Ky was not in a good mood at all just before coming across Adele. He’d been slowly going through the shelves looking. He had no idea where anything about the Semi would be. So much had been destroyed about them, and their people too. He’d just stopped stood there for a second ready to throw something through the wall. He was tired of the attacks, the death and cost to the land. He was about ready to start going on a rampage like Kaves and conquering land just to get rid of the vermin.
Then he’d heard the quietest sound above him, and the soft sound of paper. He immediately went on alert and moved swiftly with no sound up the level. Ky was not normal, and neither were half the people in this keep. They kept their secrets, and the fact that they were inhuman wasn’t anyone else's business. It gave them an edge. Which his senses immediately smelled the fresh apple like scent and his gaze narrowed.
Adele was at the end of the aisle gathering some papers. Her wealth of hair was down and draped over her. He was going to kill her if she was up here spying. That sure was what it looked like. Her surprise and the fact that she didn’t fight him gave him just a bit of doubt so that he didn’t snap her neck immediately.
She had met his gaze initially, but then she lowered it. Clearly she had decided that he’d made up his mind regardless if she was innocent or not. Her just get on with it attitude gave him pause and calmed him just a bit. He never did like simpering fools. He didn’t trust people that begged and pleaded. He looked her over for a minute. Why did all pretty faces hide such vipers?
He glanced at the papers and noted names on the top corner. There were simple math problems, words to copy and lines to recite for pronunciation. As he flipped through them quickly there were six and he was silent for a moment. If she had written this up on a moment's notice for a cover that was pretty damn good. Because she had the names of several servants and a couple children. It looked appropriate to teach and made sense. He was suddenly thinking a couple of things. His anger coming back down to simmer.
“You can read and write at a rather advanced level.” He commented, and her penmanship was honestly better than his. Very neat and precise. It wasn’t common for women to be able to write up a learning plan. Or have enough knowledge to do so unless they were advanced in their language and writing skills.
“Yes.” She answered and he saw that she swallowed. Her eyes appeared watery but she didn’t make a sound or shed a tear. Though it seemed that her throat was sore, he had gripped her rather hard. She would probably have bruising there if not treated. He wasn’t yet sure if he should be sorry for it.
“And your father just threw you away.” She met his gaze for a moment. Honestly why would Michael waste the time to teach and train a daughter just to toss her away. Really didn’t add up.
“I taught myself. My father taught me nothing. I know what it looks like and how it seems since clearly to most, women are just simple fools that should do what their fathers or husbands say. Believe everything they are told. Clearly I did not do that. I am a failure as a woman and daughter to him. He sent me to you to teach my siblings a lesson. I’m sure my forwardness and tone are going to get me in trouble, but I fear I’m already there anyways.” He stared at her for a moment. Then reached and got a fistful of her hair and pulled her forward. He set the papers on the shelf. Then got a hand below her jaw as he pulled her head back by the hair and gripped her chin making her look at him.
“Wild cards are dangerous things to play with. That is what you are.” She wasn’t quite meeting his gaze but looking past him.
“Look at me.” His tone was very dark and held a growl to it. She did after a second, and he searched them. There was a strong will in this woman. She was smarter than he first thought. If she was as capable as she seemed. An asset too if she gave her loyalty he could see. He needed to decide what to truly do with this woman. If left unchecked she was going to be a problem he could see. While he was irritated, he admired her backbone. She stood her ground. He had a feel she would fight if push came to shove. His animal found that appealing about her.
“You will go straight back to your room.” He ordered. “You will not leave it. Not for your duties tomorrow or tasks. I am going to talk with Jackie about this.” He let go of her and she stepped back looking away from him, but there was fire in her. Her willingness to stand her ground, and clear haughty attitude she was trying to hide was rather attractive to be honest. She didn’t shy away.
“Yes Sire.”
“Whether you get to see the end of tomorrow depends on what I am told by her and the others. Don’t go anywhere else but straight back. I will know if you do.” She just stood there for a moment. Then slowly looked up at him with her bright blue gaze.
“I can’t go if you do not move to allow me to.” Her tone was flat. Clearly not trying to anger him, but he did sense a hidden censor. He leaned forward a bit just inhaling her scent for a moment because he wanted to. She watched him clearly not sure what he was doing. She was really tempting just then. The idea of having such a feisty soul was thrilling. Honestly making another bend to his will or desire right now sounded rather appealing. Especially with his mood, but he moved and let her pass. Just watching her letting her go for now.
If he found out she was lying at all she was going to regret it in ways she probably never thought about. He knew she heard the entire conversation with his men. No reason to even ask. He moved and took the papers with him so that he could really look them over. Then have a conversation with Jackie and a few of the others tomorrow as to why and the reason for not bringing something like this forward.
“Were you aware of this?” Ky asked looking at Navi who was standing in his study with Jackie. He pointed to the papers on the desk, and it was mid afternoon. Jackie was looking down and Navi met his gaze. Jackie avoided it.
“No, I knew that Adele was helping Jackie improve on penmanship and the like. I didn’t realize she was teaching others. I didn’t think the aid was worth note however, from what I thought I knew.” Navi commented and Ky believed him. It sounded from what he gathered that since they were gone was when this had happened. Though he doubted that Adele had solely stuck to her room all that time.
“You were supposed to watch her and report on her. This here tells me she is intelligent, well schooled and this would be a very clever ploy to gain trust. Why was this not elevated? If she was showing others things?” He demanded. “She is the daughter of an enemy even if we have a truce.” There was a bite to his words and a slight growl.
“I’m sorry, forgive me. She hadn’t shown anything malicious. She didn’t smell deceitful and so many of us want to learn. She hadn’t wanted to at first because she feared you sending her to the working women. We did watch her, she never strayed but what we asked her to show or teach. One of us always kept a watchful eye.”
“She was alone in the library Jackie!” He took a rather aggressive step toward her and she flinched at the aggression. Navi tensed and looked like he might move to protect Jackie should Ky try something. Ky looked at Navi and growled a warning at him. He just lowered his gaze but didn’t relax his pose. Jackie was his mate, but that didn’t change Ky’s position or reprimanding a member for wrong doing.
“It might seem like just books, but there is plenty of information in there. It is kept in this keep available to us. Not outsiders that would hunt us down to cut off our heads. Do you want to go back to living in woods and caves?” He demanded of her and she shook her head. “Do you want us back living as animals in the wild?”
“I’m sorry. I should have said something sooner and asked, but she has taught us. We lost the ones teaching us. I know it is hard to find any that we can trust. Especially our children who are learning to control themselves.” He understood the desire, that his people did not want to be animals anymore. They got a taste of a better life, but one slip could destroy it all and that was what he needed to protect most right now.
“She is a gift from her father. She never has to leave the keep and any of us would tear her to pieces if she tried. Could we not use her for this if she is schooled and can teach?” Ky was silent for a moment. That wasn’t the point. He was aware that this might be an answer. She really did have lessons and learning for each curtailed to the individual. So again if she was doing this as a ploy, well it sure was a time consuming one.
“I understand the issue, and I have been looking. Humans outnumber us outside this land. The fact we make the harsh conditions here work and keep back the wilds over the mountains is really the only reason they don’t look to closely right now.” He said irritated.
“Gaining knowledge and learning the words and studies of humans is a necessity but not at the risk of all of us. The wrong one sees something, or gets information and sends it along. They are going to come and attempt to slay us like before. There are only a few hundred of us left. The risk is very serious and this was a gamble on a woman that has only been here a couple weeks.”
“Maybe, but we are also gaining and growing stronger. We are able to hold this land and we now have a human population within ours that will fight for this land and you. If we aren’t willing to take those risks Ky, we should have stayed over the mountains.” Ky pointed at Navi getting close to him. While he was clearly trying to protect and stand up for his mate. Not to mention gain more for their people. This was a very serious button to push, Navi turn his head and look away from Ky at his approach.
“Don’t.” He said dangerously. “I killed my own father to keep us safe and hidden. I nearly died doing it. Do not lecture me about risks. I am not a human king. I am your alpha and do not forget that living in civilization does not change what we are at our core. How we function. Do not think to tell me about risk.” Navi lowered his head slightly in submission. Again he knew he was just protecting his mate, but she had risked them if Adele was a plant. They had to play a balance of the human politics and the wilds, because they were also stopping humans from meddling over the mountains as well.
“Sorry, I know what you sacrificed Ky.” His father had come over the mountains and taken this keep from the King that had been here. Then started slaughtering everything in his path. His father had been bloodthirsty and killed his younger brother in a fit of rage. Ky had decided then that he needed to kill him. Take control or he was going to expose them and have other countries on them and get them all killed.
“Don’t forget it. I never said I wanted to play the human game, but here we are. Here you are learning their craft to fight.” Ky growled and stepped back. “I am not against bettering ourselves. I am against making foolish decisions on a whim and not being informed.” The growl that came out of Ky had them both flinch slightly.
“If you do this again and don’t bring it to my attention you will be reprimanded and it will be before the entire pack. I will not be lenient a second time.” Jackie just gave a nod. With that Ky took a breath. He needed to remind them of the cost, but he knew he also needed to watch his own pride.
“That being said, I read through this. I think perhaps she is better suited teaching than a servant at the moment. He half grumbled.” Jackie held back a sigh feeling that she just dodged a blade. Or claws depending on how you looked at it.
“Though if she is a help with the book keeping on your end then I want her to help you with that as well. It’s important we keep our human finances and gold in check. As well as the human workers.” They all agreed on that.
“Jackie I want you to bring Adele to me. I will let her teach those that want it, but it will be done scheduled. Not hidden and depriving people of sleep.” She gave a nod and Jackie turned Navi looked at his mate, talking mentally with her angry that she had said nothing to him. Ky could feel the mental buzz but let them have their private moment.
“We are going to have to watch her fiercely. She is going to notice things. She has a sharp eye and if she teaches the children one is going to have an outburst. One will eventually lose control, it happens. There is a difference between a human with abilities and being a different species altogether.” Ky stated and Navi gave a nod.
“Yes, but I think the woman is smart enough to know to keep her mouth shut. You could always ask for writing that he disowns his daughter or that she was a gift. Not just a verbal so it can’t be disputed what you do to her if she were to do something.”
“I thought about this.” He commented and he wasn’t sure what the smartest course of action was.
“I was thinking however that she might be able to help with the Semi. It would appear that she taught herself, and in a faster time than most. It’s a risk, but if she proves herself then after time it might be worth the help on the scroll.” Navi agreed with that.
“On a different subject however before you dismiss me. We are watching the northern deadlands. The wraiths have moved out again. Though they are mostly attacking to the south. Do you want us to do anything?” Navi asked nad Ky rubbed his brow for a moment.
“Dead wraiths or living?” Both of them knew that it was only a matter of time before their keep was attacked. They just didn’t know when it was coming.
“Living, but is there really a difference?” He asked with a slight smile and Ky guessed there really wasn’t. Living were just easier to kill. Even if it wasn’t by much.
“Just continue to watch. We can’t afford to move any at the borders right now. Have Havard watch with his pack. Tell him to come to me if they move this way and we will devise a strategy. How are the rest learning fighting and defense?”
“Quickly, fighting was never our issue was it? It’s hiding the animal that takes work.”
“True, I want a report on each individual however Navi. We can’t be lacking. Eventually a large attack will come. Keves will try even with us in the mountains. He has magic, he has been able to open portals before. We need to watch.” Navi agreed there. A soft knock came to the door and he said to come in. Jackie was there with Adele, Navi gave him a nod and moved to leave. Jackie was dismissed as well and that left him and Adele. She stood just before the chairs as he was leaning against the desk there.
He studied her for a moment. She was wearing a simple dark grey dress like most of the servant women. She had a thick braid today that was currently over her one shoulder. She met his gaze for a moment and then toward one of the walls. He tipped his head a bit watching her, there was a bit of bruising on her neck. They were easy to notice on the soft pale flesh and smooth skin.
“It looks like your teaching has won you points with those here. I read through what you wrote. You won’t be sent away or worse.” She didn’t relax at his words, smart woman. Ky assessed her a bit more. If she’d been his kind, he didn’t doubt she’d be a lead female. He liked strong people on his side. She really could be an asset. Still they were figuring out where loyalties were.
“Thank you.” She replied in her soft tone. He reached behind him and picked up a small green jar and held it in his left hand at his side.
“Since you seem so interested in teaching others, and willing to break rules to do it. I think you are better suited doing such duties.” He commented and she kept her stoic expression and didn’t ask what. Clearly learned at a young age to just wait. It wasn’t going to change anything. She knew how to play the game. When to fight, when to give. She really was a valuable creature, he found her backbone and drive appealing. He needed to make sure it worked for them not against. His animal had taken an interest and was watching her. They said animal, because wolf was just not the right term for what his people were. Ky spoke.
“You are going to teach the rest, and you will be given a schedule and that is what you will do with your time here. If you want things from the library you will get approval for it. You will not go anywhere without approval, or you will be punished like any other servant in this keep.” She gave a nod and he stepped forward and held out the green jar to her.
“What is this?” She asked unsure and took it holding it.
“Salve, it will heal the bruises. Unless you want to keep them.” She looked at it and held onto it.
“Thank you. Did you want me to use this now or am I allowed to take it with me?”
“Take it.” She gave a nod.
“Do you speak other languages?” He asked her and she nodded again.
“I speak four different languages.”
“How many do you read?”
“Two, but I was studying a third before I came here.” She said and he honestly was impressed if that was true. She learned as fast as one of his kind if not faster. Sounded like an ability. Who said that you had to have magic or power to be special? Sometimes having a mind capable of retaining knowledge like a sponge was a skill in itself.
“You taught yourself all of this?”
“My father did provided the spoken schooling. In case we were to be married off to a different country or culture to further him.” That made sense he guessed, but still she spoke them. Beauty and brains, in the human world that made her lucky.
“I have a couple questions for you because it is clear that you were listening last night and I have an issue that needs to be dealt with. Before these questions, I want you to be aware that with this change in task here you might have moments like last night. If you hear things or see things especially being in the keep. You will remain silent. We trust our own here, and we protect our own. Any of those that you met, they won’t hesitate to kill you if you betray or show that you are a devious creature who would run back to her father. You provide something valuable to others.
They want to see the good, but know it can turn if you are a liar and they will not help you.” She gave a nod.
“I am aware. Your people seem well cared for and have shelter, food, and some education. They are not that deprived. I have seen deprived and I have seen what a neglectful or stingy ruler can cause. I also know what people are willing to protect.” Good, but she had no idea what was really at stake here. What she had been tossed into on a whim. If she was anywhere else but here her fate would have probably been worse.
“You are not to leave this keep unless escorted and under my order from here forward. You will not have outside communication of any sort. If you are seen attempting to leave or reach anyone on the outside you’ll never see the light of day again.” Adele felt like she made it by the skin of her teeth when he said that she wasn’t going to be punished or sent away. That was fine, she would do what he said. If living out her days teaching was what she was going to have to do she was fine with that. Second she had no one on the outside she cared to talk too. No one that would respond anyways.
“Understood.” He was watching her. She knew he was reading her body language so she didn’t change it. She didn't relax. She wasn’t out of the woods yet. His tone was sharp at times and she felt like his presence was intense. There was something else about him that she couldn’t put her finger on. Just like several others in the keep she met. Especially the ones she was teaching.
“Have you ever heard of the Semi?”
“Yes.” He was silent for a moment seeming to think.
“I read about them. You have a book here within the philosophy group that talks about them. It’s written in Shynil, it’s not a very common language, but one my father had us learn since he deals with them a lot.” He’d never spoken with anyone that spoke the language. Probably why he hadn’t found the book.
“I’m assuming you heard about the scroll we were talking of last night with our maps.”
“I heard mention of both Semi and the scroll. I didn’t see anything, like I said I was more concerned about just waiting.”
“If given the chance and the right materials could you translate Semi?” He asked her and she met his gaze. His gaze was very piercing at the moment.
“Perhaps, I would have to see it. I don’t know if there are any other books that would help but the one I was reading before had some of the alphabet in it, if not all of it. It is a dead language after all.” She didn’t want to promise anything she couldn’t deliver.
“Then you will get the book to read and learn. Practice and show me and if you can learn it and translate I’m not above giving to those that help me.” She nodded at that.
“I will do my best. When did you want me to start teaching? Whom am I to check in with to get the books I will need or materials if there is none here?” She asked him and he thought for a moment.
“Jackie, Grev, and Andre are the three you can ask. I will be informed of what you want. As I will also check on you. The children you are going to be teaching are special Adele. Sometimes those with special abilities have accidents. I’m telling you this so that you are aware, and it’s not a complete shock if something happens. Like I said you are and will be confined to this keep by any means necessary.” She got that they wanted to keep their secrets. It was important for any kingdom.
“What kind of special abilities are we talking about? Magic use or something else?” She asked, fascinating to be honest. She’d have to be careful then. No wonder Jackie’s comments about her son. Chances were that Jackie was special then too and it would make sense why some around here just felt different to her.
“We will cross that bridge if it happens and they lose control. For now you will treat them like normal children. If you don’t know then you can’t treat them worse.” She felt a flash of anger, but squished it even as she spoke.
“I would not treat a child differently because they were different.” She’d grown up that way, different and outcast from her family. He was being an ass in her opinion.
“We will see. Tell me the other languages that you speak.” She did and he seemed thoughtful. She wanted to be useful, that would keep her out of harms way. It would show him she was serious here too. She would rather stay in his good graces.
“There is a lord coming from Tranmon today. He speaks our common tongue but not well and I want to know what he says if he speaks with his advisors. You’ll be here and tell me what they say privately. Show of good faith, work on earning the trust you broke.”
“Yes Sire.” She said and he looked her over.
“Go see Kami, you will need to dress the part of a lady. They will question a servant. I’m assuming you know the etiquette that Trannins expect.” She nodded. Good because he honestly didn’t care.
“I do, they are also very fond of herbal tea and licorice root drinks. Cubed sugar if you have it always seems novel to them and puts them in a good mood. If this is Lord Gof, and you want him feeling hospitable depending on your deals with him. I’d go with licorice root for sure. Lord Protiman, Herbal. They will know you did your research on them.”
“You are informed clearly. Why do you think it is one of them?” He was finding her sharp intelligent mind a serious draw. She clearly was not most women and it was making him take note. A woman that was smart, driven and could provide. All pluses in his book, he was starting to hope that she really wasn’t a devious plant.
“Trannin lords don’t travel often. The ones that like to deal with forgien affairs are those two for their king. They spoke with my father many times. They see women as far less than even most. Since you are letting me teach I’m taking that as your view is a bit different so I’m sharing. If I’m serving tea and such they won’t even look at me and why I am there. Serving men as a lady should.”
“Then see to it. I’ll have you summoned when they arrive. You know where Kami is. I’m assuming you’ve been paying attention in your duties.” He said dryly and she told him she did.
“Think you can get there on your own or do I need to have another escort you?”
“I can get there. Straight there with no detours. I learned my lesson.” She informed him.
“Have you? I’m keeping an eye on you Adele. You are an inquisitive mind, it makes people restless. Don’t try my patience, I don’t have much.” Yeah she got that very quickly. She just nodded and turned, feeling that she was dismissed. She left the room breathing a sigh of relief. She felt like she was shaking just a bit.