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Chapter 5: Finally Accepted

Dalma wondered why her mother sounded so excited. She had already set her heart on the rejection coming.

Mrs. Millie clasped her hands together, her smile widening with anticipation. "You remember Mr Anderson, don't you? Well, his family has expressed interest in arranging a marriage with you!”

Dalma became speechless. It seemed that her fate had been decided for her. She processed her mother's words, a sense of dread creeping over her.

“Mr Anderson? The recently divorced and sickly man? Ah, mom," she blurted out, unable to deal with her disbelief.

Her mother's expression hardened, her eyes narrowing. “Don't let that rubbish come out of your mouth again” she admonished. “You're not in a position to be picky. Foolish child. Mr Anderson comes from a very respected family, and your marriage will do good for both families.”

“But mom, you know my genotype is AS, we aren't even compatible, and he looks like he's on his deathbed already,” Dalma protested.

Mrs Millie's patience grew thin “Dalma Celeste Millie, Enough!” she admonished. "We won't continue with this conversation,” she yelled, her voice laced with authority.

“Why do you want to give me away to a dying man? Are you that desperate?” Dalma demanded, her voice trembling in disappointment.

“You speak of me being desperate, huh?” she snapped, her tone laced with anger.

“You've been under my roof for five years with a child, and I pay all the bills, you ungrateful daughter.”

“You're marrying Mr Anderson, and that's it.”

“Do you know the good this marriage will do to our family business? Don't let your father hear that you're arguing.”

Dalma kept quiet for a few moments, weighing the weight of her family's expectations against her own desires. Despite her reservations, she couldn't ignore the financial strain she had inadvertently placed on her family. If this is all they wanted from her she could as well make them happy this time.

With a heavy sigh, she summoned a smile to her lips, masking the turmoil within her. "Alright, Mom," she conceded. "If this is what you believe is best for our family, then I'll trust your judgment.”

"At least now I can contribute to the family," Dalma murmured to herself.

Her mother's face lit up with delight, her eyes gleaming with pride. "That's my girl, Dalma!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with admiration. "You're proving yourself to be a true Millie.”

Dalma returned to Worthington Enterprise the following day to resume work fully. As she settled into her work, she found herself immersed in a pile of tasks. She wanted to make a good first impression, so she began sorting the files.

However, her concentration was shattered when she heard a masculine voice call out to her. Startled, she glanced up to find Mr. Jaden, her boss, standing uncomfortably close, a predatory gleam in his eyes.

"Miss Millie," he began, his voice oozing with false charm. "I couldn't help but notice how captivating you look today and how hard you've been working. Come with me for lunch."

Dalma's heart rate quickened as she instinctively recoiled from his invasive proximity. "Thank you, Mr. Jaden," she replied, her voice tinged with unease. "I'm not hungry now. Thanks for the offer."

Mr. Jaden's lips curled into a sinister smile as he leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. "Actually, I didn't ask," he said. "It's an order. Meet me in the parking lot."

Dalma's blood ran cold as she thought the true nature of Mr. Jaden's intentions. Panic surged within her as she scrambled to maintain her composure in the face of his blatant harassment.

"I-I'm not sure what you mean, Mr. Jaden," she stammered, her voice trembling with fear. "I had a large breakfast."

But Mr. Jaden didn't seem to be paying attention. "Come now, Miss Mille," he said authoritatively.

Dalma's mind raced with confusion. She was scared but also admired how manly he approached. She knew she wasn't supposed to be attracted to him. He was her boss after all, but his deep masculine voice, broad shoulders, and tall muscular body kept getting her attention.

Summoning every ounce of courage, she followed him. Dalma sat in the car with arms folded around her chest. She couldn't help but notice his sparkling brown eyes focused on the road.

Like he knew she was already lost in admiration, he glanced at her, giving a sheepish smile.

“Miss Millie, I don't want to be seen as rude, but I have to ask you something very important," he started.

Dalma's mind raced with apprehension as she pondered the nature of Mr. Jaden's approach.

Despite her initial instinctual interpretation veering towards the realm of a potentially inappropriate encounter, she had meticulously rehearsed a poised refusal, determined not to compromise her professionalism. Yet, amidst her resolve, she couldn't ignore the flutter of temptation stirred by his captivating presence, grappling with the allure of his enticing lips and commanding aura. Balancing her desire with the need to maintain her reputation, she steeled herself against the possibility of being perceived as anything less than steadfast in her principles.

“What is it, Sir?” she asked curiously.

"You know," Mr. Jaden began, his tone calm yet laden with a subtle intensity, "I can't help but notice how utterly captivating you appear. Your charming physique evokes a striking resemblance to someone I encountered a few years ago.”

His voice held a hint of intrigue as he posed his question “Have you ever been to England?”

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