Instead of going to lunch I rest my head against my cool locker. (Cool as in cold.) Why was school so difficult. I may have had straight A’s, but it didn't mean school was easy.
It also doesn't mean that my parents decide to pay any attention to me. James this, James that.
I knew I had to stop trying to blame him for it. It was my fault for not being good enough. I was never good enough.
Tears started welling up in my eyes, but I quickly blink them away. Crying is for the weak. Right?
That's what my mom always told me when I went to her crying, I had no reason to think otherwise. Breath Lexie, breath.
Suddenly I felt a presence next to me. I look to the side through my lashes and see the guy that I had bumped into.
"I'm Daniel," He says. Daniel.
So there it is! Daniel. I really like that name. You can clearly see Lexie's mentality through this chapter, I think. DON'T EVER THINK YOU AREN'T WORTH IT!! EVERYONE SINGLE ONE OF YOU ARE. ❤