Maria's POV
I can hear people talking but I can't wake up, I'm stuck. I scream and scream but still no light, just darkness everywhere I look.
After, what feels like hours, I finally awake with a gasp sitting straight up in bed. I look around and see I'm back at this place, the place I hate the most. The room looks like it's been cleaned, and there is brand new bedding and sheets on the bed.
Ha, so Mr. Heartless does care? Now that would’ve been hard to guess.
I slowly get out of bed trying not to cause any more pain to myself then there already is. I'm hooked up to an IV and have bandaging around my face and stomach as well. I go to look at the date on my phone but it's gone. What the hell? How long have I been asleep? Then, with instinct, I scurry over to the door and try to open it.
I take a deep breath and back up. "It's all going to be okay,” I whisper to myself then gradually, I start making my way over to the bathroom. I take a look in the mirror and gasp: I look like I died then miraculously came back.
There are blue and purple bruises all over my chest, neck, legs, arms- just everywhere and god, it hurt.
Making my way over to the large tub, I start a warm bath, with bubbles. As the water runs I slowly undress and start to take my IV and bandages off. It's painful, but almost satisfying.
The surgery scar on my lower abdomen is nearly healed, so I've been here awhile.
Taking a careful step into the tub, I start to sink beneath the bubbles and emerge into the warm, soothing water. Ahhhh..
The water starts to numb the bruising and relaxation takes over my body. I've longed for this feeling ever since the day I moved here; just relaxation.
About 20 minutes pass and I get out of the tub grabbing a nearby towel, wrapping it around my shivering body. I make my way over to the double sinks with a large mirror in front of it and begin to brush my dampened hair. As I brush away, I start to hear sounds coming from the bedroom.
"Where the hell is she?" He grunts walking around the room and then, towards the bathroom.
"Shit." I curse to myself then run to the other side of the bathroom trying to hide as best I can behind a separation wall by the toilet.
I hear the door open and Luke walk in to look around. "Hmmm... guess she's not in here."
I hear the door close and got up with a sigh of relief. "Thank god that monsters gon-" Just as I was about to go back to the sinks, my head hits a hard muscular chest causing me to fall a little too dramatically to the floor.
As I hit the hard tile floor, my towel slips a little revealing some of the little cleavage I have. I quickly adjust myself and look up to see Luke staring like a total perv. He laughs, "Feeling any better, Princess?" He lends out a hand, offering to help me up. I ignore it. How dare he call ME a princess after all the shit I've been through these past few days.
I pull myself up off the floor and look up at him, still feeling small compared to him, even when standing up. "I am feeling much better, you asswipe. Thanks for asking." I give him a slight push out of the way and head back into the bedroom to get dressed.
I search through my closet, looking for something comfy to wear today. I pull out some black yoga pants and my Stanford hoodie.
Damn I wish I was there right now...
As I exit the closet, I come face-to-face with Luke again. "What makes you think you can talk to me that way?" He questions, putting his arm up beside me so I'm stuck in place.
"I-I umm... uhhh.." I stutter nervously, keeping my gaze to the ground.
He lifts his finger to my chin forcing me to look up at him. "Tell me princess..." He sings softly into my ear.
"No," I tell him quietly.
"What was that?"
"I SAID NO!" I yell once more, pushing him away from me so hard he hits the other wall with a loud thump.
His handsome face is quick to turn a bright red in response, and next thing I know, he’s running at me screaming, "You bitch!"
I run to the door as fast as I could, but it’s not near fast enough for me to escape. He;s so much quicker than me.
He wraps one strong arm around my waist and the other one to my mouth to cover my screaming. Then he picks me up with an annoyed groan and brings me over to the bed. No no no...
"I guess I'm just gonna have to teach the bitch to behave." He throws me on the bed and then instantly gets on top of me. He holds my arms above my head and I’m left trapped with the rest of me underneath him. I can’t move a muscle.
I look away from his angry face, to the wall beside me, praying that something or someone will rescue me.
"Look at me," He growls, his face close to mine. I keep looking at the wall. "I SAID LOOK AT ME!" He screams, grabbing my neck harshly and turning me to face him.
He must see the pure fear in my eyes because he just smirks that evil smirk at me. I have to admit, I'm scared for my life, a life I don't even know that’s worth living anymore.
I tremble underneath and he looks over my body hungrily. Then, the unexpected happens.
He crashes his lips onto mine and kisses me angrily. But I don’t even fight back. Why does he have to make me feel this way every time he even looks at me?
I try to break the kiss so I won’t show any feeling towards him, but it backfires as he grips my hair, forcing me to whimper out in pain.
"Aww.. princess doesn't like that? Well she should've behaved in this first place because now she's gonna get it."
I start to sweat as he plants kisses from my lips down my neck leaving hickeys everywhere. God, now every person is gonna think I'm some whore.
He has his hand on the back of my thigh and starts to move his hand upwards to my butt. He slowly begins to pull down my yoga pants.
Oh, God. No!
I try pushing away but he won’t budge. I put my small hand in his trying to signal him to stop. "L-Luke... please don't..." I gasp, tears starting to flow down my reddened face.
He immediately stops and looks me dead in the eyes. He wipes away the tears, kisses me on the forehead and gets off of me. Then, he left the room.
I lay there on the bed still trying to catch my breath. I grab hold my wrist and massage it trying to get the pain to go away. For some reason I couldn't help but almost give into that, like I have feelings for him, for that killer.
How could I have done something so terrible to myself?
Ugh... how could anyone love him?
I lay there on that bed for an hour crying. "I just want to get out of here!" I scream out, trying to open the bedroom window. I'm stuck in this damn house with no escape and it's fucking killing me already!
All I wanted to do was go to med school to become a surgeon but that was ruined by this marriage! This terrible marriage! Now I have no one. My parents haven't talked to me in weeks, they didn't visit me at the hospital and now I'm stuck with someone that almost raped me. What is there to live for anymore?
I walk over to the bedroom door and head into the kitchen.
Luke's POV
I’m currently at the kitchen table reading a newspaper from the New York Times, trying to forget what all just happened.
Then out of the corner of my eye, I see Maria coming grudging into the kitchen. She walks over to the knives and grabs one and continues to walk back to the bedroom.
I instantly got up from my chair and ran after her.
When I arrive at the bedroom she locks the door on me just as I’m a second away from entering. "Please Maria... don't do this!" I yell through the door
“Why not?" She cries out, "just so you can hurt me again like you've done everyday since we've been married?"
I take a few steps back then run at the door with every bit of strength in my body. It didn't budge the first time but I keep trying. I can hear Maria crying from the other side which makes me even more desperate to get to her.
Finally after a few more tries I break the door down. At full speed, I tackle Maria to the ground before she can stab herself, grabbing the knife and throwing it across the room.
"What the hell were you thinking Maria!? Huh!?" I cried out, turning her around. Her face was red and wet from the tears she was crying before.
"Just let me go..." she says trying to get out of my grasp even in her weak attempts.
Suddenly I look down at one of her arms and there was blood everywhere. Had she stabbed herself?
Maria's POV
There’s blood; it's everywhere. What the hell is going on? Luke lifts his hand to see if I stabbed myself but then I see a large gauge from the knife in his hand. And it is deep.
"Fuck." He curses to himself. I sit up off the floor as Luke stands up. He turns around and holds his hand in his other. I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder in an attempt to look at the deep cut.
"Don't fucking touch me." He growls out slapping me away.
I'm feeling brave so I don't listen.
"I can stitch it up for you." I say boldly. "I went to lots of learning programs in hospitals around the city to help jumpstart my career and was also taught to clean and stitch a wound."
He groans then turns towards me. "Fine, stitch it up. But you better not fuck it up." then heads out of the bedroom to the kitchen.
Bipolar much.
I head to the kitchen after him and retrieve a first aid kit along with some warm water and a towel.
I sit down beside him and have his hand out on the table waiting for me to begin stitching it. I carefully clean it out so it won’t get infected. I try to be as gentle as possible, it must've hurt but he didn't wince, he just stared at a wall beside him.
I sigh and got out the suture kit and began stitching his hand up. Even though we didn't have anything for numbing he still didn't wince.
Maybe he'll take all the pain away after by screaming at me? Probably.
I finish up the stitching and begin to examine his hand. "Probably the best I've done yet, should barely notice any scarring after." I say beginning to wrap it up.
"Good, can't have a terrible reminder like that on my hand. Especially if it's of you." He remarks
Ouch. After all I just did for him that hurt.