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Chapter 6: Meeting my Groom 1

Dalma's heart stopped for a moment, then began pounding against her chest as her breaths became shallow and rapid. Palms slick with sweat, she felt a lump form in her throat, rendering her momentarily speechless. Ignoring the resemblance between Mr Jaden and her son was difficult, and it kept making her think of the man from five years ago. She struggled to maintain clarity of thought.

She hesitated for a moment as she weighed her response carefully. Suspicions gnawed at her. Despite the odds seemingly stacking against him, she didn't want to make conclusions about her child's paternity from mere assumptions. More proof was needed before she could entertain such notions fully.

"Um, no," she replied, her voice steady yet masking the turmoil within her. The mention of England stirred a storm of memories and suspicions, but she dared not let her guard down.

Mr. Jaden's gaze lingered on her, a silent exchange of unspoken truths, before he returned his focus to the road. "Ah, I see," he remarked casually, his tone a veil over his inscrutable thoughts. "Such a pity. England is a treasure trove of beauty, filled with rich history and culture.”

Dalma's agitation spiked as the car abruptly halted. "Is everything alright, sir?" she inquired, her concern palpable.

"I've lost my appetite. We're heading back to the office. There's work waiting for you," Mr. Jaden declared tersely.

Dalma couldn't conceal her astonishment at the abrupt shift in attitude. "How can someone switch from calm to authoritative in an instant?" she pondered, her mind racing with questions. "Just moments ago, he seemed amiable. Did I inadvertently offend him?" she questioned silently as the car reversed its course.

Before she could slip away upon arriving at the office, Mr. Jaden's hand reached out to touch her arm, sending an unexpected chill in Dalma's knee. His touch stirred a haunting familiarity, evoking memories of an intoxicating encounter with a stranger. The recollection was so potent that even the mere thought left her breathless and aroused. "Oh! his palm is so soft and his touch irresistible, I really want it thrusting me like the guy from five years ago did," she fantacised.

"Dalma Celeste Millie, he's your boss, respect yourself," she murmured sternly, trying to quell the unsettling sensations coursing through her.

"Actually, Miss Millie," Mr. Jaden began, his voice low and measured, casting a cloak of intrigue over the conversation, "There's something I need to discuss with you.”

Dalma's reverie shattered as she was pulled back into reality, her heart sinking as she realized the conversation was far from concluded. With a sense of foreboding, she prepared herself for whatever bombshell Mr. Jaden was about to drop, her mind racing with anticipation.

"I need you to accompany me to a board meeting with the CEO of Ethan Enterprise," he continued, his tone firm and resolute, leaving no room for argument. "There's been an unexpected development, and I require your assistance.”

Dalma's mind raced as she tried to think of a way to extricate herself from the situation. She knew she needed to leave work early, but she also couldn't disobey her boss.

"B-but, Mr. Jaden," she stuttered, her voice betraying her mounting desperation, "accompanying you isn't within my job description. And I must seek permission from the manager. I have an urgent matter to attend to, my cousin is in the hospital."

Mr. Jaden's demeanor shifted, his expression morphing into one of the steely resolve as he fixed her with a chillingly calculating gaze. "I'm afraid that will have to wait," he declared, his words dripping with authority. "This matter takes precedence, and I require your immediate attention.”

Dalma felt a surge of frustration bubbling within her as she realized the tight spot she was in. But as she locked eyes with Mr. Jaden's unwavering gaze, a sudden realization, dawned on her.

"Wait a minute... Perhaps he's just trying to corner me," she whispered under her breath, a sly smirk creeping across her lips.

"Sir... please, hold on," she interjected, her tone laced with feigned distress. "I'm experiencing terrible stomach pains. It's been a struggle all day. I'd hate to attend the meeting and risk embarrassing the company. Let me see the nurse immediately. My apologies for any inconvenience, sir."

Mr. Jaden's expression hardened, but he relented with a curt nod. "Fine, take care of that. We'll reschedule the meeting for tomorrow. I have other matters to attend to," he declared firmly as he strode away, already dialing a number on his phone. "Yes, I'll be there..."

“Talk about rude” , Dalma muttered under her breath, a victorious grin spreading across her face as she sauntered towards the exit, her clever ruse having granted her a momentary freedom.

As she approached the door, her phone rang “hello mum, I'm headed there now. My boss just left, and I took permission."

Dalma indulged in a long, relaxing bath immediately she got home. The warm water soothing her frazzled nerves. Emerging from her haven of tranquillity, she slipped into a stunning red gown, its daring slit hinting at a hidden allure. With each step, she exuded confidence and poise, an air of mystery enveloping her like a seductive aura.

Approaching the grand Hudson Villa, anticipation coursed through Dalma's veins. Tonight marked the fateful meeting with the man her family had arranged for her to marry. While rumors painted him as physically unappealing and sickly, Dalma's mind was focused on the greater benefits this union promised.

Despite the uncertainty of his appearance, the prospect of providing stability for her son, gaining societal acceptance, and securing investments for her family's business fueled a glimmer of hope within her heart. Tonight was more than just a marriage arrangement. It was a step towards a brighter future.

Dalma stood poised outside the majestic gates of the sprawling estate, her anticipation tinged with a hint of excitement. Adjusting the strap of her handbag and smoothing the fabric of her dress, she exuded an air of confidence despite the nervous flutter in her chest.

As the ornate gates slowly swung open, Dalma stepped gracefully into the enchanting surroundings of manicured gardens and the grandeur of the mansion's façade. Each step forward filled her with a sense of anticipation, like stepping into the pages of a captivating novel.

Approaching the grand entrance, Dalma took a moment to admire the intricate details of the architecture before summoning the courage to ring the doorbell. The anticipation of what awaited her on the other side added an electrifying thrill to the air.

As the door swung open, Dalma was met with the sight of a woman who exuded elegance and grace. Her regal presence and piercing brown eyes seemed to hold the promise of intriguing encounters and captivating conversations, igniting Dalma's curiosity even further.

"Ah, you must be Dalma," the woman greeted, her voice a melodic symphony of warmth and grace. "I am Mrs. Hudson, Anderson’s mother. Please, come in."

Dalma nodded, her nerves momentarily calmed by Mrs. Hudson's soothing mein, as she followed her hostess into the palatial foyer. The opulence of the surroundings enveloped her senses, from the scent of polished wood mingling with expensive perfume to the sight of intricate gilded accents adorning every corner.

"Anderson will be with us shortly," Mrs. Hudson reassured, guiding Dalma into a lavish sitting room furnished with plush chairs and sumptuous fabrics. "Please, make yourself comfortable."

Dalma sank into the embrace of a luxurious velvet armchair, the softness a comforting balm to her frayed nerves. As she waited anxiously, her mind raced with anticipation and uncertainty, her doubts casting fleeting shadows on the grandeur of the moment.

Dalma couldn't help but wonder, what if Anderson's appearance was worse than she expected? What if this arranged marriage led to a life of unexpected sadness and torment? As the possibilities danced tantalizingly in her mind, she couldn't help but cling to the hope that awaited just beyond the threshold of uncertainty.

Before she could dwell further on her apprehensions, the door swung open once more, Dalma's breath caught in her throat as she turned to behold the one at the door.

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