I take my head away from the locker. I lay my back against it and turn my head to look at him questionably. Why did I need to know that?
"Ok?" I ask quietly and slightly confused.
"What's your name?" He says slowly as if he were talking to a first grader.
"Why do you want to know?" I ask slightly raising an eyebrow.
"Cause why not," he says with a shrug.
"Lexie," I say looking away from him and looking at the see-through doors of the school that lead outside. How tempting it is to leave...
"Is it short for something?" He asks.
I slowly shake my head and look up at the clock to see only a minute was left until next period.
"You don't talk much do you?"
"There's never any need to," I say quietly pushing myself off the lockers, as the bell rings, and walk away from him. No one listens anyways.
I'm loving how this is turning out! I hope you guys are too! I don't really have a long AN for this chapter so yup!