Maria's POV
A week later...
It's been a week since everything has happened. And I was right; he was going to take his pain away by screaming at me.
I've resigned to sleeping on the couch for now on because I do plan on getting out of here and going to med school. Planning just takes a bit of time, especially when you're trapped in a mansion over-seen by guards and your evil "husband".
I've just woken up from yet another awful sleep on the couch and am now heading into the kitchen for some cereal. It's like this everyday: wake up, get myself some cheerios and coffee,
When I enter the kitchen Luke is standing at the island, his lean muscular body leaning against the island, talking on the phone. From what it sounds like, it must be his father.
Heading into the kitchen, I begin to open and close the cabinets a few times as I try and search for a bowl. But, even as quiet as I try to be, I guess Luke still gets pissed off.
He whips around and immediately hangs up from his call. "What the hell makes you think you can just be that fucking loud while I'm on the phone with someone IMPORTANT." He yells across from across the room. He sighs, "but I guess you wouldn't know what important means because you are so far from that."
Taking a deep breath, I set my bowl down before leaving the kitchen in the calmest manner possible. As I'm walking out, Luke calls out to me, "oh, and by the way! Our parents are coming over in a few days; they wanna know when the heirs coming."
I instantly stop dead in my tracks.
They want a fucking heir now!? Like hell my virgin ass will sleep with Luke. I've been told you should have your first time with someone you love, and I hate that bastard.
Fuck this fucking life.
With the shake of my head, I continue my way up to the bedroom with my any appetite I had for a breakfast now long, long gone. It had snow stormed outside last night and no ones shovelled the drive way yet, so I guess is should do it myself.
I pull my big bag of all my winter clothing and unzip it. I put on a parka, ski pants, tuque, and some gloves before heading out again.
When I get outside, I head over to the shed, grabbing a shovel and begin to shovel out the long, agonizing driveway.
I hadn't realized how big the driveway was until I had only shovelled 5 times. "I can do this." I encourage myself, taking a long deep breath and continue to have the shovel into the thick fresh snow.
After about possibly hours of shovelling I hear the front door open. It's Luke, of course.
"What are you doing out here Maria? It's freezing, get inside!"
I sigh out and continue shovelling, ignoring his antics to try and get me inside. For what reason? I can't think of anything that would possibly benefit him in getting me inside.
Yea, I'm freezing my ass off so much I can barely feel my literal ass. But no, I am not giving in to that dingus's requests. I shall not answer to that ass-wipe.
Suddenly, out of no where, I feel the impact of a snowball hit my ass. I turn around, dropping the shovel and see Luke tossing a snowball up and down, ready to throw another one at me.
Then, BAM! One at my face.
Oh he's dead.
"Hmm.. looks like someone used to play baseball..." I say gathering up some snow. This time, I'VE got an ice chunk.
"Yeah, amongst many others." His words are lined with pride. "What about you, Princess? Did you major in snow shovelling or something?"
Wow, he's that guy. Good looks with all the girls at his feet and does every sport possible. Then there's me: the girl who couldn't catch a ball in gym or even do a push-up to save her life.
"Well... I didn't do sports- in fact, I couldn't even do a push-up in gym. I was the girl who got the highest academics award each and every year since grade 7, didn't do any sports and spent my extra time in the book store." I explain. "I also had braces and acne all throughout high school was never kissed and only had one friend, Dana. And now she's gone away with her boyfriend."
Luke tucks his hands into his pockets and looks at me with pity and disappointment clear in those eyes of his.
Now I've got him.
I gather up a snowball and hail it directly at his nose.
With a grunt in response, he laughs and comes barrelling towards me.
I scream out as he picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder. He then begins to walk towards the snow pile I made with all the shovelling.
"No, no, no Luke please! I'm sorr-." And just before I can finish my sentence, I've collided with the snow once again.
Luke's POV
She screeches and laughs as I throw her off my shoulder into the powdery, fresh snow. Her tuque falls off and all her dark brown reddish hair scattered out on the white snow.
She giggles as I smile down at her. God, she looks do damn beautiful with those bright green eyes, smile and her dark hair that glows in the snow.
Then that's when I notice her normally blush, pink lips were turning a pale blue. I take her hands in mine and pull her up from the snow, cupping her head in my hands and examined her cold, pale face.
She's frozen solid!
She gripps my jacket and leans into me. "L-Luke..." she gasps, trying to shield herself from the oncoming wind. "I-I'm really cold." She says to me, her teeth chattering.
"How long have you been out here for?" I ask concerned.
"I don't know.. hours I think."
I sigh out and pick her up, cradling her in my strong arms and beginning towards the house in a stride.
I carry her inside then, I sit her down on a couch in front of a fire place. "Alright, take off your jacket and stuff while I make a fire." I tell her, bending down in front of the fire place and igniting a flame to a piece of paper before throwing it into the wood.
After that, I retrieve a blanket for Maria and take a seat down on the couch. I keep a little distance between the two of us since we are still practically strangers to each other.
Maria curls up underneath the blanket, still very cold. "You want some tea?" I ask her as I am getting up once again. She nods so I head into the kitchen and get some tea for her.
I come back and give her some green tea in a mug then sat down next to her.
Fuck this distancing thing. She's cold and needs some warming up.
I place my hand behind her back pull her into me and on my lap to help warm her up. She doesn't even protest. All she does is rest that pretty head of hers on my chest and close her eyes.
She stops shivering and soon falls asleep in my arms.