The skirt was way too short. Not as short as the one Candy was wearing—Helena’s butt cheeks were covered—but shorter than she was used to. The top was okay, albeit latex and pink. The appeal was that unlike Candy’s, it covered more that her nipples. She had a thing for shirts like that.
Her dilemma was the snazzy high-top sneakers she was wearing. Needless to say they clashed with the outfit.
Solution, Candy put her hair in a high ponytail and lent her some big hoop earrings. Then claimed she was ‘fixed’.
Helena wasn’t fixed. She was gonna look like a kid playing dress up.
A glimpse of herself in the club’s entrance mirrors slaughtered her misgivings. With the blood red lipstick and dark eye makeup, there was no mistaking her for a kid. The high ponytail tightened her features, taking away some of the soft youth and giving her a bit of an edge. The shirt hugged her chest, giving a clear outline of her breasts. She had the form of a woman and it was very nice.
She gave herself a sly smile and let Candy lead her into the club with renewed confidence. A bouncer came over and her confidence wavered.
He gave her no more than a passing glance and smiled at Candy. “Alderic is waiting for you upstairs in the VIP lounge. Right through the double doors,” he said, loud enough to be heard over the music before pointing towards the winding staircase.
“Thank you, Brian.” Candy leaned up and planted a kiss on his cheek.
Making her way through the crush of people, her fingers twined with Candy’s, a new problem arose. The hunger that had plagued her the night before hadn’t gone away. Other worries had pressed it back, but as she relaxed it rolled over her, pulsing in time to the music. She held her breath to block herself from the tempting assault of luscious scents around her. At the top of the stairs, she took her hand back from Candy. Her warmth, the flow of blood Helena could feel against her palm, was more than she could bear.
Candy didn’t notice her mounting discomfort. The second she pushed open the doors Helena was forgotten. The way Candy moved shouted sex. The way her tongue passed over her lips said ‘Now’.
“Alderic.” Candy’s gaze was on someone Helena still couldn’t see, but Candy expression told her a lot. Candy pressed her teeth into her bottom lip and her cheeks flushed. “I’ve been thinking about you.”
A deep, husky laugh filled the room. “I’m sure you have.” Helena heard someone stand. “But really, my dear, you’re being rude. Don’t leave your guest standing in the hall.”
Candy stepped aside and motioned Helena over. She frowned at Candy and took a step back. There was something wrong with this scenario. How in the world did he know she was standing there?
“What’s your friend’s name?” The man’s tone dropped, making it deep and alluring. It played over Helena’s skin, making the thought of running that much more appealing.
And she wasn’t the only one who felt it. Candy hissed in a breath and closed her eyes. “Helena.”
“Helena.” The way he said her name tugged at her, as though him knowing it had snapped a leash around her neck. “Don’t you think it’s a little childish to hide in the hall?”