In the dark night, the wind blows hard in the remote village where Feng and his friends live. Their eyes widened at the torture that Master Jimin Yu's men carried out on Uncle Jao and Chen Hu, brave young men with extraordinary martial arts skills, decided to take action.
Together with Li Wei who is smart and skilled in strategy, Mei Lao who is skilled in using sharp weapons, and Zhang Wei who is strong and fearless, they plan a rescue full of risks. The four of them sneaked to the outskirts of the forest where Uncle Jao and Chen Hu were being held. From behind the bushes, they observed the cruel guards watching vigilantly.
"It's time," Feng whispered to his friends. "We must act quickly and precisely."
With a quick gesture, Feng signaled him to come forward. Mei Lao swiftly took out his dagger, while Li Wei began to distract the guards by throwing rocks in the opposite direction. Zhang Wei, with his strength, was ready to charge in at any time.
As the nearest guard turned away, Feng jumped out of the bushes with incredible agility. With one powerful blow, he managed to knock out the guard before the others could realize what had happened. Seeing an opportunity, Mei Lao sped up quickly, striking the other guard with deadly accuracy.
Li Wei and Zhang Wei then joined the battle, creating chaos among the guards. Feng continued to move nimbly, every agile movement hitting the enemy with precision. Cries of pain and confusion filled the night air.
Within a few minutes, the fight was over. Feng and his friends managed to paralyze all of Jimin Yu's men who were there. They immediately headed for Uncle Jao and Chen Hu who were tied to a wooden pole. Quickly, they untied the knot.
"Uncle Jao, Chen Hu, you are safe now," Feng said breathlessly but full of satisfaction.
Uncle Jao and Chen Hu, who were weak and injured, smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Feng. You are truly heroes to us."
"It's not over yet," Feng told his friends. "As long as Jimin Yu is still around, we must remain vigilant."
They nodded in agreement, ready for the next challenge. With an undying spirit, they promise to always protect the weak and fight evil wherever it appears.
In the increasingly calm night after the battle, Feng and his friends stood in the middle of an open field, tying up several of Master Jimin Yu's men who were lying after a fierce battle. Sweat was still dripping down their foreheads, but contentment and gratitude were clearly visible on their faces. Chen Hu and Uncle Jao have been rescued and are now under safe protection.
Feng helped Chen Hu up and made sure that uncle Jao received the necessary treatment. After making sure everything was in order, Feng looked around, seeing the Goangnam villagers starting to gather, attracted by the sounds of fighting and the commotion they had created.
With a gasp but a voice full of courage, Feng called out to the villagers, "My brothers! Look at what happened tonight. Uncle Jao and Chen Hu were tortured by Jimin Yu's men, and they weren't the only ones who suffered. All this time, we have all been living in fear under Jimin Yu's tyranny. However, tonight we proved that we can fight!"
The villagers, who were originally hesitant, began to feel the enthusiasm transmitted by Feng. They looked at each other, their eyes shining with new hope.
"Don't let fear control us anymore," Feng continued in an increasingly loud voice. "Jimin Yu is not a legitimate ruler. He is an oppressor who only cares about power and wealth. We must be united, brave, and fight! We must free ourselves from the grip of this cruelty and injustice."
Li Wei, Mei Lin, and Zhang Wei stood beside Feng, nodding in agreement and supporting every word he said. The villagers began whispering to each other, discussing the possibility of resistance that had only existed in their imaginations.
"If we unite, we are strong!" Feng exclaimed. "Let's protect each other, let's fight this injustice together. From now on, we will not obey Jimin Yu. We will fight for our freedom and honor!"
The sound of applause and cheering began to be heard, getting louder as more and more residents joined in. Feng saw that among the crowd, there were faces full of hope and determination.
That night, under the bright moonlight, Goangnam village witnessed a new revival. With Feng and his friends at the forefront, they begin to plan a greater resistance, ready to end Jimin Yu's tyranny and free their village from the shackles of fear. The courage and enthusiasm that had grown within them became the beginning of a struggle that would change their fate forever.
However, without them realizing it, one of Jimin Yu's men who was with Sao managed to escape for his life, he tried to get there as quickly as possible to be able to give the news to Master Jimin Yu.
Sao panted as he ran, his tired legs barely able to support his limp body, but finally he arrived at Sowan village, in a magnificent building surrounded by beautiful gardens and alert guards.
Several of Mr. Jimin Yu's subordinates who were guarding the main gate immediately approached Sao who was staggering. They were shocked to see Sao's condition, who looked very weak and his face was covered in sweat.
"Sao! What happened? Why do you look like this?" asked one of the guards in a worried tone.
Sao couldn't answer right away. He panted trying to control his ragged breath. "I... have to... meet... Mr. Jimin Yu... right now," he said in between ragged breaths.
Hearing Sao's request, one of the subordinates immediately ran into the big house to inform his master. Not long after, Sao was brought in and confronted by Mr. Jimin Yu who was sitting in the large, luxurious living room.
Jimin Yu, with a firm face and sharp eyes, looked at Sao with worry. "What happened, Sao? Why do you look so weak?" he asked in a serious tone.
Sao tried to gather his strength and said, "Sir... some of our friends... have been paralyzed by the people of Goangnam village. They attacked us without warning."
Jimin Yu's eyes widened in shock. Anger started to burn inside him.
"What?! How could this happen?" he shouted angrily, banging the table in front of him until the flower vase on it was shaken.
Sao lowered his head, trying to remember every detail of the incident. "We didn't expect the attack, sir. They were so numerous and strong. Our friends... they didn't stand a chance to fight back."
Jimin Yu's face turned red with anger. He couldn't just let this incident pass. "This cannot be tolerated! We must immediately respond to their actions!" he said in a voice full of determination.
Master Jimin Yu immediately summoned his most loyal and skilled subordinates. "All of you, listen to me! Get ready and leave for Goangnam village right now! We will show them the consequences of their actions!"
Several of Jimin Yu's men swiftly obeyed his orders. They moved quickly to prepare weapons and equipment to leave. That night, Mr. Jimin Yu's residence was filled with extraordinary activity, everyone was preparing to seek revenge for the attack that the people of Goangnam village had carried out on their friends.
With anger still burning in his chest, Jimin Yu looked towards the dark night sky. "They will regret their actions," he muttered in a voice full of hatred. "I'll make sure of that, insolent bastard!"
The group ordered by Mr. Jimin Yu immediately left with various weapons that had been prepared. Meanwhile, Feng and his friends were still awake and chatting with the people of Goangnam village.
But suddenly they were shocked by the sound of screaming from that side. You can see torches and oil lamps from Jimin Yu's group. Suddenly Feng and all the people widened their eyes when they saw that.
"What happened?" Mei Lao husks couldn't believe seeing that.
"Don't panic! We have to get ready, it must be Jimin Yu's troops," Feng said loudly.