James and I had different fathers. His was in a whole other state and mine... Well mine is just embarrassing. My "dad", although he hasn't even been in my life for a whole year compared to my 17 years of life I had, was in jail for selling and doing drugs. Smart cookie, right?
It had always been my mother, my brother, my grandma and me. That was until my mom got married to my now stepdad and my grandma passed away when I was 13. My grandma passing was the worst thing that happened to me. She was my best friend, my rock. And I lost her.
At this point it was like me and my brother were fighting for my mother’s attention. But because my brother decided to stop going to school, attention was on him. Even though I had straight A's and had a job it never seemed to top my brother. He was more important, and I was set in the back burner. But what can you do?
Another one! -DJ Khaled
I hope you guys like it... It's kind of a background of Lexie's mindset. It was a filler but the next one will have more dialogue.