. She wished she could turn back time and erase the events of the previous night, or at the very least, disappear from the scrutiny of her colleagues' judgmental gazes.

Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a stamp on her desk. Startled, Dalma composed herself before raising her head, "Good morning, Mr. Valentine.”

"Good morning, Miss Millie,” Mr. Valentine greeted as he entered the room. "The boss has requested your presence in his office immediately."

Dalma's heart sank at the mention of another summons from Mr. Jaden. Why would he summon her so early? Wasn't the drama from last night enough already? She couldn't help but feel a surge of agitation as she contemplated what awaited her in Mr. Jaden's office. With a frustrated sigh, she hit her hand on the table, hoping against hope that the ordeal would soon come to an end

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