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Chapter 4: Meeting Again

Dalma wondered who held so much authority to have stopped the scary-looking man from hitting her and silence the crowd simultaneously from just saying a word.

She looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a tall, well-built figure glaring at her in irritation.

The ‘influential figure’ paused and took off his glasses. He carefully raised his head to look at the figure that stood in front of him.

Dalma's mouth fell open. She felt a flush of adrenaline tingling through her body.

The resemblance between the influential figure and her son was so damning. He had eyes, ears, nose, and even identical lips. It was like looking at a bigger version of her son.

She felt the pace of her heartbeat hasten. If she hadn't met the stranger in England, she'd assumed he was the one she slept with that night.

The man stared at her from head to toe with resentment like he would tear her to pieces.

“I'm sorry, boss, he drove carelessly and spilt mud on your car, we confronted him, and he kept insulting us. We tried to teach him a lesson when this woman came and threatened me," the bodyguard in black suit was explaining when the influential figure raised his hand again.

Dalma squinted and turned to glance at the young man. “You insulted them? Why didn't you just apologise and move on? You just had to display your pride.”

Dalma felt embarrassed. She hit her hand on her forehead and wondered why she didn't mind her business.

The man's expression shifted instantly, his eyes narrowing in anger. "I'll let you go this time. Next time, mind your own business, and stay clear of my path," he spat, his tone laced with venom.

As they drove away, Dalma couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Summoning every ounce of courage, she stood her ground, refusing to be intimidated.

Dalma made her way to the Worthington Enterprise.

As she walked through the modern office, her eyes scanned the bustling environment, taking in the air of professionalism and ambition.

She was interviewed and immediately got hired. But she had to do a final evaluation with the CEO of Worthington Enterprise.

“Congratulations Miss Dalma, you did pretty well in your interview. You can resume immediately, but first you need to meet the CEO for the final evaluation," Mr Valentine, the manager, said.

Dalma felt a sense of accomplishment and was determined to prove herself worthy of the new position.

Nervously, Dalma made her way to the CEO's office, her mind racing with thoughts of what to expect in the meeting.

“Come in.” the masculine voice said. She pushed the door open and went in. He sat behind the desk, his head buried in work. He didn't raise his head to see who came in.

“Good afternoon Sir…..my name is Dalma Millie," she said with a shaky voice. “Have a seat” he ordered.

She took a glance at the man behind the desk, and she felt like she had seen him before.

After a few minutes of silence, he shut his laptop and raised his head. Dalma's heart rate trippled the moment she set her eyes on the CEO.

Jaden Worthington glared at the woman in front of him with disgust. "She had the enfrontry to step her feet in Worthington Enterprise. She even came as far as getting into my office," he murmured.

:She obviously was sent by his rivals to get some information about their business success. She doesn't listen, so she'll learn the hard way” he thought to himself.

Dalma didn't wait for him to say another word. She knew she wasn't welcome there, not after her previous encounter with him. She stood up slowly and headed for the door with her head tilted down.

“You still haven't learned your manners, huh…who asked you to leave? You came for evaluation, and you have some guts to want to leave My office” he said.

“How did I get myself into his bad book already” she murmured as she halted.

“I…..I apologise Mr Worthington. It wasn't my intention to upset you the last time.”

Dalma swallowed nervously, her palms clammy with apprehension, as she complied with his indirect request. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her, knowing that her previous encounter with Mr. Worthington could potentially jeopardize her newfound job

“Miss Millie, right? Your credentials look appealing, but we need candidates who are also morally upright, and you've defaulted in that aspect,” Jaden said mischievously and smirked

“You can leave my office now, Miss Millie.”

Dalma's heart sank as she realised the gravity of the situation. She felt defeated, just as she imagined her selfless act just cost her the job she got by luck. The universe hated her existence. It was now obvious.

As Dalma approached the door, Jaden Worthington's gaze followed her every step, sweeping from her ponytail to the crease in her blue gown. His eyes gleamed with unabashed desire.

As she exited the office, he swiftly reached for the phone. "Mr. Valentine, please inform Miss Millie to return to my office," he instructed.

A few minutes later, Dalma ran into the room panting, her arrival suggesting she had sprinted a marathon, her hopes soaring and fingers tightly crossed.

"Please, take a seat," he offered warmly. "Upon further review of your credentials, I've decided to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your abilities," he said with a sheepish smile.

Dalma couldn't help but wonder about the sudden change of heart, yet she was grateful to have her job reinstated. "Thank you, Sir. You won't be disappointed, I promise," she assured him before leaving the office, feeling an overwhelming urge to jump for joy.

Once again, Jaden watched her departure with a mischievous grin. "She'll be fun to play with," he mused to himself.

Dalma returned home, her excitement palpable, until she spotted a flashy car in the parking lot. "Hmm, looks like another suitor has arrived. Time for another rejection," she muttered under her breath.

In order to avoid the potential drama, she sneaked in through the back door and quietly made her way to her bedroom. As the car zoomed off, she breathed a sigh of relief. A few minutes later, her mother called out for her.

“Dalma, dear, come sit, you'll never guess what wonderful news I have for you!" her mother exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Dalma's brow furrowed in confusion as she turned to face her mother. "What is it, Mom?”

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