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"Mel, you hurry up and get dressed! Here, wear this shirt," Sekar exclaimed, handing the clothes to her daughter who was currently watching a Korean drama.

"Later, Mom, I'm still having fun," refused Amel, whose eyes were still fixed on the cellphone screen. 

"Don't keep watching, it's already afternoon! It's time for you to take a shower, a virgin at this hour hasn't showered yet," Sekar grumbled, taking her daughter's cell phone and putting it in her bag. 

"Ihhh ... What the hell Mom! That was fun," Amel complained, pressing her lips together, not daring to take the phone away. 

"Take a shower first! I'll give you the cell phone later, but remember to dress up nicely," Sekar said and walked out of her daughter's room.

"Ihh, you're so annoying. Why are you trying to wear these clothes and telling me to dress up," Amel grumbled, grabbing a towel and going into the bathroom.

While waiting for her daughter to finish bathing and grooming. She quickly called the person she had asked to make some cakes, a relieved smile on her face when everything was finally done. Sekar hurried to do the housework. 

"Mom, why are you so busy today, Anyway, why was I told to wear these clothes and dress up," Amel scolded, the girl was actually only wearing face cream, powder, and lipstick. 

Sekar immediately turned and looked at her daughter, exhaling in annoyance. Choosing to pull Amel to sit on the sofa, she went to her daughter's room for a while and brought something. 

"Here! Let me do your make-up, why is it just like that," Sekar grumbled. 

"Even though I bought you a complete make-up kit, why do you rarely put on make-up, just be cool, don't have to be so stylish, I'm already happy," Sekar mumbled, holding back her mother's hand that was about to pinch Amel's eyelashes. 

"Already, Mom! Let Amel do it herself, and ... just use mascara, Amel doesn't want anything else," Amel exclaimed, which made Sekar sigh but nod in agreement. 

"What's the occasion anyway, it's so complicated." Amel babbled as she dressed up, while her mother just smiled.

"Already, it's done, right? Now Amel takes all this to the room again," Amel said and then cleaned up her make-up. 

"Yes, while we go to your room, I have something to say," Sekar replied, making Amel turn her head and nod in response as she stepped toward her room. 

"What do you want to say, it seems really serious," Amel said as she straightened her make-up kit and then she chose to flop her butt onto the bed.

"You know who bought this shirt," Sekar asked, making Amel raise her eyebrows.

"Who, Mom? Didn't you, Mom?" asked Amel.

"That's Raffa's mom, Mel. Their family is really nice to us, sometimes they even borrow money from Mom and sometimes they say they don't have to pay it back. Especially, Raffa, he's really nice, polite, and responsible," Sekar explained, making Amel raise her eyebrows. 

"What do you mean by talking about Shilla's family, they're all really nice. I know," Amel said and was greeted by Sekar's sigh, the woman finally tilting her head to look at her mother's

"Later tonight, their family will be here. To propose to you for Raffa, I want you to accept the proposal, especially since I'm starting to get sick. I want you to have someone who can take care of you," Sekar said, starting to get to the main topic. 

"What! Seriously, Mom! Uncle widower is already a widower, Mom. How come you want to marry me to a widower, I'm still a girl, Mom! Besides, I still want to go to college," Amel said in a surprised tone, rounding her eyes.

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