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"It's different, round tofu is delicious even though it's impromptu. If this proposal is not good if it's late, it's already late again," complained Wulan, the woman also trying to call her son.

"This mom is joking! We're in trouble again!

too," Shilla scolded Wulan.

"Who's kidding, La! If you want comedy, go to the Opera Van Java," Wulan replied.

"Why do you have a cell phone if you don't even pick up the phone," Wulan grumbled again, making Shilla shake her head, she had said that it was like her sister's cell phone had run out of battery.

"What the hell is this mom, it's been a long time since the event. What are you talking about anyway, we are in an emergency, you know," said Shilla, finally the two women even argued.

Meanwhile, at Amel's house, the girl was already smiling happily because the one who wanted to propose had not yet arrived. Even the mother is now anxiously awaiting the arrival of Raffa's family, even though their house is only a few steps away. Meanwhile, Bagas, Amel's brother is already here. The man took the time to come to his sister's event.

"Mom, just calm down, don't be nervous. Try sitting on the sofa, maybe Raffa is on the road, his office is busy," said Bagas, pulling the arm of the woman who gave birth to him and telling her to sit in a chair.

"But it's been too long, Gas. Everyone has also been waiting for this," said the mother, making Amel who saw it become sad.

"Already, mom. You're right, Brother Bagas, maybe there's a traffic jam on the road, maybe the widower uncle is trying to get back to his house as soon as possible," Amel said, finally approaching her mother and grasping the fingers of the woman who gave birth to her.

"I hope he comes soon," the words escaped Sekar's lips.

The clock ticked down to eight in the evening. The sound of roaring motorcycles made several people, even Wulan and Shilla, come out to look at the yard. A relieved smile appeared when they saw Raffa, who ran over after paying the motorcycle taxi fare.

"Sir! This is most of the money," said the motorcycle taxi driver, making Raffa turn his head.

"That's just for you, a little sustenance for your family. Because you've tried to get me home as soon as possible," Raffa replied then the man stepped immediately sat on the chair when he arrived, Wulan immediately approached her son.

"Alhamdulillah, thank you, sir! Hopefully, the event will run smoothly even until the wedding day," said the ojek driver then put the money in his wallet and hurried to go home.

"How come you went home by motorcycle taxi, Raf, where is your car?" asked the mother, making Raffa turn his head and then grab his brother's drink and gulp it down.

"Ihh ... Brother! What the hell, just grabbing, what are you a pickpocket," Shilla burst out in an annoyed tone, Raffa just glanced at his sister lazily.

"Already, let's go straight to Amel's house. It's already too late, everything is ready, right?" said Raffa while throwing a question to his mother.

"It's all done, Raf. Offerings are also in order, let's all help carry everything," said Wulan then excused herself first to take the bag.

"Don't you take a shower first? You're sweating, it's messy again, at least change your clothes if you don't have time to shower," said the younger brother looking at his usually neat brother.

"There's no time, La," Raffa replied then the man looked in the mirror and began to tidy up his clothes and hair a little.

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