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Chapter 2: Broken Promise

As the tension thickened, a lingering question hung in the air, leaving Dalma and Stanley on the precipice of an uncertain future, their fates entwined in a web of secrets and revelations.

Dalma could only shed tears at this point. What was she going to do now? Was this going to be the end of a 4-year relationship she had already built?

“Hi, baby, hope all is well," he greeted Dalma with concern, his eyes flickering between her and Mrs. Grey.

Anxiety gripped Dalma as she struggled to find the words amidst her tears.

"Come, sit with me for a cup of tea. We need to discuss the marriage preparations. We have to begin earlier now that she's pregnant," Mrs. Grey interjected with a smile that masked the storm brewing within.

"Pregnant? Who's pregnant? Dalma?" Stanley's voice quivered with disbelief.

A chuckle escaped Mrs. Grey's lips. "Oh, she hasn't told you yet, I suppose. Yes, Dalma," she confirmed, her tone brimming with excitement.

Dalma felt as if the ground had been ripped out from beneath her feet as Mrs. Grey's revelation hit her like a tidal wave, leaving her speechless and tearful in the corner of the room. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing loudly in her ears, as she struggled to process the overwhelming rush of emotions flooding through her. Confusion, anger, and heartache tangled together in a chaotic whirlwind within her, pulling her in different directions. Amidst her mother's stern tone and Stanley's growing fury, she felt like a helpless bystander in her own life, trapped in the eye of the storm.

"Please excuse me, I'd like to speak to Dalma. I'll be right back," Stanley's voice cut through the tension.

As they retreated to the kitchen, Dalma's heart pounded with dread, knowing Stanley's intentions were anything but peaceful. With trembling hands, she reached out to him, pleading for understanding.

"What's happening? What was your mom talking about? We haven't been intimate, so she must be joking, right?" Stanley's calm demeanor cracked, revealing the turmoil simmering beneath the surface.

“Dalma, I'm asking you a question. Please stop acting like you can't hear me,” he yelled, his frustration evident.

Dalma's chest tightened as sweat rolled down her face. She felt a strong urge to simply disappear, to escape from the overwhelming situation.

“Babe...I…” she stammered, struggling to find the right words.

“Dalma, you can speak perfectly fine, so start talking,” he demanded, his tone laced with anger.

Bowing her head, Dalma mustered up the courage to speak. "It was an accident," she said, falling to her knees in front of him.

“Accident? You mean to tell me you got pregnant by accident”, he chuckled mischievously.

Stanley's face fell, a combination of surprise and disappointment looming over him. "So... so it's true, Dalma. What a disgrace," he muttered, his voice filled with hurt.

Dalma tried reaching out to him. Without thinking, the pain and anger that had been building up inside him erupted. "Don't touch me, you... you filth. You didn't just go to England to fail in Med School. You went there to fuck with every guy you came across," he spat out, his words dripping with accusation.

Tears streamed down as she desperately tried to find the right words to explain. "No, it's not like that. Please, just hear me out," she pleaded, her voice cracking with sorrow.

"What exactly am I supposed to listen to, huh?" He yelled, interrupting.

"Listen to... to the truth," Dalma stammered, her words faltering under the weight of his accusations. Listen to…."

"That's..." Stanley's interruption cut through her feeble attempt to speak.

"Oh, you want me to listen to how you gallivanted around with people in England, forgetting you were in a relationship? Or perhaps how the person responsible for this... this situation touched your body? How you moaned to his hearing?" His words were like knives, slicing through the air with venom.

Dalma's breath got caught in her throat as she attempted to respond, only to be met with Stanley's escalating rage.

"You want me to listen to how you lost your virginity? If you were even a virgin in the first place. You liar!" His accusation echoed in the room, drowning out any chance for Dalma to defend herself.

"If you were tired of our relationship, you should have spoken up," Stanley's voice was heavy with betrayal as he tossed his keys onto the table.

"Dalma, I stayed faithful because I loved you, and this is how you repay me for loving you?" His words pierced Dalma's heart, draining her of any remaining strength.

With trembling hands, Dalma attempted to plead her case, her voice choked with tears as she wished desperately for a chance to rewrite the past.

"Stanley, please, just listen," she sobbed, her words barely audible over her own anguish.

But Stanley's resolve had hardened. "Dalma, we're done. I can't bear the weight of all this. Just seeing you now... disgusts me…you filt," he declared, his words cutting deeper.

He stormed out, leaving Dalma shattered in his wake. As she watched his retreating figure, a sense of desperation washed over her, the need to escape overwhelming her senses.

But before she could flee, a sharp sting erupted across her cheek. Her mother's disappointed slap echoed through the room, leaving Dalma reeling in both physical and emotional pain, a stark reminder of the consequences of her actions.


Dalma loved Stanley and wanted their relationship to work. She didn't know who the father of her baby was and hated the child for ruining her life. She needed to get her life back.

Dalma's heart fluttered with hope as she composed a message for Stanley, “Good morning, my love, I'm really sorry for disappointing you, I'll make things right. Please don't forget all the memories we've shared together. Meet me at the coffee shop by 10 so we can talk. I love you ❤️ .”

As the clock struck 10, Dalma sat in anticipation at the coffee shop, her gaze flickering between the entrance and her phone. The empty seats across her served as a dreadful remainder of Stanley's absence.

With a heavy heart, she took the decision of making things right herself since it was her life and her decision to make.

With trembling hands, she dialed Dr. Brown's number, desperately seeking a solution to the weight pressing on her heart.

"Dr. Brown, please, can we schedule the meeting for noon today?"she said, her voice wavering with anxiety.

"Of course, meet me by 2 pm," came the reassuring reply.

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