The way Helena surveyed the street, crouched in the shadow like she was doing recon, made Candy laugh. Candy didn’t seem to find it quite so funny when Helena straightened and leaned on the wall with her hands covering her face.
Candy made the one, logical conclusion. “Cops?” Her eyes did a quick sweep of the street. Hands gripped to the bottom of her vinyl skirt she tugged it down as if doing so could make it longer.
“No. Worse.” He wasn’t coming. Guess Leyla had something he wanted after all. Adjusting the strap of her knapsack on her shoulder, Helena put her attention back on Candy, crossed her arms and smiled. “You look awesome, Candy. Good business?”
“Tourists.” Candy smoothed her hands over her skirt and stood a little straighter. Eight inch heels forced Helena to look way up at Candy, but she was used to that. Candy was only a bit taller than her, so even with the heels it was nothing compared to looking up to the giants she’d hung around since her…change.
Not something she could get into with Candy. Much better to focus on profit. “You get tourists every year—it’s never paid off this good. Those shoes must have cost a fortune!”
One foot straight out in front of her, Candy turned her ankle to show them off. The shoes were Cinderella style—that is if the to be princess had ever moonlighted as a stripper. “Yeah, but they’re worth it.” A toss of wavy blond hair that no longer looked like she bleached it herself and she gave an excited little hop. “I got a regular! He picked and paid for them on top of my usual fee. It‘s too bad he‘s only gonna be around for a few more weeks.” The second of sadness was shaken off like a pesky fly. Reaching out she took Helena’s hands in hers and tugged her closer. “What about you? I haven’t seen you in forever! I thought you got picked up.”
Touchy subject. “I did. Kinda.” Helena pulled her hands away and stuck her thumbs into her jean pockets. “I’m staying with a bunch of guys. It’s not going so well.”
“A bunch?” Candy looked horrified. “You? Aww sweetie…”
She’d just shocked the streetwalker. The thought made her giggle. “No! Nothing like that…” With more experience, that might be interesting, if not for the irritating casting of sweet little sister. She bit her lip and lifted her hand to smooth her hair away from her face. “Candy, can I ask you something?”
Candy grabbed her hand. “Anything, doll face.”
She took a deep breath. “Do I look like a kid to you? I mean, like too young for anyone to be interested?”
“Now where did you get a silly idea like that? Those guys?” She scoffed when Helena nodded. “Morons.” Giving her hand a little squeeze she leaned close and winked. “Hang with me for the night, baby girl—” Helena’s throat hitched at the endearment. Tar’s face flashed through her mind. Then Jack’s. She shook the images away off so she could listen to Candy. “—there he is!”
Candy’s hand shot up and she waved at the big black car that pulled up to the curb. A chauffer got out and walked around the car to open the door.
Candy pulled her up to it. Helena dug in her heels. “What—?”
“The tourist…” She leaned close to whisper in her ear. “He wants me to ‘accompany him’ to a club opening tonight. Want me to see if you can come?”
“I’m not old enough to get into a club.”
“If you wanna come, he’ll get you in. Trust me.” Candy didn’t wait for an answer. Hooking her arm with Helena’s she maneuvered her into the car.
There was no one inside.
“Monsieur De Lafeu will meet you at the club.” The chauffer said before shutting the door.
Helena scooted over on the seat. “Candy…”
Candy opened her leopard print, monster of a purse and held up her hand. “Not a word. Seriously, Helena, what better way to prove to yourself how hot you are than getting fawned over by studs in a club? It‘ll be fun.”
“I don’t know…” The idea had some appeal, but she knew what Candy’s idea of fun was. She was one of the few girls she knew who didn’t hate ‘the life’.
“Here.” Candy shoved what looked like two swatches of cloth at her. “Get changed. I’ll do your makeup.” When Helena hesitated, Candy pouted. “You never want to do anything with me! Come on, nothing goes any further than you want.”
“Promise?” It was silly to ask Candy for that kind of assurance, but it would make Helena feel better to get it.