He was most definitely drunk though. And it wasn't only a drink, it was multiple drinks.
I kiss him back, still clueless on how this whole kissing thing actually works. I stand there, gripping his shoulders, standing on my tippy-toes and try my best to make this at least good for him, because this definitely feels good for me.
All until I can feel his hands latching onto the hem of my shirt and begin pulling it over my body as though we've done this a hundred times before and I'm just fine with it; he doesn't need to ask if it's alright or not!
"Please don't do this, Luke,." I say, trembling as he looked down at me with a sly grin on that devastatingly handsome face.
He grabs me firmly by the waist, pulling me even closer into him now. A tear slips from my eye as I can only begin to process what's about to happen. I'm not ready. I don't think I'll ever be ready.
Luke looks down at me sadly and lets go of me. "I'm so sorry Maria..."
As soon as his hands fall from my waist and I'm left free, I bolt towards the bathroom without even glancing back at him to see if he's still watching me. I slam the door shut and twist the lock into it's place.
Everything's too real now. I've only known this man for a couple of hours and he already wants everything from me. he wants ME! How am I supposed to do that on our wedding night that's only in a couple of days?
For the rest of the night, I sit parallel to the door because I'm too scared that if I leave my little post he'll somehow enter the bathroom and- I don't know... He's scary when he's drunk.
Eventually, though I end up passed out on the bathroom floor.
Luke's POV
In the morning....
My head pounded rapidly as I sat up in bed, the bed a mess from me sleeping as wildly as I did last night. I was angry at myself: I could've hurt Maria in such an unforgivable way because of those damn drinks. Damn, I really need to get ahold of myself, it's just a marriage on paper, nothing else.
Our parents don't need to know anything.
But that's when I remember everything that happened last night: The finding each other in this room; bringing her in close to me; the embrace. The kiss.. Then her running from me because I decided it was alright to try and undress her.
I'm so stupid sometimes I swear I was dropped on my head multiple times as a baby.
Groggily, I step out of bed and make my way over to the bathroom door. "Maria... it's me Luke, open up please..."
The door clicked open and then I enter. There's Maria laying on the ground groaning from the pain she's going through from sleeping on the hard tile floor all night.
"Please... d-don't hurt me..." she cries struggling to get away from me.
"I promise I won't." I tell her as I got closer to her and picked her up in my arms. She immediately relaxed in my embrace and her breathing steadied out from overwhelmed to calm in seconds.
I set her down on the bed gently and cover her up. "Your mother left a message last night. Said that you will be picking out your dress today. It's 7:00am, she said she'll be here at 12:00. I'll wake you up in a few hours." I said shutting off the lights and left, closing the door behind me.
Maria POV
I quickly dozed off into a deep sleep, my worries now at ease from last night because I know now he's sober.
(4 hours later)
I felt someone rubbing my back and whispering, "Maria, it's time to get ready," in a deep husky voice.
"Uggghhhh." I groaned and looked up to see Luke's blue glistening eyes hooked on me. I try not to smile at him, but I fail.
"Your mother will be here in an hour." He says getting up and leaving without a care in the goddamn world.
Men I tell you.
I sat up in bed then went to go get ready for the day. I shower, dry my hair, straighten my dark red locks, dress myself in some decent attire and I'm ready.
An hour later she came and picked me up to go to the dress shop. I wasn't given very many good options so I picked a strapless plain white dress with a 5 foot train on the end of it. Apparently if. you're marrying into the mafia, your dress options become very limited.
When I got home, Luke was on the phone and he didn't seem too happy.
"There needs to be men surrounding the whole wedding! We never know when an attack could happen, this is the conjoining of the two biggest mafias ever, dammit!" He yelled slamming his fist on to the table angrily making me step back.
Wait a damn minute.. My family's in the fucking mafia?!
He suddenly sees me out of the corner of his eye, giving me the glare of death. "What, Maria?" He growls, placing the pone down onto his shoulder.
"What's wrong Luke?" I ask coming up to him. I place a hand on his tensed shoulder, but he immediately shakes it off.
He shoes me away rudely. "Not now, Maria."
"But.." I argue back.
"I said go away! I'm talking non the phone right now!" He yells angrily.
"Well no need to fucking yell at me, I didn't do anything to you!" I turned around and headed towards the door furious. How dare he speak to me that way? I was only trying to help.
"Hold on a sec Cody.." Luke puts his phone on hold and ran after me. "Don't even think about leaving, get your Sorry ass back here!"
He grabs the neck of my jacket and whips me right around. I swear I can hear some of the fabric in it break apart. "Look, I'm trying to get people to guard us and our families at the wedding, but you fucking interrupted me. So if you could keep your god damn mouth shut that would be great!" He spat in my face with his glare so intense I swear It could kill me.
"Fuck you." I hiss.
"Have you forgotten who you're talking to?" His grip tightens and his facial expression is now pure anger. All I can feel now is the hopelessness and being so terrified that my entire body has gone numb.
"Please... Let me go..." I beg, tears coming on. He lets go of me, pushes me to the ground and walks away back to the kitchen where his phone call awaits.
I quickly get up and run to to a spare room. I curl up on the bed and cry my my heart out to the pillow beneath me. I pray to god to get me out of here and away from this monster.