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At Raffa's place, the man is now very busy. Even though his cell phone is left in the car, he finally exhales when there is time to rest. He leaned back in the chair, then reached into his pocket and found nothing flat. 

"Huh, everything is left behind again," grumbled Raffa, the man got up from the chair and started walking towards the parking lot to get his cell phone in the four-wheeled vehicle. 

"So many calls from Shilla," Raffa muttered softly when he picked up his cell phone and chose to step first toward his room. 

"Sir, aren't you going to the cafeteria to eat?" asked one of his employees with a smile on her lips. 

Raffa just glanced and shook his head. "You guys have lunch, you have to take care of your health so you can continue to work properly," he replied and then stepped away again leaving the woman behind. 

"Ahhh ... Mr. Raffa really cares," said the woman as she held her blushing cheeks. 

"Not just to you, it's also to us. Don't be too proud, let's hurry up and fill our stomachs," said a man who was answered by the nods of several of his friends then they quickly headed for the canteen. 

"Even we pay attention, especially to his wife later," said the woman who agreed with her female friend who also stepped into the canteen. 

"Even though Mr. Raffa has been alone for quite a long time, when did he get married again," said one of them making him the center of attention. 

"If I were his wife, I wouldn't waste it, unlike Mr. Raffa's ex-wife," said the woman who had blushed which was replied to by all nods. 

"He! Let's stop gossiping, you better hurry up. We're hungry, you know," scolded one of the men making the women look back. 

"Dih! I'm just jealous," said Mawar, who had been blushing. 

"Who's jealous anyway," grumbled the man whose name was Rehan, the man who was nagging earlier. 

"Come on, let's go first, leave them alone so they don't get a seat," Rehan exclaimed, taking wide steps and bumping into Mawar's shoulder. 

"Ihh... what the hell!" growled Mawar as she was about to grab Rehan's hair but her friend stopped her. 

"There's no need to deal with him, he's just looking for attention and likes you," said his friend, making Rehan turn his head and look like he was about to vomit.

"I don't like him," said Rehan. 

Meanwhile, in Raffa's room, the man was already sitting in his oversized chair. Then, he quickly called back the younger sister, when he was connected, Shilla's voice was heard calling him in a loud tone making him rub his ears. 

"What the hell! Slow down your voice, it's already like a speaker with a loud volume," Raffa mumbled when he put the cell phone in his ear again. 

"Brother, what a bummer! How come I don't answer the phone, it's just like song lyrics," Shilla chatted, making Raffa sigh. 

"Never mind, just get to the topic. What do you want to buy? Did you get good grades?" asked Raffa with several questions. 

"Yes, I'm second place, you know, you have to be on time," replied Shilla which made Raffa nod. 

"Yes-yes," said Raffa, making Shilla smile.

"Oh yes, Mom told me to tell Ka Raffa not to go home too late. He said to come home in the afternoon, right, Ka Raffa is the boss," said Shilla. 

"I didn't promise to come home in the afternoon," said Raffa then heard Shilla say to their mother. 

"What the hell, you! Anyway, you have to go home in the afternoon! Because tonight we want to go to Amel's house to propose to her, period! There's no arguing!" Wulan's burst made Shilla and Raffa surprised, even the man did not know if the mother had turned off the phone.

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