The closer we got to the camp, the more I wondered why I had accepted. The sign in the distance was becoming more and more visible. We had now arrived.
There was a central building, then another which probably served as a refectory. The land seemed large, and the forest seemed endless. In the distance, I could see small wooden cabins and bungalows. These small structures were scattered all over the bottom.
I got out of the car and took my bags while watching other young people my age arrive.
A woman in her thirties approached the parking lot, a smile on her face.
-Hello, please follow me into the refectory, so I can give my instructions while being sure that everyone understands me. Unfortunately, the parents will have to leave now, so we'll meet in the dining hall in five minutes.
What a strange welcome.
I turned to my father.
-Okay, so we'll see you again in two months, I told him.
I gave him a quick kiss and left towards the refectory, suitcases in hand. I was still disappointed that he didn't trust me, I would have stayed home during the holidays.
My eyes stung a little, but they weren't tears. I rubbed them lightly then the slight pain disappeared. I blinked a few times then waved my hand at my father.
-Goodbye, he said to me before returning to the car.
Upon entering the refectory, I decided to go and sit at the very back. That way, I would be able to observe everyone without anyone looking at me.
At first glance, they all seemed normal outside the building. But something had changed as soon as they walked through the camp gate, just past the parking lot. But what was it?
A girl suddenly ended my spying session.
-Hi, can I sit down? she asked me.
I nodded while looking at her.
She then sat down and we both turned our attention to the woman who had greeted us outside.
-So, I welcome you to Forest Dawn. Let me introduce myself, Melissa Black, she began.
She dictated to us the rules that we couldn't leave without permission and everything else that seemed to take forever.
She continued.
-Those who know why they are here or that they came here last year, you will go outside. Those who don't know, follow me.
I must have had a specific reason to be here?
I heard laughing next to me.
-You seem lost to me, said the girl who had come to sit next to me. You should follow Melissa.
-You are quite right...
I got up, took my suitcases and followed the small group of young people who were following Melissa. She took us to another room and asked us to sit down. The first question she asked us surprised me.
-Do you believe in legends and fairy tales?
Some frowned, others tilted their heads to the side, and the rest remained silent. I had a question mark stuck on my face.
-Why this question ? Dare I ask.
She smiles at me kindly.
-Because what I am going to reveal to you will change your point of view of the world in which we live.
No one seemed super excited about what she was going to tell us. I expected her to tell us something trivial. But it was then that I saw what had been wrong with the others since we entered here. Their eyes didn't have a normal color.
-I see in certain looks that you seem to know what's wrong since you arrived here, said Melissa.
She had just read my thoughts.
-Look at your neighbors, those who sit near you. Observe them carefully, she added.
Some had red eyes, others a blue that changed from pale to dark while radiating. As well as other colors.
Overwhelmed with questions, we all turned our heads towards the woman.
-Welcome to Forest Dawn, one of the camps for supernaturals! She said, playfully.
My eyes suddenly widened. A camp of what? Supernatural? Was I going crazy or were the fairy tales based on true facts?
Supernaturals? It also seemed like a big joke to me. But the eyes of others showed me otherwise.
-During the following days, you will learn more. With that, I'm going to take you to where there are the lists that will show you who you are going to share your bungalow with for the summer.
Some still stared at the others, astonished. Melissa guided us to the board where there was a series of names and then she left us there, completely lost.
I was looking for Ruby Anderson on the list and saw who I was with. A certain Wendy Marshall. Further down the sheet there was a number. Probably the address of our bungalow or something like that. For us, it was 405. I saw that everyone was leaving with their suitcases. I then followed them with mine and saw that they were all going to their bungalows.
I followed the trail where there were structures on both sides. I passed several people then I saw the place where I was going to sleep. But before I could reach it, someone joined me.
-Hi !
It was the girl who sat next to me earlier.
-Hi, I said to him.
-which bungalow do you have?
-The 405.
-So you must be Ruby Anderson?
-Yes, so I take it that you are Wendy Marshall?
-Exact ! she exclaimed.
We continued walking together towards the bungalow, then I ended the silence.
-I really have a hard time believing what Melissa told us earlier...
-Did she say something like Welcome to Forest Dawn! One of the camps for supernaturals!
-Exactly that.
-She told us the same thing last summer. You'll see, you'll have a lot of fun here!
-That much ?
Hoping not to go crazy.
-Yes, last year I thought it was going to be boring, but it was quite the opposite.
-Is this your second summer?
-Yes, and when I found out I was a werewolf, I was super nervous, but I learned a lot more and now I find it really exciting!
Did I hear correctly?
-A werewolf ?! I exclaimed, turning towards her completely.
Pinch me please, I must be dreaming. I didn't want to get eaten by a werewolf girl.
-It’s definitely your first summer and it shows, she laughed. Do you see my eyes?
I stared at her. His eyes were beautifully blue. But an abnormal bruise.
-Yes, they are blue... A pretty special blue I would say.
-This means that I am a werewolf, as soon as a supernatural passes through the portal at the entrance to the camp, its eyes immediately change and you can see its true nature. His eyes can also change externally, but he must know how to control them.
I was trying to calm myself inside because of all the sudden information I had to take in. But I was curious to know the color of my eyes. What did they look like?
I was trying to calm myself inside because of all the sudden information I had to take in. But I was curious to know the color of my eyes. What did they look like?
-And what color are my eyes?
-It's funny, I just noticed them. You, they are pink and gold, it's the first time I've seen that.
-Ah OK. And the others ?
She didn't even know what I was... Was that a good sign?
-Red eyes are those of vampires, blue for werewolf, purple for fairy, orange for witch, and...
-And ?
-I think I know what you are! She exclaimed, very happy.
-And what am I? I asked, curious.