Maria's POV
I eventually cried myself to a deep sleep after Luke and I's fight. All night long I had tossed and turned being too scared to let my guard down and have him come into this room. That was the last thing I wanted.
In the morning, I wake up to a loud banging noise on my door. I instantly pull myself out of bed and straggled on over to the door. There at the door is Luke standing, his arms crossed across his broad chest and staring down at me angrily. "What do you want?" I spit, keeping the door only a quarter of the way open.
"Watch your tone Maria, I'm still in charge here." His voice is all low and husky from just having woke up. If I weren't furious with him right now, I'd tell him to come in and just talk to me in that voice of his. Yep, just talk nothing else.
I roll my eyes, "Well?"
He gives me a dirty glare, then continuing to say, "you need to get ready to leave, the wedding is today you know."
"Yeah, I know." I slam the door in his face and proceed over to the bathroom. Just as Im about to get ready the door swings wide open, again.
"Did I not clarify that IM IN CHARGE!?" he yells at me so loudly my spine crawls with fear from the new tone in his voice.
Luke tightly grabs my arm and drags me into the kitchen.
"Let go of me you animal!" I scream as I struggle to get free from his grasp. Eventually it annoyed him so much that I was served with a painful, cold-hearted slap across my face. Then he lets go of me and I dash off and head outside to where my cars parked. I hop in and drive all the way to my parents to get ready for the wedding.
3 hours later, I'm ready. Ready and scared shitless.
When I get to the wedding I see dozens of guards everywhere, their fire arms hanging from their belts.
Now, the moment had come... I take my my fathers arm and he walks me down the aisle slowly towards Luke. He's wearing an expensive suit, that's for sure. His thick, brown beautiful hair has been combed out, giving him an almost prince-look.
But he's not a prince. He's an arrogant asshole is what he is. So I'd better snap out of it before I get into deep waters I can't swim out of.
As I dreadfully take the last steps down the aisle we arrive at the alter and my father lets go of me with a simple kiss upon my cheek before handing me off to a guard who helps me up the platform. I turn towards Luke and notice he has a gun tucked in his suit jacket, only having it exposed this once.
Like most weddings, I try to take his hands when he reaches out for me. Instead, he just takes a small pad of paper from the guard next to me and leaves me there looking like a shaky-hand idiot.
His face is now holding a cold glare. I looked to the ground the whole time too scared to make eye contact with him because those blue eyes of his would possibly kill me.
After awhile we got to the "I do's".
"Luke Zachary Sanchez, do you take Maria to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
Luke looks towards me and nods back at the minister. "I do."
Oh shit, my turn...
"Mafia Gabriella Andre, do you take Luke to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Alright Maria... you can do this, just say it- say it for your family!
"I- I do...." I stutter out.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride," the minister announces.
And just before I'm tempted to make a run for it, Lukes arm swoops around my waist and he dips me into a kiss so passionate I'm left wondering why he did the things he did..
What's going on?
A few hours later, we had already had supper and now it was the dancing hour. I cannott find Luke anywhere on the dance floor, so I obligate myself to go take a look back where we had our ceremony.
Low and behold, there he is, but with another girl. They are obviously flirting. This girl has blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, skinny and tall. Overall, she is much more beautiful compared to my dark hair, green eyes and shortness.
But it's not like I should really care...
"Luke.." I say quietly looking to the ground, still scared look him in those eyes.
He sighs out irritated. "Hold on Beth," he spins around, " what do want now Maria?" He crosses his arms and glares down at me.
"Th-they're dancing in there... could you come and umm dance with me?" I nervously spoke.
He lets out an overly loud sigh again. Then he turns to Bethany, says something to her then walks back up to me. "Ugh, fine, let's go then." He grabs hold of my hand and we head off to the dance floor.
He places his hands gently on my waist and I place mine on his broad shoulders.
His stern face soon vanishes and he begin to stare deep into my eyes. He smiles at me as we sway to the music. He's actually to showing affection to me.
Luke's POV
She looks so mesmerized with me and our dance, but yet so sad. Ugh, I just want to kiss her and hold her and tell her that I'm sorry I hit her.
Then a slow song comes on.
Maria pulls back a little ways to see what everyone else was doing. We witness couples holding each other close and gently swaying to the music.
Maria's face confused on what to do so I put my hand on her lower back and pull her in close to me. She in shock because of my actions. "It's alright," I said reassuring her and slow into the new pace with ease.
She lays her head on my chest and lets out a heavy sigh. We start to sway to the music gently as we hold each other close.
After a few more songs, the wedding's over.
Maria's POV
Luke abruptly lets go of me after the wedding was over. He starts to go towards the exit in quite the hurry. So fast I can't even catch up.
"Where are you going?" I ask chasing after him and grabbing his arm.
"Home." he replies, sternly, taking his arm back.
"Aren't we suppose to go home together?" I continue with my questions.
He lets out a grunt in disapproval "Maria, do not make this a problem. Okay? Oh and meet me in the bedroom."
Oh fuck. I had completely forgotten about the whole sleeping with each other. I'm not even ready..
When I returned home I couldn't find Luke anywhere, so I of course go to the bedroom to check.
"Oh, there you are Luke. I couldn't find you any- WHAT THE HELL?!?"
There he is kissing and undressing that blonde girl he was with at the wedding.
He turns around with a villainous look on his face and begins to chuckle in amusement.
"You MONSTER!" I scream at him as tears start to pour down my face. "First, you push me, then you hit me, now you cheat on me on OUR WEDDING NIGHT!?"
His amused facial expression quickly faded and he started to walk over to me. He delivers another cold, harsh slap to me that made me drop to the ground.
"Fuck you.." I gasp holding my face in pain. He snatches the front of my dress, lifting me to my feet.
"Don't ever call me that again, Maria" He spit, harshly. He gives me a cold stare for about 30 seconds until his attention is then diverted back to the half naked blondie across our bedroom and he lets go of me.
I run as fast as I can out of that house, hearing the girls distinct moans from Luke fucking her and into my car.
I need to get away from him.
I speed down the highway and into the city searching for a nearby bar. I finally find one called "Daves" and went inside desperate to get wasted.
When I entered the bar, no one seemed to care that I was in a wedding dress.
I sit down on a stool at the bar and the bartender clearly senses I was stressed so he instantly pours me some tequila into a shot glass.
I've never really drank before so I should easily get wasted and pass out with no worries in the world! Sorry, I need to calm down.
I quickly down the vodka and ask for another one.
After a few more drinks the bartender left and a woman, that was pregnant took over. She looked oddly familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it since I was drunk and couldn't see straight at this point. "Anything else you need?" She asks tiredly as she cleans the counter.
"Dana?!" I gasp, finally recognizing her.
"M-Maria?" she replies surprised, "W-what are you doing here, on your wedding night?!"
I shake my head sadly, "its complicated. But what about you? We haven't seen each other in only a week, how long have you been pregnant?"
she sighs resting her head on her hand, "Its a long story."
We sit there in silence for a bit until I speak up."well, who's is it?" I ask.
"your not going to like my answer, but its Daves. When I got a job here I told myself I wouldn't fall for him but he got to me. I had to go to his office one day to ask him something but he kissed me and I couldn't help but give in."
I shake my head and looked to her sad face, "It will be okay," I promise as I embraced her.
Dave was the bad-boy jock in our school. The guy everyone went for. A big guy at that too.
When I let go I see a giant figure standing at about 6'6 came up behind Dana. This must be Dave. "Lets go Dana." He mumbles leading her away from me.
We wave goodbye and I take the last sip of my drink before heading out to god knows where.
When I leave the bar I'm so drunk I started walking down a dark back alley. A place where women should absolutely not step foot in during the night, especially alone.
After a few more minutes of walking down the back alley of apartments I stumble apon Dave again, but this time he was smoking outside of his apartment. As I come closer to him he notices me. "Hey there pretty thang." he smirks, blowing out smoke.
I cough as I breathed it in, "fuck off you asswipe." I groan starting to make my way down the alley.
"Excuse me?" He comes closer, grabbing my arm roughly. I've been treated like this before, I'm not letting it happen again.
"Stop catcalling me!" I yell but getting a painfully hard slap to my face. It went black for a few seconds until I regain my vision.
He grabs my dress then ripping it in half. He grabs my neck putting pressure on it.
"Please, just leave me alone.." I cry. He laughs at me then started to beat me. I lay on the ground as he kicks and punches me in my underwear. I need to do something or else I was going to die on the cold, dirty ground tonight, naked.
I sit up and punch him right in the balls making him groan in pain. He turns around groaning in pain as I get up and start to run out of the back alley.
I soon start to see more friendly people so I cry out, "S-someone help me!" people start to run to me as the darkness consumes me.
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