Selene's POV:
While I was taking care of the patient, Cherry suddenly called me.
"Selene, the Head Nurse is calling you, didn't you hear her announcement?" I was immediately surprised because I forgot.
Cherry and I ran as fast as we could until we reached the Nurse Station and I saw all the Doctors and Nurses gathered there so Cherry and I entered.
But suddenly the woman stood up and hugged me. I don't know but there's something I don't understand.. I felt so nervous when the girl I'm hugging now hugged me because she was crying so much..
I looked at the Head Nurse Doctor and the nurses I worked with and saw their shock because of what the woman did to me.
But I saw a man who was also crying because could I leave him? I stroked the woman's back and she was still crying because it seemed like she had been separated from her son for several months.
Ma'am, are you okay? Do you want to sit down and relax?" the woman shook her head. So I just let her hug me.
When everyone lost their shock, my Head Nurse introduced who our guest was.
Attention everyone, because I am summoning you because they are here Mr. Jero Fortaleza and his wife Mrs. Krylle Fortaleza they have a surprise visitor here at the hospital." when I heard that I was also surprised because the one hugging me now is the owner of this hospital and the one looking at my man is his wife.
When the woman was exhausted, she left her embrace and suddenly said........
"Come home to us Khloe..." and she cried.
Sir Jero took him and hugged him. But I was shocked because he called me Khloe.
Because this is what my necklace is named after.
The two husbands said goodbye because of Ma'am Krylle's actions.
"Nurse Selene, Ma'am Krylle hugged you and then called you Khloe." a nurse told me immediately.
"I don't know, nurse, maybe she only sees her son in me, that's why she's acting like that.
"Don't tell Selene to the others, okay? But they probably already know the story of the Fortalezas," she said immediately because it was break time.
"What is that nurse?" I immediately said.
"Because it's like this, they had a missing daughter before the people of Fortaleza were looking for her. Ma'am Krylle is even giving a price to whoever can find their only daughter but the person who stole her is good at hiding so no one has yet seeing the child there." long star story.
"But how many years has it been since their daughter disappeared, nurse?" I immediately asked.
"She has been a nurse for 27 years because she was good at hiding when her son was stolen, but Ma'am Krylle never stops looking for her missing son." immediately said and I just nodded.
"And this is nurse Selene.. They said the child had a sign before it was stolen from them."
"What is that sign?"
"She said her name is KHLOE." I was surprised because Khloe was also on my necklace.
So I stood up and left without saying goodbye. I went to the restroom to wash up because of what I found out.
I don't want to assume that I'm their missing child because my necklace might be a gift from Mom and Dad and they tell me not to take it off my neck. I held it and rubbed the Khloe pendant.
After looking at my face in the mirror, I left the restroom to go back to the nurse's station.
I just went back to my remaining schedule and to be honest the doctors and other nurses here at the hospital are looking at me because of what happened earlier.
But I just ignored them and finished my work before going home.
After all my schedule, I called Josh to pick me up and I waited for 5 minutes. Because it's traffic.
When Josh arrived, I immediately got on board.
"Josh, has Kaizer come home yet?" I immediately asked.
"Not yet Ma'am, he said earlier that he will be home late at night."
"Josh, put me to sleep and wake me up when we get home."
"Alright ma'am"
While I was taking a nap, I dreamed of the faces of Ma'am Krylle and Sir Jero begging me to come back to them.
But before I could see anyone else, Josh woke me up.
"Ma'am, you had a dream that we were here at home a while ago and I woke you up a while ago." Josh said to me so I just asked for patience.
I went straight to my room to take a shower.
I shook my head because it hurt. I feel like I'm going to be sick but I can handle it so I can go in tomorrow. Because I felt bad, I just put it to sleep.
Kaizer's POV:
I'm still here in the office because I'm also being investigated because someone took money from our company so I'll be going home for the night.
So I thought of calling Manang Elma and checking on Selene to see if she was asleep or not.
"Mr. Elma did I disturb you?"
"Not Sir Kaizer, why?"
"I would suggest that you check on Selene in her room first to see if she is resting. Because I will be going home for the night."
"Ahh.. It's ok sir, I'll just call you when I look at it Okay"
"Okay, thank you."
While I was looking at something in the papers, I saw that Manag Elma called so I answered it.
"S-sir, Ma'am Selene is burning with fever. Shall I call an ambulance?"
"Just relax, wipe him first and if his fever still doesn't go down, call an ambulance. Okay? Call me again, man."
When I found out that Selene had a fever, I wanted to go home but our Company needed me so I thought of calling Manang Elma
"Is her fever coming down?"
"Sir, it's still the same as before."
"Can you call an ambulance and can you accompany Selene to the hospital first? I'll just go there when I'm okay here at the office."
"Alright Sir, there's no problem."
I ended my call and hurriedly read the papers that are now on my table. So that I can go to the Hospital immediately.
A few minutes ago, Manang Elma texted that they were in Fortaleza Hospital.
The only thing I did was I took my paperwork out of the office to read it at the Hospital because I will be watching over Selene because she is my wife.