Luke's POV
6:30 am back at the house.
Suddenly, my body tenses itself awake as the obnoxious buzzing and beeping of ,my phone continuously goes off, forcing me to roll over and shut the damn thing off.
I sit up in bed tiredly and look down at my phone. It's Cody calling.
"What do you want Cody?" I answer annoyed that he's probably woken me up just to tell me about a new girlfriend or something.
I hear him grumble just as annoyed back to me before yelling through the phone, "Luke, get your ass over to the hospital. It's Maria!"
My grasp on the phone loses as I hear the words escape his mouth and my stomach drops to my feet. Fuck, she's gotten herself hurt!
"I'll be there soon!" I quickly tell him before throwing the covers off of my naked body and begin pulling clothes onto me in a rush.
When I got my clothes on I looked at Bethany who was naked in mine and Maria's bed. "Get the fuck out," I spit, my eyes focusing on her sleepy face.
She wakes up confused but gets out of bed anyways. "W-where are you going?" She asks before cautiously removing herself from my bed.
"Doesn't matter," I say and grab my wallet from the dresser, stuffing it into my pocket. "Get house keeping to change the bedding and clean this room from top to bottom before I get back."
Then, I left.
It only takes me five minutes to get to my hospital. (Speeding red lights of course.) I walk into the hospital, looking all around for any of my men, but I see none in sight. That's until a nurse approaches me, looking as nervous as ever.
"Are you here for Maria, Mr. Sanchez?" She questions.
"I am." I nod. "Can you direct me to her room please?" She nods too and begins leading me down a hallway to the left of us.
"Room 28." She points ahead to a room that's being guarded by my right hand man, Cody. "She's just got out of surgery a few hours ago. It seems she was almost beaten to death on the street by a junkie."
My heart drops, again. Fuck. No! I am responsible for this! I decided to hook up with fuckin' Bethany on Maria and I's wedding night. I was the one who had threatened her to leave.
I step into the room, giving Cody a small nod of recognition before I enter. And when I do, I see Maria laying there on the bed helplessly, her head wrapped up, bandages all over her, a monitor hooked up to her and an IV in her right arm filled with meds on end to help her with the pain. Pain she's quite obviously going through giving the discomfort in her body language.
I take a seat on a chair and pull it up to the bed, taking Maria's hand in mine. "I'm so fucking sorry, Maria. I regret it, I regret sleeping with her on our wedding night and laying my hands on you the way I did. Please, Maria, just please wake up." I whisper to her. I can't have Cody thinking I'm a wuss now.
Suddenly, I feel her hand move in mine and watch as her eyes slowly open, beginning to look around. She looks over to me finally with an irritated glare.
"How are you feeling?" I push, getting closer to her.
She takes her hand away, "What the hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be off cheating on me right now?!" I look over her and see she's practically trembling with anger; her fists balled up and hatred in her piercing green eyes.
"Woah, woah, woah. You need to cal-."
Before I could finish my sentence she got out of bed, her foot stomping down on the ground so loudly that I'm silenced. "I need to calm down!? You were that hit me and cheated on me!" She raises her fist in the air and lets in come slamming down weakly onto my chest. It makes her even more furious when I don't respond in any sort of pain and just block the rest of her flailing limps.
I wrap my arms around her and hold her against me, forcing her to stop her fighting. "Let go of me you fucking bastard!" She screams trying to kick away.
"Not till you calm down." I growl back in frustration.
"Let go of me!" she screams again, trying to stomp on my feet and kick me with all her force, but it's nothing.
"Would you just shut your damn mouth for once and calm down?!" I remark and hold her against me even tighter.
"Fuck you.." she spits back. Her struggles somehow become weaker with just that sentence.
She keeps struggling and struggling to get out of my grasp but then, she just altogether stops.
I sigh out relieved. "Are you finally going to behave now?"
I turn her around to face me, and when I did, her face was a pale, snow white and rivers of tears were streaming down her beautiful face. "Maria, talk to me." I beg, gently shaking her awake.
She closes her eyes, blinking back the tears forming. "I-it really hurts Luke...." she cries out, gripping onto my arm with one hand and the other to her stomach. I pick her up gently and carry her over to the bed and set her down gently. She groans out as I put her down.
I lift her gown and see the distinct bruising to her lower abdomen and bandaging from her surgery. "Who the fuck did this to you?!" I cry in enragement.
She flips her gown back down. "You didn't seem to care when it happened well you were fucking Blondie, so why would you care now?" She turns around on the bed still holding her stomach.
"Maria, just tell me who did this to yo-."
Before I could finish my sentence, a doctor comes rushing in to check on Maria. I glance over to Maria and notice she has the call bell in her hand.
That little.....
"Mr Sanchez, I'm going to give your wife her some more medicine to help with the pain, Alright?" the one doctor announces to me as though it was my own body he was putting it into. Would make more sense telling her that than me, but anyways.
I nod and keep a steady on Maria and that sly face of hers.
Just as the doctor is about to leave after giving her some meds and checking up in the wound, I speak up. "I am going to bring her home today."
The doctor gives a casual thumbs up as though it' no big deal. Good thing dude knows that I'm his boss or that could've ended badly.
"What!? No you are not bringing me home back to "that" place." Maria screams and looks at the doctor and I both back and forth with angry tears streaming down her face.
"Well, it's not up for discussion. You're coming home with me today wether you like it or not." The words come out much harsher than expected.
"I'm eighteen! I'll make my own damn decisions." She yells back at me.
I shake my head. "I'm your husband, you're mine."
Just as the doctor is about to leave for the second time, I say, "sedate her, and that's an order."
The doctor nods again and calls in two nurses in to hold her down because as soon as the words left me mouth, she was practically jumping out of her bed and towards the door. Both the doctor and I, even the nurses keep her still as possible as he injects the medication into her IV.