on my way home,I realize I was always waiting for someone,but in return I messed up again, It was all good and I enjoyed every bit of it.
i shouldn't let myself,feel like a bitch,okay I am,I went home,lay on the bed and called rose.
"are you going to come to work today?"
"honestly,I am not,I am quitting"
"yeah yeah,come over later,I got lot's of things to tell you"
"alright,I will tell boss that"
"and tell him fuck you"
"bitch you're crazy"
"I need to sleep,ttyl"
"same,love you"
"love you too"
we hang up, staring at the videos I made,I was smiling so bad.
it looks really fun,how about I post theses on YouTube,I thought to myself.
I edited it,and post it,it was awful,but I still posted it.
these days,I have bring getting a lot of sleep,and I hardly remember my childhood traumas, it's a good thing right.
I thought I was going to meet my hero,but years past and still I haven't found him,how will I even recognize him,I don't freaking know his name.
what is he too me? he is just someone I owe a big thank you too.
when I left my house one year back,,it felt like a dumb decision but looking back, I'm glad I did,sometimes moving out is necessary.
I slept and hard a nightmare,when I finally thought it was over,just the memories came back and the face of the dead person..I screamed as I woke up, sweating profusely,I started crying,this has to end, I'm fricking tired.
I got up,prepared noodles,and as soon as I finished eating, rose came over.
"thank goodness I just finish eating noodles before you came,you came at the right time" I laugh hard..
"bitch, you're so stupid and I bought chicken for you,you get nothing"
"I was only joking,you came late if not we would have eaten together" I said pouting my lips.
"you know how to get what you want" she smiled then handed the chicken over to me.
"thanks,I love you" I quickly opened it and started eating.
"so what do you plan on doing now"
"I feel like I have saved enough,I would love to travel,not going countries to countries,state to state, first off I want to go to my childhood town,in Abuja"
"woah,this is alot to take in"
"I feel like,I have unresolved issue with the past,I need to go and fix it, everytime I close my eyes to sleep,I see my childhood apartment falling literally everytime,it sucks because it has already happen,but I haven't being healed from it" I was crying already.
"should I come with you?"
"no,I think it's a personal journey,you have sacrifices so much for me,you should really live for yourself please,I feel so guilty for taking you away from home, I'm sorry"
"no, don't be,I would have died,if you haven't taught of running away,or if I didn't follow you that day, everything looks like I was living for you,and you were living for me,but that's how we got to stay alive,so please don't think too much about it"
we hugged each other,and cried so much.
we went on a walk
"when are you leaving?"
"tomorrow,wtf, that's too early baby,to close"
"uhmm,I guess so but I can't change it, let's do everything you want us to do, today"
"alright, don't get exhausted alright"
"I'm already tired,idk why"I laughed so hard.
"you got to be kidding me"
we went to different places,enjoy ourselves took pictures,just living life I can't remember when last we did something like this.
"so what did you say you were going to tell me before?"
"uhmm,I can't remember " I said as we ride the rollercoaster screaming.
it's best,I tell her later,or never.
we are having a sleep over at rose place.
"woah,your house looks more pretty than mine"
"you say that everytime,Linda,grow tf up" she laughed so much.
we played games,dance horribly to music's,ate alot of food,made wholesome memories.
"do you ever get confuse on why Jenn took her life? they got to be a reason"
"I don't know"
"she didn't even leave a suicide note,she just went to school one morning,called me saying stuff and next thing she jumped off,I always think about it on how the story doesn't match up"
"that morning I was with her,she left saying she want to ease herself,later got a call from her,I guess after she calls you,then she said I'm sorry I'm leaving you behind,take care of Linda for me, that's all, trying to reach for her,I here noises everywhere,and it was her"
"maybe one day,we will discover the real truth,maybe let's heal first to help us go back there"
we slept like a baby,we finally get to talk about Jenn without feeling like crap,and it's good.
*next day*
"you're not taking these cloth?"
"no, I'm not"
"uhmm,I will get new cloth from Abuja, I'm just so lazy in carrying all these"
"rich kid"
"of course"
"okay " and we hugged so tightly.
*at Abuja*
dropped off from the bus,and took a taxi to my hotel room.
on reaching the hotel,I saw Pete entering in,we both stare at each other.