I came here to solve my wolf problem, not to explain something I don't understand and had nothing to do with.
Or maybe yes?
I didn't answer. One, I had no idea what had happened and two, I couldn't speak.
So I just sat there, staring at Melissa.
"Maybe we should sort out his problem before we talk about that," Hunter suggested.
Melissa nodded.
-So she's not able to change back, is that it?
Hunter and I nodded.
-Has this ever happened to you? Melissa asked Hunter.
-No, maybe, but I don't remember.
It helped me tremendously. What if I became a mascot? I was going to go crazy.
Then an idea popped into my mind.
I was trying to signal Hunter to change because I had something to say, but I looked more like a wolf gone crazy. After a few maneuvers trying to make him understand, he finally understood! He pretended to be a wolf and listened to me.
"Can a witch cast a spell or something to change me back to my human form?" » I asked him in thought.
" It's not a bad idea "
He looked up at Melissa.
"Is there a witch at the camp who can cast a spell on her that can turn her back human?"
She thought for a few seconds.
-Yes I think. Laura Williams is surely capable of it. She is very good with spells.
Laura Williams? This name meant something to me. Perhaps I had already met her or even spoken to her somewhere, but I didn't remember where.
“Let’s go see her,” Hunter said.
We entered, all three, in the bungalow of this Laura Williams. Of course, Melissa had knocked before entering.
The named Laura was spread out on the sofa, immersed in a book, or a grimoire. She looked up at us and her eyes widened when she saw me. I was starting to get used to that look.
-Uh... Can I help you? She still asked us, staring at me.
His head, his voice, his style of dress and his name. All this reminded me who he was.
-Yes, we have a little appearance problem. You can always turn anyone into anyone you want, can't you? Said Melissa.
-Yeah. And if I guess correctly, it is this wolf that I have to transform?
“Bingo,” Hunter said.
She turned her gaze to Hunter's, she blushed a little then looked back at me.
-And in what way?
-As a human.
-Human? Is it an experiment gone wrong or something? Laura questioned.
-No, actually, it's Ruby, she can't transform anymore.
-Oh, any news?
"Yeah," Hunter said. Well, can you or not?
She got up, put down her grimoire and approached me.
-So basically, I'm undoing your transformation, which will make you human again.
I nodded. I recognized this girl very well now. What if she remembered me?
-Okay, you two, she said pointing at Melissa's Hunter, move away, I don't want the spell to touch you.
They backed away.
"Don't think of anything," she ordered me.
She raised her hands, made a few movements with them. She murmured some sort of incantation with her eyes closed. Then she opened them again when a kind of magic came out of her hands to surround me. It was all stressful!
I felt a little dizzy, but still managed to keep my balance.
“Go get a blanket,” Melissa whispered to Hunter.
Coverage ? To do what ? Oh no ! It's not true, not that!
He left then returned quickly with the object.
The magic faded and Hunter quickly threw the blanket over me. I had guessed very well that I was going to end up naked. I put it on myself, while looking at my appearance, I'm human again! But my old clothes were completely gone.
Wrapping the blanket around my body, I looked up at Laura.
But she didn't answer me, she just stared at me.
-You... are you Ruby Anderson? She finally said.
I looked down.
I opened my locker, took out my notebooks and closed it. But as I moved, my headache started again, which made me close my locker a little too hard.
A few heads turned to me. I tried to ignore them as I ran to the bathroom. This damn headache was starting to seriously take its toll on my system. I ran into someone and all my notebooks fell to the ground. But I didn't take the time to apologize or pick them up, I headed towards the first bathroom stall I saw.
-Hey! You could have at least apologized! A voice shouted.
I didn't know it. This headache was not like the others, I became a completely different person, I didn't recognize myself, mentally.
I started screaming, trying to make the pain go away. But it didn't work.
I got out of the cabin and looked in the mirror. My eyes changed color. They went from blue to gold and pink. Then it started again and I no longer had control of my body. I was banging on all the cabin doors and screaming.
A girl came into the room, it was this Laura Williams.
-Hey, calm down. What's wrong ?
My hands automatically fell on his neck without my having the slightest control. I started to strangle her, she struggled to get out of my grip.
The last thing I saw was Laura staring at my eyes, she seemed to know what was happening to me, but I didn't speak to her again after that. Then, I was pinned against the wall by a boy who had heard my screams and I lost consciousness, due to the headache which was causing me too much pain.
-End of flashback-
Laura kept staring at me.
-I'm sorry for what happened at school this year. I no longer had control over my body, I apologized.
-Yeah, it's lucky the guy showed up because you would have killed me. But it's normal for a shapeshifter to experience this. This is a side effect, because your body tries to fight against the supernatural cell and it fails. So I forgive you.
"Sorry again," I tell him.
-Okay, now can you explain to me the werewolf who disappeared into mist last night? Melissa asked me.
I would have preferred that she forgot...