The angel, or rather Hunter, glared at the vampire, Zack.
“Get out of here,” Hunter ordered sharply.
The vampire left as quickly as he had arrived, in a rush. Hunter turned towards me and made his two large, magnificent wings disappear into mist. My eyes widened when I saw him do it.
Before I could say anything, he spoke.
-That bastard Zack has the gift of controlling certain emotions of others. Everyone pays attention to him, but he doesn't hesitate to jump at the chance when there's a new girl at camp, you damn pervert, he grumbled.
Now I understood everything.
“I still have a lot to learn,” I finally said with a nervous laugh.
"You've barely learned any," he said in a harsh tone.
I raised my eyes to his.
-Why are you talking to me in that tone? I did not do anything to you.
-No, maybe, but you should be more careful next time.
How was I to know that Zack controlled other people's emotions?
-Message received, I said, turning around and climbing to my window, helping myself with the loose boards.
I heard his footsteps go away and I closed my window. I continued to put my clothes in my drawers for about ten minutes.
Lying on my bed listening to music, I heard someone enter the bungalow. I quickly recognized Wendy's light gait.
- Hey! I said to him as I entered the mini living room.
-Hi ! SO ? Not too upset about your first day?
-Ah, uh no, I lied immediately.
-You don't seem too confident, but I wouldn't bother you with that. I myself didn't dare talk too much during my first days here. Are you looking forward to tomorrow?
-Tomorrow ? For what ?
-Tomorrow is Wednesday, so since you're going to eat with Hunter, he'll probably teach you more about shapeshifters. And maybe even show you how to transform!
My joy didn't seem to want to show much.
“Maybe it won’t be so bad,” she continued.
- Yeah.
-Would you like to go get some fresh air? She asked me, suddenly cheerful.
Before I could answer her, she looked down at her legs and her mood quickly changed.
-Let it be, she said.
It started to rain outside. The rain was pounding against my bedroom window.
-Argh, here we go again! she shouted.
-But what are you talking about? I asked him.
-Because of this damn full moon coming, my leg hair is growing three times faster! This is something that only happens to werewolf girls and it pisses me off.
I held back a laugh, poor Wendy. Besides, his mood was the same as outside, shitty.
-Okay, so we'll see you again tomorrow morning, I have a dirty job waiting for me, she said to me as she entered the bathroom, toiletry bag in hand.
-Good night.
It must have been three in the morning when I heard a crashing sound. I got out of bed and walked out of my room.
I saw a smashed glass on the floor and a Wendy who didn't look at all happy.
-Sorry if I woke you up, she said to me. I can't control myself perfectly.
-Wait there, are you transforming!?
-No, but next night, yes. You should lock yourself in your room, we don't know what could happen.
I nodded and immediately rushed into my room.
I still held on to my life.
This time, it was the rays of the sun that woke me up. And I was in one piece.
-Come on, wake up, you ugly person, called Wendy from the other side of my door.
-I'm already awake, you dirty female dog.
My eyes widened as I realized what I had just said. Did I really say that? Was she going to want to kill me with her unpredictable nature?
As my door suddenly opened, I took a step back.
-I'm sorry, it came out on its own! I said with a voice that was pitying.
She burst out laughing.
-This is the first time I've heard that one! She says. It's okay, it's okay, I won't hit you.
We entered the dining hall and I wanted to follow Wendy, but I had only just remembered that it was Wednesday.
The day we must spend with our fellow human beings. And there will be a lot of discomfort between Hunter and me. Yes, yesterday he spoke to me stupidly and I wouldn't know how to start a stupid conversation with him. And I couldn't ignore him because he was the only shapeshifter here.
In the middle of the room, lunch in hand, I looked for a shapeshifter. But no sign of him, perfect.
I sat at the first free table, the one in the back. Having lunch alone, I observed the others who were all in groups. I saw Wendy with other Weres. She seemed angry, probably because it was her "werewolf hormones" that were waking up. Or was it because of Cody who was next to her, and slightly too tight based on the look Wendy gave him. But it didn't come off, which irritated Wendy even more.
I laughed to myself, fortunately not too loudly because people were going to think I was crazy.
My little delirium ended when a bird flew into the room. All eyes turned to him. It was an eagle, majestic as well.
And I almost choked when he landed in front of me at lightning speed.
-What a great entrance, Hunter THE shapeshifter, I said ironically, recognizing him.
His little eagle gaze immediately gave me a long shiver down my spine.