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Chapter 5: Playing the Part

Adele looked at herself in the mirror and took a deep breath. Then stepped out of the small room and went to the meeting room. She’d informed the kitchen staff immediately of what they needed to have prepared when word came that the Tannins were here. She knew that it was Gof now, and he dealt with weaponry. His section was well known for it and high quality items, but they were shrewd businessmen.

She walked down the hall centering herself and entered the room they were going to meet in. Navi, Jamis and Ky were all there. Both Navi and Jamis looked formally dressed and that was good. Chances were they would just stand in the background, just in case. All about appearances.

She looked at the sitting area and then over to where the tea and few other novel items were that she knew Lord Gof would find pleasing. Adele took this seriously, she needed to show Ky that she was willing to be part of this. That she was not going to run back to her father, and she could be useful to him. Here was a great chance to prove she wasn’t some pretty face that hid lies.

“Adele.” She turned and moved over to where Ky was. The three men were all well built and it was kind of intimidating being in the room alone with them. They were taller than her, and just looking at them she got this wild feeling. Hard to explain, but she bowed her head slightly to him.

“Yes Sire?”

“Have you ever had someone speak mentally to you?” She was confused for a second.

“You mean telepathy.” She said carefully.

“Yes. Have you?” He more demanded. His tone was tart. Like he hadn’t wanted to say it but needed to.

“No.” She informed him as Jamis and Navi were speaking quietly together. Ky stepped and raised her head up by the chin just using a couple fingers.

“Look at me.” He demanded and she met his gaze. She felt this odd kind of shift in her head meeting his gaze. Like something clicked.

‘It can be disorientating at first.’ His voice was definitely in her head. It shocked her the clarity and how it felt like he spoke right in her ear. It also felt more, and his voice felt more too in her head. There was an odd disorientation like the room might spin but she shook it off.

“I am not telepathic. How can I speak back?” She asked, not shocked at all. She figured that the rumors had to be true. Clearly he wasn’t going to pretend or hide the oddities. He did just tell her that the children she was going to be teaching were special. Now several things she noticed made sense. She’d bet her life a good number here were telepathic. Kind of made her feel better. That she wasn’t crazy thinking they were doing something she couldn’t see.

‘I will hold a bridge, just think like you would speak. Think of what it feels like hearing me. You do not need to make eye contact. I see your mind and the bridge is set.’ Well this was going to be interesting. His mental voice in her head was really strong. He stepped back from her. She figured he spoke to her like this to get her used to it. She thought about it and gave it a try.

‘Okay.’ She responded mentally and he looked her over. She had her hair down and it fell nicely around her framing her face with just a bit held back in a very small knot. The dress she wore was a deep burgundy that hugged her well. It was simple yet elegant with a gold band that went around the waist and came to a V in the front with a loose skirt. The top was lower v cut as well.

“You will tell me what they say when they speak their own language via mind. When they talk tell me. Here is your chance Adele.” She nodded and there was a bit of sound in the hall. She backed up and stood off to the side silent as the group came in. Four men being led by a different servant she hadn’t met yet.

Ky watched Adele move. She was very graceful and with the dress she wore as well as her hair done she was even more beautiful than before. She was elegant and her raven hair appeared to have almost a purple hue to it, it was so dark. Her blue gaze stood out, and her skin looked flawless and smooth. Honestly it was hard not to just stare at her and imagine a few things right then.

“Greeting King Ky, thank you for seeing us!” This was Lord Gof. A portly man who was clearly used to his creature comforts. All Ky could see in him was weak prey. Easy to take down, easy to kill. Lucky for the man he’d learn how to be civilized. One day though these humans would regret the damage they had caused.

“I am surprised, you made good time even with the fresh snowfall.” He commented gesturing for the man to have a seat. He did and so did his son that was with him. The other two stood. Ky did not sit at the moment. He needed to finish assessing those before him before his animal could be comfortable enough to sit.

“It was a long journey. Lost a few horses, but when I give a date I show. You have always paid handsomely, and we’d like a contract with you. So it was important to get here. We have things you want, you have things we want.”

“It is appreciated.” He commented, eyeing the man. His son looked a lot like him. Dark hair and eyes, but thinner and more in shape. He sat like there was a stick somewhere it shouldn’t be. These two thought a lot of themselves. Ky disliked them instantly, but he had to deal with them.

“Something smells wonderful though, I don’t suppose you have…” No one was even aware of Adele moving. She just seemed to suddenly be there and handed Lord Gof a cup. He appeared surprised but the second he looked at Adele you could see his eyes eat her up. He did not hide that he liked what he saw. The man’s scent shifted as well to desire. Adele did not show she noticed. She just gave him a head bow and offered his son one who stared at her too and took it without even thinking really. Staring at her with a lustful expression hearing nothing else. Huh, it seemed women had the same effect on males no matter the species or standing.

“Oh this is perfect.” Lord Gof commented again surprised like he’d never had anything so glorious. His gaze moved to where Adele now stood and seemed to be thinking. She didn’t look at any of them and was silent.

“I’d like to talk about why you are here and get to it rather than pleasantries.” Ky told them darkly. He wasn’t sure he liked how Gof was staring at Adele. She wasn’t his property, and he didn’t care for it.

“Right you are.” He said and they started talking. Adele seemed to just know if their guests wanted something or more to drink. She even gave some to others about the room, including Navi and Jamis. Ky did not take anything. He was starting to feel high strung to be honest talking for as long as they were. It was good to have her there, he realized for more than one reason. She read a room well. If things were getting heated because of disagreement she seemed to move in taking things away or offering, but always silent. Or with the barest word and definitely distracted and seemed to reset the pace. Her movements broke their line of sight or interrupted without being too noticeable. It was a good thing, kept them from stalling to much.

“You are a very efficient, well mannered woman. Wish my daughter was as trained as you.” Inside Adele cringed, oh if she could slap him she would. If he stared at her breasts one more time she’d stab him in the freaking eye. Trained, she wasn’t some dog to learn a trick. Then again, here she was serving them.

“Thank you my Lord.” She said dutifully.

“Is she your bride? Where is she from?”

“What she is to me is none of your concern.” Ky commented and he saw the barest eyeroll when Adele had turned. He was kind of glad to see it. She’d been playing the part well and really seemed almost mousy and trained. It subtracted from her somehow, but that small tell told him she was just really good at hiding it. She did not realize he saw it as her back had been to the others. His gaze followed her across the room. Then was annoyed that he kept doing that like the others.

“Right, but no we won’t sell to Lord Michael Belex.” Adele had mentally told him that Gof and his son would double cross him on the steel for weapons if her father offered more. Ky had instantly called them out on it. They hadn’t used names when speaking, but she knew who they were talking about. Ky phrased it like he already knew that Micheal was looking and if they promised him, then recanted they were going to lose more than a deal.

They talked for a while longer and didn’t have to stop as Adele pretty much served the men in the room. He’d never thought about the lady in the room that did this when he visited other places at times. He never accepted what they offered, but clearly there was something to it for most others. She told him immediately when they spoke another language and this went rather smoothly. Ky had moved to the desk here to pull out a few papers and write the agreement. Lord Gof ate some of what Adele handed him and his men. He was talking again in his own language and there was a bit of laughter between the four. Adele was over by Jamis giving him more to drink.

What are they talking about? She did not tell him this time and they were chatting again. He couldn’t understand, and she was to share.

They are talking about me this time. She said tartly and had moved over to stand not looking at the others again.

Completely about you? He asked glancing up and her head turned looking at him for a moment. From here he could see an ire to her eyes and a slight redness to her cheeks.

Men like to talk about women, we are objects. They like how I look so they are being crude if you must know. She told him and he didn’t ask her to explain just what they were saying, he could guess. Their gazes were straying to her so he believed her. Probably saying out loud a few things that he’d actually thought watching her. Again he felt an odd darkness come up. They could say what they wanted, she wasn’t for sale at the moment. If anyone was doing anything to her he would. He’d decided that watching her move about the room today.

“Here, read and sign.” Ky stated and Lord Gof came over and did so. He seemed happy with it and they discussed a few more details and timeline. They were finished and stood near the door. Lord Gof shook his hand.

“I have a question about her.” He pointed at Adele who had cleaned up while they were talking. That was again mostly unnoticed. Clearly trained well whether that sounded degrading or not. It was custom.

“What about her?” He asked not looking where he pointed. What could he want with Adele? Didn’t appear he knew her prior.

“Is she a serving lady? Forgive if she is not but…”

“No, she is not. Nor is she for sale or use, don’t ask again.” He told him and Gof gave a nod.

“Right, sorry. Thank you for the room and board. We will be heading out first thing.” Navi guided them out and Jamis followed clearly making sure that they went where they were supposed to go. Once they were gone his gaze turned to Adele when she sighed.

“Thank you for that.” Adele said from where she was standing.

“Unless you give me reason. I said you wouldn’t be a working girl. I keep my word if the one I work with keeps theirs.” He told her and she met his gaze.

“Still, thank you.” Adele repeated. He had no idea what they had said. The four had hoped he would let him and they would have shared her. She couldn’t believe some of the things they were saying. He stood there for a moment and looked her over, seeming to think. She felt like fidgeting then but didn’t.

“You are a beautiful woman. It’s easy to see why they'd ask.” He told her and she had a darker look to her eyes for a moment.

“Maybe men should think with their brain for once, and not be so narrow minded.” Honestly they’d have been in a shouting match a couple times if she hadn’t moved to interrupt as she did. Well Ky would have more just deadpan spoken with a bit more volume, but Gof would have shouted. She’d diffused that a couple times. She also spoke before she thought and realized that she should have held her tongue. However a very slight smile showed for a moment on Ky’s lips. He moved toward the door to leave.

“It’s hard when you know the pleasure a woman can give.” That made her face burn a bit more. “Find Jackie when you are done here, see what she needs. You can start the lessons tomorrow.” He told her and left her there. She let out a rush of air figuring that she’d gotten lucky and she’d fixed some damage from last night. She touched her throat which was healed. The salve having worked. She reminded herself to not get into that kind of trouble again. She was glad he gave her the chance to prove it.

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