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Chapter 3: Hidden Worth

“This is so much easier now, thank you for all the help. I thought you were going to be an entitled snob if I’m being honest.” Jackie commented as they were in the small study that staff used for their inventories. Adele was rather surprised that there were more women staff than she thought doing this work. She’d commented about it and Jackie shrugged. She’d stated that the King didn’t tend to land with the traditional men and women roles. If someone showed skill or a willingness to learn he’d elevate them no matter their gender. That education had been provided for several years until the war with Kaves. Now they were hurting for those to teach with the death tolls.

“Well I must admit I figured I was going to be treated poorly and given a bad report to the king. Thank you for not.” She told her, going over the papers there with Jackie to help correct and write on the inventory.

“Your handwriting is so neat and easy to read. Better than even some of the men who write.” She said with a laugh.

“Thank you. I practiced quite a bit. Not much else to do but write and study. Growing up.” She told Jackie who studied her for a moment.

“I have to ask, why would your father just leave you to the mercy of our king? It’s clear you are educated, smart, and beautiful. Most Lords or Kings would keep a daughter like you and get a good price marrying her off. It doesn’t make much sense. Navi is my husband, he told me how you were just left there. Not a care for you.” Adele looked up at her and was silent for a minute. She knew that anything she said would be reported to the King. She also knew that Jackie wanted to keep learning from her so she had a bit of safety in that.

“I am his fifth child. I am not an heir to anything. I have two sisters behind me, more dutiful than I am according to my father. To make a point of what will happen if my siblings, he did this. Both male or female disobey or go outside what he believes they should do or learn. He will punish or worse. We will be given away as gifts pretty much. At least my sisters, we are just bodies to fill a man’s bed. If we want a good man to be married to then we should do what we are told. If not, then we will be given as a whore instead and he doesn’t care what happens to us.”

“He said that to his daughters? He doesn’t care about his blood at all? Family doesn’t matter?” Jackie knew that some royal families were hard and marriage was all just a power play for the most part. There was no love. Guess she thought there was still some kind of love or honor there, wouldn’t they want the best marriage?

“He did, and I taught myself. I would teach myself late at night. Also listened in to my brothers’ teachings to learn more.” She looked back down at the paper.

“He caught me several times reading or writing. Even helping my youngest brother once improve. My place wasn’t to be schooled, it was to be a wife. I failed, and here I am.” Jackie thought that was horrible. She thought that things were starting to change most places. Women were being allowed education more often now. So were lower class. Perhaps it wasn’t as far reached as she thought.

Though she hadn’t really told anyone that Adele was teaching a few of them. Her reasoning was a little different though. She didn’t want to have to stop, Adele was a wildcard at the moment. Ky made it clear she wasn’t to be trusted. Jackie had a different feel of Adele having worked alongside her the past week or so.

“You taught yourself? That’s really something, you know so much.” Adele shrugged, she’d always been hungry for knowledge even as a child. She at first wanted to prove that she was as smart as her brothers. Then realized she wasn’t going to be seen as anything but a girl so she just studied to learn.

“I have to admit as well, it really seems kind of almost too amazing that you taught yourself and didn’t have a teacher. I can see why King Ky would put you under a watchful eye.” Adele shrugged.

“I doubt anyone but those I am helping learn see me as smart. I am simply a danger because of who my father is. Maybe I’m a spy. I can tell you I’m not. My father won’t be back for me. If he does come back and ask for me then maybe I’ll talk to him again. What could I say to a man who left me to the whim of another?” She felt daring saying it and let it be as it may.

“I was wondering however. With winter setting in, and the war we have had a lack of education for a good number. There are a few teachers that travel, but many don’t like to come into our lands because they think us barbaric. Prior to King Ky, his father was a rather harsh king. He didn’t give much to the people, and did let the inhumans in from over the mountains from time to time.” Adele had read about it. Ky had killed his father and taken over. That was a good number of years ago. She wasn’t exactly sure how old Ky was, he didn’t look that old. So far she hadn’t seen anything inhuman here. But she was also restricted and moved around at night to be unseen. When you only saw a handful of people and a couple rooms, kind of hard to figure things out.

“Would you be willing to maybe teach a few of the children of the servants and aids here? We don’t have access to it. Many of the nobles wouldn’t do such a thing. There used to be a few elders that taught all ages, as well as a few scholars. They went to fight, and protect us from the dark rise. Kaves has taken over the east, the desert lands are gone now. We know it’s important. So is this thought.

Those that live up here, most don’t want to travel. We don’t bother the king with it as he has worse to worry about.” They were now holding the borders. Evil was trying to push into their lands. Several mages had banned together and used inhumans including demons to take over lands. However it was only a matter of time before scouts were sent in. Attacks had already happened in a great number of places testing defenses. Still people need to live, to prepare. The more educated you were the better the chance in her opinion.

“I don’t think I should just start doing something like that. It would be best to get it approved.” Adele did not want the King’s wrath. To be sent elsewhere.

“We could do it in the laundry area. I have a son and both me and Navi want the best for him. He was getting schooled with a few of the nobles in a bordering land. After the last major attack they demanded a higher pay and we couldn’t afford it.” She said. “I am with our second now. I worry and I myself want to learn and teach my children. Navi knows how to read and write, he knows maps and basic math. But he is also very busy and struggles to find time for Clay.”

“Navi is the King’s highest in his elite is he not?” She asked, feeling a tightening in her stomach. She remembered the man that had come forward at Ky’s call when she first arrived.

“Yes.” She didn’t see how they didn’t have good pay or higher access. She was sure that her husband was rather busy. Something didn’t ring quite true, but she also didn’t feel that the woman was trying to set her up or anything.

“I don’t know. I am afraid of being sent to the working girls. I don’t want to end up there Jackie. Navi would tell the King wouldn’t he? That I was doing things outside my assigned post.” Jackie twisted her fingers together and seemed to think.

“I haven’t told him that you are teaching me extra things yet. I have been showing Clay but you know more. He will follow in his father’s footsteps, and right now it’s also hard for Clay to… be with other children, it’s hard to explain. Could you consider it?” Jackie asked her. “Me and a few of the others would gladly do some of your chores. Or find a way to pay you to help. The world is dangerous and ignorance has cost us in the past. We aren’t a barbaric mountain people. We are trying and we deserve a chance too.” There was this darker tone that came from Jackie and it was near like a growl. Adele raised a delicate eyebrow.

“I would love to help, but can you guarantee me that if caught I wouldn’t pay for it?” Jackie was silent for a moment.

“You wouldn’t be sent to the working girls, not for this. I can promise you. The King might be strict and seem cruel but he is much better than his father and did try to provide more for the people.” Adele sat there for a moment, and the idea of teaching was rather appealing to be honest. She let out a sigh.

“How about this. I will write up what you should have him start studying past what you have done if you can tell me. I can do that same for a few of the others. That way no one is taking time from tasks and you can do it at home. If that works then maybe we could see about teaching other subject matter or higher. I am still teaching myself some things.” Jackie’s face lit up and she looked very happy. Adele felt this little bubble inflate in her chest. It was nice to be noticed for your ability. For the skills you taught yourself, not be punished for your hard work.

“That sounds great, we could start there. I will show you and tell you exactly what I’ve been showing and teaching him. What Navi has, he is ten.” She looked good for having a ten year old, with a second on the way. She seemed young still herself. Maybe early twenties. She was glad that she hadn’t been forced to have children at an early age.

“Later, we should finish this first.” Which they did and over the next couple days Adele spent her nights in the library area writing up lessons. She broke them up how she had learned it as a child. She gave it to Jackie first and told her that she would just do this for her right now and see how it went. In just a few days she had several others ask her. She was mad with Jackie but hid it somewhat. It seemed like the people here were eager to learn. They wanted it badly, and Adele felt a little safety in that.

However, two of the servants, one a man, informed her that the King and several others were gone at the moment. That if she would help them, they would let her have the days in the library. She didn’t realize how much people wanted to learn. It seemed that once they had gotten a taste of it, learning that the world was much more, they wanted to know. Feeling daring she took them up on it, and she did get the days in the library. Then spent the next couple of nights teaching in the kitchen.

There was a kind of kinship among these people she realized. They weren’t just learning or bettering themselves for selfish reasons. She noticed how they helped each other to learn. She also noted odd behaviors a couple times, frustrated sounds they made. Also people showing up from nowhere like they had been shouted for. Very strange.

Honestly this felt really good being recognized, so Adele turned a blind eye to it. That even a few men were here learning. However in the pit of her stomach she worried because this couldn’t last. She told them that as word came back that the king and his men were going to be returning. She didn’t want to do this once the King and his small number of men returned. That included Navi, and that was the most dangerous. Because like Jackie he reported directly to the King. She didn’t think he would stay quiet.

“The snow is really coming down now.” Adele looked up at Ella who was one of the servants with children. She had deep brown hair and green eyes. There was something about Ella’s gaze that Adele couldn’t quite put her finger on. Something different, almost a shift of color. Again she noticed over the past few days that it seemed like some of the servants communicated without actually speaking out loud. She was wondering if they were psychic. There were rumors, and that would be kind of neat. Other than her intelligence Adele felt she was rather boring.

“That it is.” She glanced out the window Ella stood by. “Here, this is for Sarah and you. You won’t get another until it’s perfect or I have time.” Ella gave a nod.

“Thank you, this is amazing. I always wanted to read. You are a gift.” She said with a smile and took the rolled up papers and tucked them into her waist band before leaving. Adele looked out the window at the snow that was coming down. It was colder in here. She was wearing her cloak at the moment. Figuring that today was the last day she had a chance to write up lessons for a couple of the others she went back to the library.

It had been kind of nice to just sit here and read, writing things up and then teaching. She was brushing up on her skills and realized just how much she knew. Plus what she needed to work on. She did know several languages, that was something her father made sure they could do. Speak, even if they couldn’t write it, but she had focused on it. Perhaps it was a skill all it’s own. If she had one thing it was the ability to learn. It was fine they could all underestimate her and what she knew. Even her skills with a blade were pretty damn good for a woman if she did say so herself.

Adele went back to the library and had a good number of papers on the floor with books and the ink was drying. So she put the papers in order and sat down to write some more and read. Though she was feeling pretty tired and it was getting darker. She didn’t have a light source with her, she sighed and put her head on her knees just relaxing for a moment. She only had a couple more, but it seemed a better choice to just rest for a second.

Which turned into her falling asleep there. She drifted off and ended up leaning a bit more against the bookcase. She was started awake however at the sound of a door closing down below and there was light. She was on the second level of the library and you could look over the rail to the table area. She froze however a second later hearing voices, and she recognized the King’s.

“The entire village was decimated, not a soul left alive.” There was a definite growl to his voice and she felt her heart race. She wasn’t moving one inch. She wasn’t going to make a sound. She wasn’t supposed to be in here. She wasn’t getting in trouble for eavesdropping now too.

“The troll was taken care of, and so was the mage. Three demons exercised. The troops that Kaves sent are dead as well. We tore them apart, they didn’t make it far.” This was Navi’s voice.

“They shouldn’t have been there at all!” Ky nearly shouted and it sounded like he may have slammed a fist onto a table.

“This is the second time. There is a weakness or we have a mole. I want them found if there is one and I will personally tear out their throat.” She absolutely believed Ky’s words. Adele kept herself small and unmoving. Now was not the time to get caught.

“We added extra men to the upper valley. With the storm that just came through it’s slow moving. The avalanche even trolls will struggle to get through, they will freeze.” This was a different man that she didn’t know. It sounded like paper rustling for a moment.

“Kaves has spies everywhere. The only reason he hasn’t hit us harder is because of our location, because our people are more. He might not know for sure, but he suspects it. His magic is growing, and he will want to harvest us. I want these two towns either evacuated or added protection. Get it done Jamis.”

“Yes Alpha.” Alpha? That was a new title she’d not heard before. This was the voice she didn’t know and it sounded like he left. She dared to move forward very slowly on her hands and knees. She made it just far enough to stretch and look. It appeared to only be Navi and Ky down there talking about where they were attacked. Where the weakest points were. The enemy was testing their defenses. They had a map before them and Ky rolled out something else.

“Did you find someone who knows ancient semi?” Ky asked Navi who shook his head. Ancient semi? She glanced back behind her and thought that she remembered seeing a book in here with the semi culture in it. The alphabet too. It had been with the philosophy section because the race was argued to be made up by some. Yet others said the gypsy like people did still exist in far off reaches.

“No one that we can trust to show this too. Or any of the other scrolls. They are safe at the moment.”

“Kaves killed thousands to get this. We need to know what it says. He slayed the monks that knew, this portal is in our own backyard. He will try to access it if he can. I fear these attacks a distraction.” Ky sighed and she moved back out of view to sit.

“He wasn’t able to decipher it either. Most books on the Semi are destroyed we have been looking.” Navi said. “Even still this appears to be incantations, can we not burn it? If it is lost no one can open it.”

“I tried. I also tried shredding it and the paper mends. I will lock this up, but knowledge is power. I don’t want to be ignorant of things anymore. Go see to the soldiers and then to your family. I’m tired of looking at this.” Ky growled and Navi gave a nod and left the room. She stayed where she was and it was silent. She hadn’t heard him leave and so she stayed put as she was and just waited.

It honestly felt like a very long time and she heard nothing. So she moved forward very slowly again and peered over but no one was in view. He could be below her, but the map was gone from the table and just the light was there. She listened and looked for a few more minutes and glanced up at the ceiling. She didn’t know which way he’d gone but the main door was open and she relaxed. Figuring that he’d actually left with Navi or something.

Adele crouched down and very quietly put her books back and gathered the papers. She stood up and turned around to go. She would listen and check again before going downstairs. She’d have screamed in surprise if a hand hadn’t gripped her around the throat and shoved her back. It was really hard to breathe and she dropped the papers. She wasn’t going to lie, she definitely felt fear looking at Ky. She hadn’t heard a single sound and she’d been paying attention. It honestly felt like he could snap her neck with one hand. No one should be this strong.

“What are you doing here.” He demanded and she tried to speak but really couldn’t. He loosened his grip but held on to her and she sucked in air.

“Nothing sinister I swear.” She told him in a rush and he looked really dark. Clearly not in a happy mood. She should have told the others no and stuck with it.

“Really? In the dark you were sitting up here doing nothing when you are supposed to be in the servant quarters.” He kind of pulled her forward toward him and she gripped his wrist.

“I was here in the light, I fell asleep. I swear, I was just reading and was asked to help teach a few of the others. It’s right there.” She said pointing and spoke as calmly as possible knowing pleading was most definitely not going to work. It was the look. Something she’d seen on her father many times before he dished out a harsh punishment.

“Who asked you to do anything like that? Michael is not known for teaching others anything. Especially a daughter he’d toss away. Unless there was a different reason.” She winced slightly as his nails bit into her neck a bit, feeling sharper for a moment. Though it was hard to tell if that really happened or her imagination.

“I was teaching Jackie to help her. She asked if I could help a couple others. They asked about their children. That is all, you can see what I wrote. It’s right there.” He still didn’t glance down.

“And you just stayed here? Listening?” He demanded almost shaking her. From what she heard he was already wary and had a spy in his camp he needed to find.

“Because I was afraid of this. The sound of you coming in woke me. I can see I’ve already been judged.” She straightened her shoulders a bit. She was not going to die groveling. She just stared at his shoulder rather than his intense gaze.

“I had no malicious intent. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time my King. If you do not wish to look for yourself then just give your sentence or punishment. I have nothing else to say other than I meant no harm.” For one second his hand tightened and she refused to show any kind of pain. He let go of her, but she was trapped in the aisle as he blocked the way.

“Give me the papers.” His tone was flat and demanding. She crouched down and picked them up and held them out. They were rather close but she kept her gaze averted. Though it felt like his eyes were burning into her with judgement. He took the papers staring at her a moment longer before reading them. Adele crossed her fingers mentally, she hoped he knew she spoke truth.

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