“You are quite a woman Lady Adele.” She swallowed slightly and stood before Ky. She wasn’t sure what to expect right now. It had been a couple days since the attack. They were still cleaning up from it. She had heard that they’d killed all the human or human like beings that came to test their keep and take from it if they could. A test of defenses, well the small attack had failed badly and several wraiths had been dispatched as well.
“Thank you.” She said feeling that he meant it. Plus he used the title lady that was good. Also his tone wasn’t as dry like it normally was. She wasn’t sure she liked how he was staring at her. It was different than times past, like he was really looking at her. It felt really intense and a bit uncomfortable as he clearly looked her over.
“Tell me something, and don’t lie. I can sense deceit in a scent even if I’m not one hundred percent the reason why one is deceitful.”
“Okay.” She commented, glancing up and meeting his dark gaze. She did see the wolf there now, it was kind of hard not to. Though it oddly didn’t bother her that he was something else. What bothered her was that he could end her life with a word.
“Did your father truly not value your capabilities or was he just that ignorant about them? Even those that are sexist can still see what you bring to the table. You would have been worth a great deal in marriage to the right one.” She let out a slow breath. Well if he was asking then clearly he wasn’t thinking that she was in line with her father.
“He was purposefully ignorant I think. He didn’t want to believe a woman capable of the same intelligence or more than a man. That I could learn things he felt only his sons should. I taught my younger brother, helping him improve to the level our father wanted. My sisters didn’t partake because they were afraid. I did it in secret, at night when no one watched. I followed my brothers and practiced what my father wanted me to while still learning what my brothers were taught. I want to know how to defend myself. I wanted to know how to use a weapon, because one day I knew I’d need it. One day I would be a wife and I was not going to rely on the mercy of my husband if it meant protection, protecting my children. So no my father wasn’t aware of what I learned completely, just that I was trying. If he found out, he tried to put a stop to it.” She told him honestly. At this point she figured if he was going to punish her for being forthright it would have happened.
“What a fool.” He said with a half smile. “Though after the events a couple nights ago I don’t see a reason to complain that you were tossed here at a whim.” She watched him as he took a step forward before her where she stood. She felt her body tense and heart pick up.
“Does this mean I am not in trouble for being in the library?” She asked quietly and hopefully. She figured that she’d been called here today for this reason and so far he didn’t seem pissed off like the last few times.
“Your lack of listening annoys me greatly. However if you hadn’t been in there they might have done some damage. There are things, or were things hidden in there but have since been moved knowing there was a breach.” Ky had such an urge to reach and touch her. It was growing rather fiercely seeing the woman she was. Seeing how she fought. His interest in her was at an all time high. She was however human so her social cues and understanding were different. Though not completely, and if she was like him she’d be able to scent his shift toward her. The sudden desire he felt. Not because she was a pretty face with a nice body. What he saw the other night made him take notice of her for other reasons. Serious reasons.
“I’m sorry.” She said and he slightly raised an eyebrow.
“No you aren’t, you will do it again. You can’t help yourself clearly. If you could, your father wouldn't have given you to me to do what I want with you. You are not capable of being obedient.” He could see a slight redness to her cheeks.
“I am capable of following orders. But to be fair, prudent orders in which I am not causing harm or upset with important things. I don’t think exchanging a book to teach is a crime.” She told him and fought not to swallow when he reached forward. He lifted a lock of hair from her shoulder. He rubbed it between his fingers and watched it for a moment as he spoke.
“When you were offered, I figured it just another trap. Though I also know your father is desperate to keep out the creatures that call this land home. What resides in the mountains. If he makes me happy, and keeps his word then I’ll keep mine. If there is anything the rest out there know is that I will keep my word, but betray it and more than my army might come through.”
“For now that’s exactly what my father thinks. Like he said it wouldn’t have been me if he’d wanted more. You wouldn’t have accepted, but leaving one of his blood he figured showed someone like you he was serious at the moment.” She replied not quite meeting his gaze. She felt it rather heavily and he was still touching her hair.
“No I wouldn’t have accepted, that’s not how my people work anyways. If I accepted a bride all she would be was a contract. Not a mate or worth anything but a place holder to keep other kingdoms happy. That’s not what I’m looking for.” He told her and he definitely was not. If he had to do something like that she would just be a warm body for sure. He would not have children by a woman contracted to him. He’d had offers and he never took them even if it pissed off the rest. A wound that was easy to heal most times by another contract instead.
“Most times it is a smart move to keep another at bay.”
“Or reason to come into your lands by marriage. You humans are broken in this regard. I’m looking for something else.” He braced the edge of his fingers under her chin making her look up when she was staring at his shoulder.
“I really like what I’m seeing in you. You have what I’ve been looking for and I find it incredibly appealing.” Adele wasn’t sure how to feel right then. What did he even mean? That he was looking at her like she was worth being a wife, or just a body to fill his bed? Not like she had a lot of choice. However she didn’t want to just be a warm body. She wanted to have a family at some point. Though if she was going to be someone’s personal whore, best it be a King. There was some safety in that if she was only used by him.
“I don’t know what to say to that. Thank you for seeing me as appealing. But since I’m sure from what you said you wouldn’t marry, and I’m just a tossed away daughter, are you telling me you’ve simply decided that you are going to use me?” He was silent for a moment and slid a hand into her hair pulling her a bit closer. Her heart started to pound against her chest when his face brushed hers and his breath rushed across her ear.
“I was always going to use you.” He told her and she could hear what almost sounded like a purr or rumble. His other hand came around her side. She’d never been against a man like this before. He felt solid and strong. She actually felt very feminine at the sensation and part of her liked the feel and enjoyed it. A rush but the rest of her was suddenly really nervous and tense. He had pulled her flush to him. He inhaled as his hand flexed in her hair a bit.
“Difference being before you weren’t more than a gift. I’ve decided I’m going to keep you.” She was incredibly soft and it felt good to finally touch her. He'd had her on his mind quite a bit now that she showed him all that he was looking for in a mate. He wasn’t one hundred percent that he’d actually choose to do that. She couldn’t stay human if he did, and that was dangerous. He knew her mind was strong enough for the change.
God she smelled incredible and he didn’t realize how lonely his wolf was until it saw her as more and why he felt this giddy excitement. His people chose their mate by their traits, what called to them. Once it was acknowledged it was very hard to ignore. They had a very different type of marriage ceremony that in his opinion was a hell of a lot deeper than humans. Plus how their other side bonded. That was very intense. Right now Adele showed him all that he’d been looking for in another. There was no doubt that Adele was an alpha type. He just kept seeing her standing there the other night like some warrior queen. No regret, no mercy for those that had wronged them. His dark animal nature absolutely loved the sight, wanted a taste of such a fierce female. However they were not wild beasts any more, so he made it wait. Which it hated.
“When you get bored of me?” She asked because she needed to know. Adele had nothing to her name at the moment. There was no way that he wasn’t going to bed her. Just by the way he was acting at the moment it was obvious.. What did she know of what he was? She wasn’t going to even have her virginity to give to her husband clearly. His grip tightened on her and his mouth was more against her ear as he spoke. There was a darkness to it.
“Don’t give me a reason to be rid of you and I won’t get bored.” His tone had a very different inhuman quality to it. She felt rather tense but she let out a slow breath and relaxed slightly. She didn’t know much about werewolves. She did know enough to not get on their bad side. She kept in her fear and sudden anxiety at this turn in the situation. Clearly showing she could fight and had no problem defending and getting blood on her hands made him change toward her. She didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing yet.
Ky hadn’t really planned on doing anything to her at the moment just talking to her. The way that she relaxed into him brought a rather sharp arousal to him. She was still slightly tense and he could scent a bit of fear and nervousness from her. She wasn’t going to fight at the moment. Werewolves were possessive by nature and once something was considered theirs then that was it. The only way she was going to have him releasing her from him was if she did something horrible or betrayed this keep and his people. Hence why she was still human even with what he was thinking, still had to be careful.
“I’m not good at being obedient, you said so yourself. I think you’d be better off with someone a bit less headstrong.” She cautioned and she suddenly felt humor from him. He took in a deep breath more in her hair for a moment. This was a very strange situation for her. This man was not like any she’d met before.
“No, that’s not what I find attractive.” There was sharp knock on the door. He reluctantly let go of her feeling darker. Maybe he should have thought about that a bit and given more time.
“Don’t go anywhere, you are needed for this meeting. This we will continue later.” She gave a kind of nod and he looked her over taking a step back. Then called for those outside to come in. She faced those coming in and he just thought for a moment. He wanted to know more about her than he did, but that wasn’t going to stop him either.
“Have you practiced what you found of Semi?” He asked her as Jamis and Navi came in. Then a woman she had not met. She had the same wildness about her like the men did. She figured she was a werewolf too. She wondered what it was like to be them.
“What I could, yes.” He gave a nod and motioned for the group to come over to the desk and Navi rolled out a map. Then Ky spread out another that had had written notes but in Semi. There were faded lines running all over the map and they crossed in a few places but five lines crossed over the keep here, or close to it. There were a couple other locations with multiple lines.
“This is what we need translated. From what we have gathered and others our location might have a portal. This is a map to it we believe. Kaves believes it enough to have slaughtered an entire nation to get it.” Ky commented. Kaves was a very dangerous man who could do more than just wield magic. He had brought entire nations down and was now in control of them. Everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before he made his way east or north.
“He still doesn't know who took it. He is behind the attack on us. Testing no more, without the map all he knows is that this area is where it is. If he can take our keep or even one close to us it will give him access to the mountain area.” This from the woman and Adele started comparing the words on the map to her notes. The others were marking out the locations on the normal map and what they knew had been there.
“The area that the wraiths call home is one of these natural leylines. It makes it easier for them to have a connection here.” This from Navi, “There is no way to destroy a leyline. It will always be and is dangerous to attempt.”
“It’s not about destroying, it’s containing and protecting. We can add our own layer to it. May is studying the magic needed.” Ky commented gesturing to May, her brown hair braided tightly.
“It has been hard as we are women and the mage is a stubborn asshole to teach. He’s not one for women.” Ky looked at her.
“If he is being difficult I will visit him. The deal was he taught and we kept the demons at bay.” Ky said darkly, they only had three in their pack capable of wielding magic and they were all women.
“Who is the mage?” Adele asked softly and May answered.
“Allir of Clem.” Her tone said she wished he’d fall off the planet.
“Heard of him, heard he is a drunk too.”
“That he is, if we didn’t need his skill I’d have torn his throat out.” Adele met her green gaze and thought for a moment.
“Ever think of taking a bribe before you attack? I saw the untouched stores you have. Bet if you told him he’d get an Elven aged wine for each well taught lesson to the women he’d jump at it. Maybe a little threat too.” May seemed to think for a moment.
“Elven wine, after you will show me which you think of. Liquor always seems to help with him” She just gave a nod and they went back to the map and Adele rubbed her brow.
“I need more, the alphabet is incomplete and they used mathematics in their writing too, very complicated. This will take me a while.” She said in a rush.
“Where can we possibly find what you need?” Ky asked her because he could see she already had a few things translated but nothing that was going to tell them much. Just words here or there.
“Well, you are talking about either taking Lord Mushin’s castle or seeing if he’d like to agree to take a less aggressive course.” She commented looking at where they were marking along the mountain range. Lord Mushin was his own small country and again kept his small area due to the mountains. He also had a closer access to the valley that could give Kaves a straight shot through the mountains if he moved to take it before they did. The only bonus was that it was winter and Kaves and his armies normally dealt with desert as that was where they were from.
“And?” Ky asked not sure what she was getting at.
“He gave and still does give a great deal of shelter to monks and scholars. They came with a great deal of money and liked his remote peaceful location. If anyone has a library he must, and documents that I could search through. Perhaps a visit could be arranged.” Ky looked at the territory and had already scouted it out himself with others. They were still monitoring it. He already knew of a smaller pack that wanted to come over the mountains and live more civilized. This would be a good place to give them. However he’d learned that forceful take overs ruffled a lot of feathers on this side of the mountain.
“We are going to take it either way. It’s foolish to leave it up for grabs. Mushin can’t hope to fight either Kaves or us and win.” She agreed there, but he did have the defense being so high up on cliffs, it would be costly.
“A fight can destroy documents. If it’s possible I’d like to see what they have. Mushin does not have an heir yet. His wife died in childbirth several years ago and he was devastated. He only has a nephew who by all accounts is lacking greatly in leadership.” Jamis was looking at the map and the area that they needed to go, if they could take it and how.
“Your knowledge of families and customs is very handy I must admit.” Navi commented and she met his gaze.
“It is something all nobles are schooled in extensively. You never want to anger the wrong family. You should know who is related to who, because they will stab you in the back. People trade information to get higher in standing, it’s what they care about most.” She supplied.
“Hence why you were supposed to be watched closely. No one leaves who sees anything they shouldn’t.” Ky commented and Adele squared her shoulders a bit.
“Loyalty is also very real and I can tell you those that would rather die than give up the ones they love or share blood with. That being said, my blood tossed me away when I’d never betrayed them, not once. Give me a chance and show me you won’t do what they did. I’ll freely give what is in my head. My loyalty too which I can see runs deep here or your secret would have been known long ago, not just a rumor.”
“I like her. I think she is smart and to the point.” May commented and Ky was watching her.
“You are getting your chance now.” He told her and looked at Navi.
“The weather. There is another storm brewing over the east ridge last I heard.” Ky commented and Navi nodded.
“Yes, the posts there sent word. But it seems to have stalled. Which is bad if it moves down toward us and the valley. I’m assuming you are thinking about travel, it will come down hard and fast when it does.” Ky stared at the map and then at the one that Adele was looking at again and was frowning at it.
“If that portal is better lost to time, why not destroy the map and notes of it? Less likely to accidentally fall into the wrong hands or be used.” May stated and Ky let out a slightly unamused sound.
“If it were so simple then I’d have done it May.” Ky’s tone was sharp and May looked down. “It won’t burn, the paper mends if torn. It is impervious to water and magic. Someone wanted to make sure that it couldn’t be destroyed.” Adele ran a hand over it and sighed. It felt smooth and she bet that there was probably some magic spell that was needed or something to truly read it too.
“Sorry.” May commented and Ky looked back down at the map.
“We will deal with the portal and ley lines later. If we can’t figure it out and they haven’t rushed up here then they don’t know either.” Ky responded. “What we do need to decide is if the wraith issue will come back. The resources we are sending down to the foothills and border lines there. Then Mushin and his land. We have to take it especially before spring. Everyone is preparing for Kaves to try and push his way up the valley before the flooding season to take more land.” That was a tall order.
“For the wraiths we have gotten a couple witches, white ones, to help. We received word this morning that they would travel up to help us. We gave them shelter and they are grateful for it and lending assistance.” Jamis stated.
“Good, then see to the foothills and the towns. I want a report on their training and the defenses they are to be building I haven’t heard. Men, women and children. Also update on the species in residence. I know more have been coming into our land as we don’t hunt them.” Navi gave him a nod and they were training everyone in their lands. Ky knew that even if women were not typically used in warfare, he’d make damn sure they could fight and defend themselves. Not be helpless useless bodies in an attack.
“Adele.” He looked at her as the others spoke for a moment about who was going where.
“I want you to write a letter to Mushin. You seem to know a softer diplomacy than I use. Mushin and I have an understanding that we just stay on our side of the line. I don’t need him becoming defensive if he thinks an attack would come from a visit to talk.” He really didn’t want to go into a fight to start if something else would work better.
“I can write, but it will be best if you rewrite it in your hand so that he knows it is you. What do you want the visit for so I know the context to be diplomatic about?”
“We are at war, we need information from his stores. Information the scholars might have. Anything about Kaves and his land if he has it with his scholars. Also it’s only a matter of time before Kaves or the fae come back. He’s going to need our assistance if he wants to make it.” She just gave a nod, and then moved over to the smaller desk that was there. She sat to write, pulling the inkwell close. Thinking about what she wanted to say while the others finished planning.