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Chapter 3: Twist of Fate

As the clock ticked past 1:30 pm, Dalma raced to the hospital, her mind consumed with the impending decision she had to make. Her heart pounded in her chest, confusion clouded her thoughts as she rushed to the hospital. Her midnight thorn between the weight of her decision and the guilt that'll come as a result of her action.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Brown," she greeted, her words barely audible. "It's about what we discussed. I'm ready now."

“Are you sure you want to go on with it? You've been informed of the pros and cons of the procedure.” Dr. Brown's solemn gaze met hers as he gently reminded her of the risks involved. But Dalma stood her ground.

"Yes, I am sure," she declared, her voice filled with desperation. "I want my life back. This baby has cost me the love of my life, shattering the little hope I had left. You have to understand."

Accepting her decision, albeit reluctantly, Dr. Brown proposed a brief pause for further contemplation, “We'll go on with the procedure. Be back by 12 p.m. Friday.”

But Dalma couldn't bear the thought of delaying any longer. "I want it done now," she insisted, her voice quivering with urgency. "I can't wait until Friday. I'm at the verge of losing everything I have left."

Moved by her anguish, Dr. Brown relented, agreeing to go on with the procedure. "Be back tomorrow at noon," he instructed, his tone laden with concern. "I want you to be certain. Think carefully before we proceed, dear."

Dalma left the hospital with a little relief. It will be over soon

With her heart heavy but her determination unwavering, Dalma made the difficult choice to speak to Stanley. Fingers trembling, she composed the message: "I've terminated the pregnancy. Can we talk now and try to mend things?”

Stanley's response shattered her hopes even further, leaving her feeling torn apart.

“Dalma, I thought I made things clear. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. Whether or not you get rid of the bastard you're carrying. We can't get back together. Don't text me again.”

Dalma's world shattered once more as she read Stanley's message repeatedly. The weight of rejection bore down on her with crushing force, leaving her feeling utterly devastated. With a heavy heart, she accepted the finality of his words, silently mourning the beautiful relationship that once was.

Amidst her sorrow, she found solace in the decision not to proceed with terminating the pregnancy as Dr Brown instructed. Despite losing Stanley, she resolved to embrace the remaining chapters of her life and provide her baby with unparalleled love and care. The child, innocent and pure, became her beacon of hope, and vjg any resentment towards him felt utterly unjustified.


Dalma returned home from her job hunt when her son ran and welcomed her with a hug.

“welcome mummy," the little boy said with excitement.

Dalma walked in to meet visitors in the living room.

“So Mrs. Wilson, this is my daughter Dalma. She'll make a perfect fit for your son. She is beautiful, calm, and hard-working."

She chuckles, “indeed she is beautiful, and I'm taking it by your words that she is of a good character top. We'll be back in a few days to go on with the……”

Just before she could complete her sentence. Damian rushed in with an injury, crying, "Mommy, I hurt my hand.”

“Mommy?” Mrs Wilson asked curiously.

“Ehh…..sorry, I forgot to mention, she has a child,” Dalma's mother said shamefully.

“No, sorry, we can't go on with the marriage proposals. I don't want my son getting married to a woman with a child already," she said as she stepped out.

Dalma sat in solitude, observing her leave their home. It had become a familiar scene, one that no longer carried the sting of surprise, for rejection had become her unwelcome companion. Over the course of countless suitors, more than five had turned away at the mere mention of her son's existence. Though she was tempted to blame him for her misfortune, deep down, she knew he was not the reason for her woes. She had unwittingly woven this web of rejection, and now she must bear the consequences of her choices, grappling with her fate as she navigated the labyrinth of her life.

Dalma sat in her room, her heart heavy with the sting of yet another rejection. Despite the disappointment, she knew she needed to focus on other aspects of her life. She had her son and parents to give a better life. She eagerly continued pursuing various job opportunities.

Several weeks later, Dalma received an email. With an infectious smile lighting up her face, she rushed to the living room to share the news with her parents.

"Mom! Dad! I have something to tell you," she began, in a loud voice, her words tumbling out in a rush of enthusiasm

Her parents looked up, in anticipation, "What is it, dear?" her mother asked, her tone curious.

Dalma beamed as she jumped with her hands raised. "I got an email from Worthington Enterprise! They offered me a position and called to meet me tomorrow for an interview."

Her mother enveloped her in a tight hug. "That's wonderful news, Dalma!" her father exclaimed with excitement in his voice. "We knew this search would finally come to an end someday."

Dalma's dressed neatly in a silk blue gown, her hair packed in a ponytail, a black bag, and a flat black shoe.

She headed off to Worthington Enterprise full of hope. As she boarded a taxi, on her way to the interview, Dalma noticed a large crowd gathered. Out of curiosity, she stopped to check what happened.

After struggling through the crowd, she saw a man being ambushed by some scary looking men dressed in black.

Dalma looked around and noticed that no one from the crowd tried to stop them from hitting the young man. She acted repulsively

"Excuse me," she replied firmly, trying to struggle through the crowd.

Without a second thought, Dalma interfered, interposing herself between the men.

She noticed the young man on the floor already had bruises and a black eye.

She glanced at the men in suit with eyes like they shot daggers towards her.

“Stop hitting him," she reprimanded. “Does no one know how to settle with words anymore?" she asked, her voice steady despite the rising tension.

“Step aside before i hit you," one of the men on suit roared, his eyes popping red.

Ignoring the man's threats, she warned “Don't you dare lay another finger on him.”

“You got some guts huh, miss ponytail,” the man teased as he chuckled.

The man raised his hand to hit Dalma as though she was a child when he heard a voice from behind “Stop," his hand became suspended in the air.

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