I woke up, slightly lost. I would have liked to wake up at home, in my real room, but no. I was well and truly in my little room in Forest Dawn.
I got up to get ready quietly, not knowing at all what awaited me today.
Wendy knocked on my door.
-You can come in, I tell him.
-Good morning ! she exclaimed.
She was a morning girl.
"Good morning to you too," I smiled at him.
On the way to the dining hall, we were both eager to eat. Earlier, I had asked Wendy why we had almost nothing in the kitchen cupboards and she had replied with a laugh that every time we had to eat in the refectory and that the food we had we had in our cupboards of the bungalow served as a snack only.
-Well, I warn you now, Wendy breathed, we all have the same lunch except the vampires. So I don't want you to pass out in front of everyone.
Of course...
-Damn, they drink blood, right? I asked him.
- Yeah, but don't worry, I know I've told you this before, but you'll get used to it. My thing is to convince myself that it's just tomato juice.
It wasn't stupid.
-Here, it's Tuesday, so you can eat with whoever you want. Only on Wednesday you should eat with your peers. In other words, you're going to have to eat with Hunter, Wendy said with a smirk.
-That's stupid, luckily it's not every day... I breathed.
-It was the camp that decided this, it helps to create bonds and it's so that you get to know other people instead of always eating with the same ones.
Lunch in hand, we sat down at an empty table. For camp food, it didn't seem that bad. An orange juice, a slice of bread and scrambled eggs. If there had been bacon, lunch would have been perfect.
I loved bacon so much...
-What do you think of Cody? I asked him.
She almost choked on her first bite. She raised her big eyes at me.
-Why do you ask me this ?
-Seeing the way you looked at each other yesterday, it looks like you're getting along really well, I smiled.
-He's a good guy, that's all.
A small group headed towards us. I looked up to see who it was.
-Speaking of the wolf, I whispered to him.
Since Wendy and I were sitting at the end of the table, facing each other, Cody came to sit next to my friend, Nathan next to me and Hunter next to Cody.
-Can we join you? Cody asked with a pleasant smile.
-Of course, since it's already done, Wendy replied.
He laughed lightly. A laugh that made Wendy blush slightly.
When she looked at me, I smiled at her.
But I lost it pretty quickly knowing what was next to me. A vampire with a glass of blood. Nathan had to sip his glass of blood next to me?
Tomato juice... It's just tomato juice...
Wendy nearly stomped my foot under the table to get me to look at her. His look clearly meant "What's wrong?" You're so pale."
I turned my eyes slightly to Nathan so she could understand. She understood quite quickly. But when she wanted to open her mouth to speak, she was interrupted.
-Ruby? You're very pale, are you okay? Nathan asked, looking into my eyes.
-It... It's your... Uh, your drink, I stammered.
He stared at his drink and rested his gaze on mine.
- What's wrong with my drink?
- Come on, think a little! Wendy told him. She's new and you decide to sit next to her and drink your bloody glass of blood!
"It's only blood," he shrugged.
-Maybe for you, but Ruby isn't used to seeing this and there she doesn't look well.
He sighed and switched places with Hunter.
"Thanks," I whispered to Wendy, looking down.
A few seconds passed before Cody spoke.
"It's the full moon in a few days," Cody said.
"Yeah, I started to feel it," Wendy replied with a sigh.
- How does it “feel”? I asked him, curious.
"Werewolves get more and more arrogant when the moon is nearly full," Hunter said. I am very well placed to know it and Nathan too.
- Yeah, I would even say very tiring, said Nathan.
Cody glared at him.
- Are you all in the same bungalow? I asked them.
They nodded.
-Some bungalows are bigger than others, that's why sometimes there are two to five people inside, Wendy tells me.
-Ah OK.
Later, I walked alone towards my bungalow. Wendy told me she had to talk to Melissa and would meet me later. After lunch, we went for a little walk to the lake and my friend introduced me to a few people we had met. Now I had some time to myself. At least, until I felt a big gust of wind pass me right by.