-Hey, look! It's the white wolf from earlier! Said a voice.
I quickly looked up. I was still on the porch and it was still night, unfortunately. I saw two guys approach the bungalow, it was probably theirs. And I was quickly able to recognize them.
Nathan and Hunter.
Cody wasn't with them, probably because he's in Were right now.
-Do you think he's nice? Said Nathan.
Hey, it's me! Ruby Anderson! Cuckoo !
-I don't know, Hunter replied.
-And if you turned into a wolf, you might know what he's thinking, right?
-It's not a bad idea.
Know what I think? Can he read animals' minds when he changes appearance? I still have a lot to learn about shapeshifters.
Hunter changed into a wolf. A black wolf with yellow eyes. He didn't have the color of eyes like me.
" Hi you "
Was it some kind of animal telepathy?
The black wolf tilted his head to the side. I did the same.
"What brings you here?" »
I think I understand now, Hunter could communicate with animals through thought. I probably could too, I'm a shapeshifter too, but quite a beginner.
Nathan remained silent, watching the scene.
"It's me, Ruby!" »
Hunter, the wolf, widened his eyes.
“But what are you doing in this state? Why don't you go back to yourself? And why are you at our bungalow?”
“Because I am incapable of it!” No matter how much I concentrate, no change! »
-It's Ruby, said Hunter still in his wolf form. She has a little transformation problem.
If only I could talk like he did!
- Hi Ruby! Nathan scoffed.
He fell silent when I bared my fangs at him.
-We'll keep her here for the night and tomorrow morning we'll go see Melissa if the problem isn't resolved yet, Hunter said.
His friend nodded.
We entered the bungalow and I lay down on the small sofa. I was downright exhausted. The two boys went to their respective rooms.
I had trouble sleeping, it wasn't easy to lie down on a sofa in the form of a big wolf. Let's say, a slightly larger than average wolf.
The sun's rays slowly began to wake me up. I prayed that I would be back to my old self, but no. I jumped off the couch and went to scratch at Hunter's door. I wanted to see Melissa, not sleep in like those two.
Then, instead of it being Hunter's bedroom door opening, it was another door. Cody got out. I didn't even hear him come home last night. And he probably hadn't seen me, due to the look he gave me when he looked down at me.
-Shit ! There is a big wolf in the bungalow! he shouted.
Then the other two boys rushed out of their room.
Three handsome shirtless guys... I would have been tomato red if I had been in my initial form.
"Don't panic, it's Ruby," Hunter said calmly.
-And what the hell is she doing in our bungalow, as a wolf!?
-I'll explain later, now I have to go see Melissa to solve her little problem.
Talk about a small problem...
But I wasn't listening to the rest of their conversation. I quietly admired their chocolate bars in turn.
Eventually Hunter and I walked out of the cabin to Melissa's office after he put on a t-shirt.
A few glances turned towards us during our journey. Correction: All eyes were on us.
Hunter ignored them. I did the same.
Once he reached Melissa's office door, Hunter was about to knock on the door, but he stopped himself. We heard shouting from the other side.
-Please calm down! Said Melissa, from the other side of the door.
-How do you expect us to calm down when barely two minutes ago, we witnessed an extraordinary scene! Came a male voice.
-And don't tell us we were hallucinating! We both saw it, said another man's voice.
I looked at Hunter to see if he was going to help Melissa. I saw that he changed the color of his eyes. They went from blue and gold to a forest green. This is another thing he knew how to master.
Then I guessed later that he had done this because the two men were probably two humans and we shouldn't make things worse.
Hunter entered the office, I decided to follow him, but I shouldn't have!
-But what is a wolf doing here! one of them shouted.
Hunter gave me a look that said, "You should have stayed on the other side of the door." Then he changed his tune.
-It's not a wolf, it's my dog, said the latter.
Great, I was a good doggie now. When was he going to throw this ball to me?
-Get this beast out of this office immediately, spat one of the two men.
-Don't worry, he's well trained. Sitting Ruby.
And he's going to hug me afterwards, right?
Once seated, I saw immediately that Melissa had recognized me. Her eyes widened at this remark. I saw that she too had changed the color of her eyes, from orange to human blue.
-Okay, please excuse me, but I don't see anything strange with this camp. So please, I would ask you to leave, said the witch.
The two men got up from their chairs and left the camp. One of them turned to face Melissa just before leaving.
-If I ever witness something abnormal again, I will notify the police.
-Bye ! Melissa exclaimed, completely ignoring him.
Then she turned to us, more precisely to me.
-Why are you here in this form?
I needed Hunter to explain the situation since I couldn't communicate well with them.
-She is no longer able to become herself again, but in my opinion, we just have to wait. She may not be concentrating enough.
-If you were the white wolf last night, can you explain to me how a werewolf emerged from the woods and then ended up in mist!? Melissa got angry.
I didn't think it was going to turn out this way...