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Chapter 6: Book, Blood and Bravery

The next couple of weeks moved really fast she had to say. She liked this teaching but at the same time it was completely exhausting. She didn’t have a ton, but she spent three days with ten children and then two with the adults. Gave them all homework to study. So far they were all surpassing expectations and she was seeing that there was something to it.

She watched the ones that she was teaching and she noticed odd little behaviors. She was positive now that they could speak mind to mind. At least some if not all of them were capable and she wondered if that was just a genetic thing here. She also noticed odd ways that they held their bodies. Or sounds that they made that weren't quite normal but she didn’t comment.

She had also gone to a few meetings that Ky had and she’d been sent to one that Navi had as well. Ky clearly found her knowledge of diplomats and their workings very valuable. He asked her a great many questions about a few that he had not yet met but was dealing with from a far. She felt that if she could keep him informed on what she knew that was keeping her value up. However her teaching was clearly a plus as well.

One of the things that she was rather excited about was that she had been moved from the servant quarters to a different room. It was nice. Not extravagant, but that was okay. Just had more to it. She was allowed normal wear. She kept several dresses and such for if she was called on for a meeting. She wished that outside was a bit more conducive to running, but the snow was still rather high. They were moving into the middle of winter now, but things were kept pretty clear here for travel. For her exercise she just used her room doing things that she’d seen the soldiers being made to do. She figured that was good enough to keep her nimble.

Currently it was rather quiet in the keep. There had been some attacks nearby. From what she’d been told it was possible that they were living wraiths that had done it. She didn’t envy that. Wraiths were very dangerous and she wouldn’t want to meet one. She hoped everything was okay. Several hours ago she’d seen guards being added. They were worried about being attacked. Not a full blow war attack or anything, it sounded like a testing one.

Adele sat on her bed staring at the window as she thought. The grey light coming in was dwindling fast. She was tapping a book in her lap and wanted another to read as she was done and didn’t have any assignments tomorrow.

Thing was, most were gone and she couldn’t ask anyone to go get a book for her. She was still not allowed to wander alone. However there were a few exceptions being given lately and she knew that several were out looking for the wraiths. She knew that they were worried about a different attack on the town closest to them. The wraiths seemed to be moving in that general direction. She weighed her options and since she now knew where several servant passages were it would be fast. She could return this book and get another.

No one was here, and she wasn’t going to fall asleep this time. Still couldn’t believe that she had done that. Though in the end it still worked in her favor. She didn’t leave yet though. She’d wait for a bit more darkness and she’d go without a light. She already knew the book or books she wanted. She also knew the way well. She was closer to the library here in this new room. Right now the children were being taught here at the keep so she didn’t have to travel at all. Another odd thing to her, they didn’t have a school house? Seemed a bit different that a king would do something like that in his own keep.

Ky however was not a normal king she was starting to see. Oh he still had the attitude, the authoritative tone and overall demeanor she’d expect of someone in power. However the things he seemed to do or allow were just different. Not like a king that was self-serving or centered. He did seem to care about his people and he was clearly different like most of them were. She just still hadn’t found out how different. But she would eventually, she was living here after all.

Seeing that it was dark enough Adele moved to leave. Plus feeling like even if she was caught, it wasn’t going to be as dangerous as before. Though she really didn’t want to get caught and have her freedoms reduced or something. But she really couldn’t help herself and if this wraith issue got bad she wasn’t going to be doing much but staying in her room. She figured that while she was down there she could take a quick look for anything else on the Semi. Or even on the wraiths because she wasn’t familiar with them all that much or how they worked.

She made her way rather quickly through a servants area and then down the hall to the library. She heard no one anywhere. She told herself to try and be fast. The light in here only came from the windows.She hadn’t brought any light because that would give her away. She went quickly down a couple of the aisles, grabbed one book she knew that she wanted for sure and then she started scanning knowing that down here had the books she’d probably need. She found her way to the second aisle from the end under the balcony. It was dark and hard to read here. So she crouched down looking at the titles there and pulled out a couple seeing what she wanted.

She moved from that aisle and back toward where one of the windows were. She had three books with her and she set them on the window ledge to read a few things to make sure she grabbed what she thought. The first was mostly just for teaching. Then she flipped through the one it was labelled by a monk and said dead religions. She was really glad that Ky had not purged this library of books that might be thought of as dark or dangerous knowledge.

This one she found mention of the semi in and closed it really hoping there was more than just a mention. She figured that it was worth a shot. She then opened the last book and skimmed through the handwritten notes. This said it was confiscated from magic users, and she found the entry on wraiths. There wasn’t a lot, mostly just a few lists of attributes. Possibly conjuring that she couldn’t read as it was in some magic language. Then weapons to use against them that worked best. It looked like salt, or iron, especially if they were dead wraiths. Living wraiths just took less dismemberment to kill.

“Sounds great.” She commented dryly to herself and shut the book. She went to leave and stopped dead hearing whispering and the quick movement at the door. She cursed herself, there was no way to go out and not be seen. It also sounded like someone coming that shouldn’t be. So she was hoping she’d just go past them and they wouldn't say anything if she didn’t. First she had to gauge them though, just who it was.

She crouched down watching the door from the back of the aisle she was in. She’d moved away from the window so that she couldn’t be seen easily. Then used a bookshelf to hide her and looked through it. It allowed her to see but not really be seen. She watched two men come in. One looked like a soldier, the other hard to tell but he was holding a small blue orb that gave a low light to see. Magic, she could see that and she stayed absolutely still as something else came behind them. It floated above the floor by about four inches. Was lanky in nature and had a pointed face with sunken eyes.

The entire room felt cold and she could just see a bit of her breath, but still she didn’t do anything. Just watched. That looked like a wraith, and it felt evil. It scared her but she remained calm and then made up her mind rather fast. Knowing damn well that these were not friendly people she figured she’d have to reach out. She listened to the two men who were being quiet but heading toward the back aisle where she’d been initially. They were looking for something and she had a feeling that the magic wielder was controlling the wraith at the moment.

‘Are you or any of the guards back to the keep? If so near the library?’ She thought this, but with a focus as Ky had told her to do. Talking via the mental bridge. Perhaps she should have been a bit more formal but she was worried. She had no idea how to fight a wraith. She knew that if she ran for it she was dead. She was hoping that they were here in the castle. There was no one else she knew that she could call out to. She hadn’t been told anyone else was telepathic.

‘Why? What is happening in the library? Why are you in there if so this late?’ His response was immediate and felt like he spoke right in her ear again. She swallowed slightly and watched the two that seemed to be searching the walls a bit and it was hard to see them at the moment.

‘There are two men here and a wraith is with them. I think the one is wielding magic to control it. Another looks like a soldier and I think I’ve seen him here before but do not know who he is. They seem like they are looking for a hidden compartment or room maybe?’ She didn’t respond to why she was in here so late. Clearly that was not the most important thing.

‘Many of the guards are out on the grounds, none are close to you at the moment.’ She didn’t like the sound of that.

‘What would you like me to do? They do not know I’m in here. I don’t currently have a weapon but it may only be a matter of time before they come this way.’ She informed him via mind and he was silent for a moment. She had a feeling that he was talking with someone else before he spoke back to her.

‘Nothing, it’s important that you do not move and you make no sound whatsoever or the wraith will lock on to you and it will kill you. They are fierce dangerous creatures that either shred the living for their blood, or drain their life energy. Don’t move from where you are. Tell me what they are doing. I am the closest to you, there were attacks on both sides tonight. It was most likely to distract and get those you see into the keep.’

Ky stopped where he was running to and had been coming from the front of the keep to the back. He was on the outer wall. He told a few what was happening, but only Jamis was able to leave and come with the fighting. The wraiths on either side of the keep right now were a serious issue. With this he suddenly felt it was Kaves. He had to be behind it, hitting different strongholds searching. Ky was not the first leader or king to have this happen. He was however the one that had stolen items from Kaves.

‘Okay, they are moving slowly right now. The wraith is with them. I can’t tell if it is a living or a dead one.’ This talking mind to mind was quite handy she had to say. She could only see their light right now as they searched for whatever it was they were looking for.

‘Hope it is a living, or you are in worse danger than you know.’ She set her books down very quietly making no sound and opened the one where she marked it reading slowly on the wraith. She could see that the two men were moving under the balcony. Though still across the way searching the back wall and moving toward her. She pursed her lips, she didn’t have a bright light source. She didn’t have magic. She didn’t have salt to form a ring of protection, but that wouldn’t stop the other two. Cast iron was effective, she glanced up reading that and from here she could see the giant fireplace. The poker and tools there were cast iron she was sure of it.

‘Where are they now?’ Adele glanced over hearing his voice in her head again. Ky was checking with the rest and didn’t want any of them to leave or create a hole in the fight. His main fighters were out on the boundary walls stopping the small but fierce attack on both sides. They were pushing the wraiths and other fighters back, and had killed several. This was dangerous. The keep was being tested on all sides and they had to pull protection from the keep itself. He was not willing to tell the rest to leave protecting those who had been sheltered in the keep when the attack started. The wraith inside was going to be something he had to deal with on his own until the others could come.

‘North west corner.’ Adele responded back to him. She sounded calm and there wasn’t much in her voice. She was very level headed. Most would not be dealing with a wraith. Let alone seeing one. Their position in the room put them farthest from the door.

‘You?’ Came his mental question.

‘South west nearly across from the door.’ Was her answer. Ky entered the keep and it was silent in here. The servants were either asleep or already in a secured area. His people had been mentally informed to move and secure themselves if they weren’t required to fight. Which was mostly the children and two women that were pregnant. Then two males that were last resort to help protect them if the wraiths got in.

‘We are pushing them down the mountain side.’ Jamis called to him via mind. ‘Me or another can possibly break and come help you.’

‘No, if you can break you go to the back. I had to change direction. They still need the assistance. No others get in understood?’ Ky growled. These three he was sure slipped in looking for an opening never intending to fight but to search the place.

‘Adele, have they moved?’ He spoke only to her, trusting the rest to handle what was going on. They were not a group to be trifled with. These creatures were going to learn that. They were going to hunt down the living, human or not and make sure that they were dead so they couldn’t carry back a message.

‘Not really, they are pulling things off shelves and seem very interested in the back corner. The wraith is watching this direction. I think it might have sensed me but isn’t sure as I haven’t moved yet.’

‘Good don’t.’ It was seriously game over for her if she did that. ‘You do not seem like one to easily panic.’ He commented and Adele was watching the wraith as it was floating a bit closer.

‘No, I’m not.’ She said indignantly. Her mental voice strong. He tore up the stairs and was just down the hall from the library but slowed as to not make a sound. He was not human looking at the moment and moved down the hall pulling all the scents in. Mentally feeling with his mind to know what and who was in the room.

‘When I come in, I will not be human looking. You are still going to need to stay still and calm or you are dead either way.’

‘I like staying alive.’ She commented and eyed the distance to the fireplace tools. Felt that she could easily get the poker. However she was also really confused by Ky. He wasn’t going to look human? What did that even mean? However the door was open and she looked toward it catching just a bit of movement.

A large dark form moved into the room. It looked muscular and was down on all fours. Even in the low light she could see what it was. Her eyes widened, werewolf. She didn’t think that any existed on this side of the mountain. Dangerous savage creatures that were notoriously hard to kill. Amazing fighters and resistant to magic, but she didn’t know more than that. Well if that was what he was, she was was glad. It was going to give him an edge in this fight.

In the blink of an eye he leapt and hit the wraith latching onto the neck, then slamming into the shelving crashing to the floor. The other two gave a shout and were diving out of the way. Ky was on the soldier as the wraith got away from him and shot upward. Adele ran forward and snatched the heavy fire poker. No way was she going to remain defenseless.

She was not the only one that ran for the door. She lifted the poker up and with everything she had she swung. It connected solidly with the man’s upper back. He stumbled and went down. She slammed into the door making it close and then swung down at the man who was the magic wielder. She was hit in the mid section winding her some by an invisible force, she hit the floor and slid back.

There was a fierce growl and Ky leapt at the mage who dove toward her to get out of his way. The mage reached to grab her, like using her might stop something. She leapt up with surprising dexterity and swung with the poker clipping the side of his head. Ky grabbed his leg yanking him back with incredible force and he flew into the wall. The mage did something that minimized the impact to him.

What looked like a blue fire ball nearly hit Ky who dove. The mage pulled out a medium sized blade at his side and shoved it forward into Ky’s shoulder. He barely made a sound of pain and it was clear that the mage was unsure of what to use to really be effective. He was just managing to hold him at bay but he was bloody. From the corner of her eye she could see that the soldier was in a puddle of his own blood and not moving.

The room got incredibly cold and she turned out of reflex and swung, hitting the wraith that appeared there. It was looming over her. She felt this cold shut down of her feelings and just the need for survival. She got it in the stomach. Spearing it with the iron rod. It hissed in pain and looked like the iron burned it. It swiped out a clawed hand and nearly got her fully across the face if she’d been slower. Just a bit of a scratch and she backed up.

The wraith had grey skin and needle-like teeth. Black eyes with torn robes that floated around it. This one was a living one, which meant it would probably try and tear her apart for her blood. Keeping her alive while it fed. Then again if the mage was still in control it might just kill. It moved with blurring speed and she just thrust forward with the poker again, as it got her around the throat. It slammed her back down nearly on the dead soldier as she had tried to back up.

She shoved harder and it let out a scream of pain as she forced the poker into the flesh of it’s chest. It let go of her throat and reared back before clearly going to come back down on her with deadly force. However it was hit in the side. Ky got it around the side of the head and was tearing at the thing. Clearly trying to rip the head off. Adele felt dizzy and the hit to the floor hurt but she moved, getting up grabbing the blade that the soldier had dropped. The thing feeling sticky with blood.

She was half in an aisle with books. Half the shelves were gone with how Ky was tearing at the Wraith and it looked like he was winning. Black blood flew but she also saw red blood. She turned seeing the mage moving forward holding his side that was drenched in blood. His movements jerky. She saw him form something that looked like an obsidian blade of some kind and she ran forward nearly silent as she did so.

It was a fatal mistake on the mages part to ignore her. Adele got between him and Ky who had the wraith pinned to the floor. It was barely moving. She stabbed the mage hard right in the lower chest. He spit up blood but tried to get her with the black blade. He missed, he was weak from the wounds and this blow. She managed to get a hold of his wrist and pulled the blade from him and gave a slight cry shoving it forward more with all she had. He went back with her on top of him. Blood hit her face and chest, but the mage was dead before he hit the floor. She felt the adrenaline wane. The fear that should have been there to start rush in now that it felt like the danger had passed.

She felt someone touch her shoulder and out of reflex she spun and nearly got Ky with the black blade. He grabbed her wrist however and she let it drop as he pulled her up and off the dead mage. She was breathing rather hard and it was a deafening silence in here now.

“I’m sorry, I just reacted.” She said to trying to stab him. His eyes were black at the moment. He was holding her by the upper arms looking her over.

“Do you have any serious injuries?” He asked, and looking at her she was covered in blood but none of it really smelled like hers, but a little bit. She was a hellion, a furious fighter when push came to shove. He’d seen how she went right for it. Had the natural skill and reaction. She had blood splashed across her face and didn’t seem to notice at all. She still looked ready to keep fighting. She was a survivor.

“I don’t think so, just a hard hit to the head. Maybe a few scratches I don’t know. I'm not feeling much right now.” She told him and he let go of her arms and just stared at her for a minute and then looked her over. Her father judged her very poorly. She was honestly worth her weight in gold. He'd not met any human woman ever capable of what she was. She’d trained herself in nearly everything. She’s moved, having his back and saving him from serious injury. Though it wouldn’t have killed him. He’d been in the middle of killing the wraith and he couldn’t let go or it would start to heal. Still his gaze took Adele in, covered in the blood of her enemies. She looked ready to continue if need be. What a female.

“Good.” He reached up, touching the side of her face and looking at her. This one, here she was. This human woman had everything he’d looked for. He saw it right there as his animal demanded he see. She looked a true warrior right now standing strong having slain her enemies and showing no remorse for her actions. It was survival, kill or be killed. She absolutely had his attention. Her actions right now showed how willing she was to fight for those that gave her a reason to. He wasn’t human, and this was not strange for him to react to.

“Go to the bathing area and call out to Jackie whistling twice. She is there with others, you are human and you won’t withstand another attack if a wraith gets in.” She just gave a nod and he stepped back from her. In the blink of an eye he was not human looking but a massive werewolf. The body muscular and capable of standing on two legs, but also on all fours with massive curved hands in the front.

Adele just stared at him and felt nothing but a bit of awe. He watched her and she met his gaze unafraid. She just turned and was quick to go where he told her to go because she didn’t want to fight again. If he felt she should go where others were safe then she’d take the privilege being offered to her. She missed the way that his black gaze followed her, a predator tracking desired prey.

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