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Raffa was surprised to hear Amel's loud voice. He suddenly smiled at the thought of her becoming his wife. Just about to call again, the secretary informed him of the sudden schedule.

The man hurried away because he was going to meet a client.

"Why tell you suddenly anyway!" growled Raffa loosening his tie as the four-wheeled vehicle was driving.

"Sorry, sir, I forgot," replied the secretary, making Raffa snort.

"Faster, I also have an important event tonight," Raffa ordered with a nod from the secretary.

"Next time don't be negligent, you can!" growled Raffa still pouring out his annoyance.

"I'm sorry, sir. My child is sick, so I'm not focused enough," said the secretary, making Raffa exhale and massage his forehead.

"Anyway, take the car, don't think too much!" Raffa exclaimed, and then the man closed his eyes due to fatigue in his company.

Raffa was really busy, the man didn't even realize that the clock was now pointing to seven at night. Kala remembered something that he should now be with Wulan to propose to Amel. Hurrying to say goodbye and asking the secretary to drive the car faster.

"Ouch, traffic jam, sir," the secretary reported in frustration, especially since his cell phone was dead.

"Shit! All traffic jams again," Raffa screeched irritably, he finally glanced at his watch and rounded his eyes.

"You just take my car to your house, in the morning you have to pick me up. Now I'm out looking for a motorcycle taxi, it's really late," said Raffa before the secretary replied that the man had left and started looking for a motorcycle taxi.

"Uh, please just pick me up! it's really late," said Raffa when he saw an ojek about to leave to deliver his customer.

"You, what the hell is this? Don't see me carrying a lot of groceries. You, even breaking through just asking you to be delivered first, don't you feel sorry for me," scolded the passenger who was still on the motorbike.

"Ouch, you, better take a taxi. Help me, I'm already late, I want to propose to my girlfriend. Please, understand my situation," pleaded Raffa and then took a few bills and gave them to the woman.

"Wow ... Are you really sincere in giving me this much money? You even want to take a motorcycle taxi instead of a taxi," said the woman who made Raffa furious.

"Seriously, I'm sincere. I have a car, why take a taxi at all? Because of the traffic jam, it's better to take a motorcycle taxi, as well as let him find a shortcut, if you use a car it's difficult, "explained Raffa then the woman nodded her head, she got off the motorbike and Raffa helped unload the woman's belongings.

"Well then thank you, the money," said the woman then hurried to carry the groceries and started looking for a taxi.

Meanwhile, Raffa immediately got on the motorcycle. He asked the motorcycle taxi driver to find a shortcut to the residence when he mentioned the address. The man nodded in understanding because every day he always delivered most passengers to the area.

"Sir, this is the right way, right?" asked Raffa, to which the motorcycle taxi driver replied with a nod, the man occasionally glancing at the clock.


"Have you called your brother yet?" said Wulan in a worried tone, causing Shilla to become agitated.

"Already, Mom. I think my brother's cell phone has run out of battery," Shilla said, dropping her butt.

"Mom, why do you want to propose so impromptu, you don't know what you're doing," grumbled Shilla, who was now massaging her forehead, which was suddenly dizzy when she heard that her mother really wanted to propose to Amel.

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