"You know, you should like totally share your food with me," Daniel says once again sitting next to me at lunch the next day. I looked down at my somewhat eaten sandwich and sigh.
"Here," I say quietly cutting it in half and handing it to him.
"Awe, thank you," he says with a big grin and taking a bite.
Someone sits across from us and I turn my head to look. It was Amber my supposed friend, but she hasn't talked to me since I got off the bus which was 3 days ago.
"Lexie!" Amber practically screeches.
"Yes?" I ask her already annoyed.
"Why haven't you talked to me at all?!" It’s like she actually cared.
"I don't know," I say with a shrug of my shoulders.
"And who is this?" Ah, so that's why she's here.
"I'm Daniel," he says with a smile.
"Nice to me-" I cut her off by standing up and walking away. I throw away my trash and walk out the cafeteria doors. I already get ignored because of my brother, don't need to add someone else to the list.
"Hey! Lexie!" I hear Daniel call after me. I don't turn around, but I do slowdown in order for him to catch up to me. We walk down the hallway in silence.
So yup! Hope you like it!