For six years she learns about the monsters, studies their habits, until, at 15 years old, she feels she’s ready to find...
Chapter 1
The metal gates looked like black licorice bones, leading to a graveyard of the living. It creaked open and Helena stood in the archway, willing herself not to take the next step. The dull thump of their hearts almost did it. The smell of garbage warred with the smell of blood, repelling and drawing her all at once.
These were the people the Bloods and the Mott’s Haven Hustlers tended to feed from. She looked over the dirty faces peering up at her from the back alley pen and tried to see them as Andrew did. She could go in there and take them all and no one would care.
Mouth watering as the thought hit her, she turned her back on the alley and racked her brain for another destination. According to Tommy, Andrew and the Hustlers hunted here. And so did the Bloods. She wouldn’t leave breadcrumbs of bodies for Charlie to follow.
Well that and killing them would be wrong. Stomach growling, she moved faster. Hunger made it hard to convince herself of how very wrong it would be.
Her footsteps thudded loud against the pavement. The sun was rising and she was all too aware of how exposed she was. Andrew would be safely indoors by now. She wouldn’t find him until night fell. If she found him at all.
She’d slipped out of Bartow when Tommy fell asleep at her side, the coming dawn draining him even as he mumbled out everything she needed to know. He’d verbally mapped out the bases of all the gangs, let slip the feeding habits of the four that consumed fresh blood, and even told her little bits about the sanctuary. She wasn’t sure she understood—he’d muttered about keeping the ageless youths safe from the elders—but she knew one thing for certain. The sanctuary was more important to David than everything and everybody. Including her.
She had something more important to her than him, too. Revenge.
A touch of the morning light burned away her thoughts and sent her crawling through one of many broken windows into a damp, musky basement. Using the knapsack she’d hastily packed as a pillow, she slept fitfully through the day and left the second night fell.
Creeping through the streets, taking care at every turn to make sure she wasn’t being followed, reminded her of her first days on the streets as a child. This time, she lacked the fear she’d felt then. She wasn’t afraid of who might find her. She just didn’t want them to.
Sounded good in her head, but despite what she told herself the first familiar presence drew her. She slowed her steady pace and then stopped walking. The presence grew stronger and she shivered. She so didn’t want him to find her here alone.
Charlie was propped on his bike, boots set on the curb, cigarette between his lips. She stood at the corner of a building, every nerve set on edge, ragged bricks pressing into her cheek. One glance her way and she’d run.
She didn’t have to worry. Charlie was intent on the blond girl before him.
“It’s not happening, Leyla.”
A toss of golden waves revealed Leyla, pouting her lush, red stained lips. “At least tell me you’ll consider my offer. Venom and the Bloods…” She stroked her hand up his thigh. “Would make for a lucrative partnership.”
Helena’s brow shot up and she smirked. David’s perfect little princess was finally dropping the act. And speaking for Venom. From the little she’d heard of them, she was sure David wouldn’t approve.
Charlie eyed Leyla’s hand, lips curled. “Give me some credit. What you’re offering, I could get anywhere.”
Very interesting.
Damn it!
Without waiting to see if Charlie had heard, Helena grabbed the hand of the girl who’d come up behind her and tugged her down the street. Two alleys and a busy street later she let her stop to catch her breath.