"Brian, I'm so glad you're okay." Greg said, coming to hug me before he thought otherwise. "Uh, yeah." I said, biting my lip. My finding my mate had taken a toll on Greg. My heart clenched painfully seeing him walking on egg shells around me. Him not touching me hurt more than I knew it should have.
"So, did you talk with Aaron?" He asked as we went to his bedroom. "You kinda ran from the poor guy after finding out you were his mate." He said, sitting on the bed.
I sat next to him, keeping in mind to keep a slight distance between us. "We did exchange words if that's what you mean by talk." I said with a brief shrug. "That's not what I meant and you know it." Greg said unamused.
I sighed and shook my head. "No." I said, fiddling with my fingers. Things were changing between Greg and I and I have only been mated to Aaron for but a few hours. I hated this, feeling this awkward around my bestfriend who I longed for so much.
Maybe it was for the best things changed. Maybe then, will I be able to move on from him.
"I talked with Keith though." I said a gentle smile sat on my face after a few moments of silence had pass between us. I would rather we talked about everything but Aaron.
Similar to the notion that if a tree fell when no one was around it wouldn't make a sound, if I ignored that problem, it simply didn't exist.
"Keith?" He asked in confusion.
"Yeah, he's my friend. I met him when we went to the mall and you had ditched me for John." I explained, rolling my eyes.
"His name is Jordan. And besides I already apologized though." Greg said with a nonchalance shrug. Did he? I questioned myself. I really didn't remember him apologizing for that.
A knock came from the door. I groaned, dragging my feet to answer the door.
"Hey, Brian. Can I talk to you?" Asked Aaron, lingering in the doorway of Greg's room, he peered over my shoulder gazing at Greg.
"Uh, I'm kinda busy." I said, looking back at Greg as well.
"No, you can go." Greg said, his tone hinting a little sadness. "Are you sure?" He nodded in response, a soft smile sat on his face.
We both knew this day would come but it still hurt. We were so used to being each other's. Now I'm Aaron's and I wasn't sure how I felt about that.
Meeting your mate was supposed to feel magical. It was said that it would be similar to love at first sight but I felt empty. I could learn to love Aaron, I had to. He was my mate. The one who Goddess Nadia felt was better suited to be my other half. He was not Greg.
"Okay." I said, reluctantly nodding my head before following Aaron out of the room. I couldn't help but wished that Greg denied me to go, demanded that I stayed his. But that wouldn't happen. Aaron was my mate and I was mere Greg's certain someone.
I followed Aaron until we reached the room he was staying at. "Is there any reason you brought me here?" I asked, my eyebrow cocked.
"Yes, we need to talk." I shrugged and followed him in. "When do you think you can go back with me to my pack?" He asked as I sat on the bed while he leaned against the wall.
"I can't do that." I said, biting my lip. This was what I was afraid of, finding my mate and they separate me from Greg. Aaron wasn't an understanding man, he was an Alpha. Prideful and Boastful.
"Why not?"
"Because I'm Greg's certain someone if I'm really far from him, I will get really sick and die."
''But you're my mate." He argued with a stern voice.
"I know that but if you want me to live, you will let me stay next to Greg." I said, standing up as well. "Unless you don't have a problem being mated to a corpse." I said, folding my arms across my chest.
"But you're my Luna." He argued again. "And I don't like sharing." He said, his face scrunching up in a frown.
"Okay, then at least let Greg go back with us." I suggested earning a sigh from him as he rubbed his temples.
"I'll think about it." I smiled in gratitude and hugged him. Might as well get used to being his mate. I sighed in content as sparks shot through my body.
"Fuck, you smell nice." He said, burying his face in the crook of my neck and sniffing me. I knew mates were addicted to the way theirs smelt like but being sniffed wasn't exactly my favourite thing in the world. I cringed and pushed him away. "Don't be gross." I said, earning a chuckle off of him.
"Am I free to go?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah, tomorrow I'm taking you out." I chuckled and went to back to Greg's room.
"So did you talk?" Asked Greg after I entered the room. At least let me take a few breaths before you interrogate me, I thought.
"Yeah, he said he would think about taking you back with us." He walked up to me, hesitanting before he hugged me close. He winced ever so slightly at Aaron's scent all over me.
"Let's go see Ian." He said, moving a lot of ways away from me. I guess he disliked Aaron's scent. "Uh, yeah." I said, swallowing hard and following Greg to Ian's office. He walked ways in front of me, refusing to be near me in case Aaron's scent was still clinging to me. I masked my scent with a sigh.
I really hated this.
"Let me get this straight, your mate is Aaron?" Asked Kyle, sat on Ian's lap. "Yes." I said, sadly as I gazed at Greg softly. Could anyone see how I felt about Greg? I don't think I was hiding it well enough.
I felt Kyle's stare on me as I gazed at Greg, it felt sad. It was though he knew what I felt and felt sad for me. I tore my gaze away from, setting it on Ian instead.
"Do you want us to talk about him about you and Greg?" Ian questioned, looking up from his paper work. He was used to working while Kyle was on his lap, it was now more of a comfort than a distraction
"Yes, please." Greg and I said in unison. Kyle smiled at me sadly, him and Ian sharing a knowing look. I could never truly hide anything from my parents.
We asked to be excused before we began our search for the man of the moment, Aaron.
"Hey, Eugene. Have you seen Aaron?" I asked Eugene who was cuddling Jeremy on the couch. He thought for a few moments before reluctantly answering. "Yeah, I think he's with Cassandra." He said with a bite of his lip.
Greg growled in anger at the mention of Cassandra's name.
Cassandra and Greg absolutely despised each other's guts. Cassandra was one of the warriors in our pack. One of the strongest warriors in our pack. She was born off of Ian's pack which added to her status as a warrior wolf.
Whenever she and Greg were around each other, they wanted to show off their strength through showmanship. They wanted to prove that one was better than the other.
Cassandra was also one of those girls who tried to bed everyone who was in a ten meter vicinity from her. Everyone, including Gregory himself.
She was as conniving and manipulative as they came and god, was she good at it. She had everyone she took to bed wrapped around her pretty little finger without allowing them to escape from her claws.
"Greg, calm down." I said, rolling my eyes. I left him in the living while I went to the back yard. Cassandra and Aaron were speaking to each, siting way too close to each to be people who had just met each other recently.
I gazed at them, Cassandra fondling Aaron's arms every chance she got. She set her gaze at me, smirking before wrapping her arms around his neck. She knew he was my mate, news in our pack travelled as fast as wildfire.
I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Hey, Aaron. Kyle and Ian want to see you!" I yelled, he nodded. I gave him a thumbs up and made myself back to the living room. "Done?" Greg asked, earning a nod off of me as we made our way to his room.
"I take it Brian explained to you about him and Greg." stated Ian, his tone stern and gaze alike. I quickly nodded my head. "Yes, sir. He did." I answered, swallowing hard.
"So, do you get that he has to be close to Greg at all times?" Asked Kyle and I nodded again. "Yes, sir." I wasn't all too happy about sharing my mate. Brian was supposed to be mine and only mine. However without Greg, Brian will died. Better a shared mate than a dead one.
"If you can't accept the fact that Brian and Greg have a deep emotional connection, I don't think you're good for my son." Ian spoke, his tone deep and threatening. If I wasn't too preoccupied with being utterly terrified, I would admire him even more.
"I understand, sir." I said with a gulp. "That's good, I wouldn't want to break your mate bond." Ian said, his eyebrow cocked.
"Me neither."
"Treat my son right or else I will break every bone in your body." said Kyle, dead serious.
I mean he was a skinny guy and I was way above his height and body weight minus the muscle tone but he had Ian, the Ian for extra emphasis.
"I understand." I replied, my tone a bit shaky. Who could blame me? Ian was all kinds of scary. I had heard all about him and his mate conquering all sorts of lands with their bare hands.
"You are free to leave." said Ian and I didn't hesitate. I quickly took off and went back Cassandra. I had met Cassandra on one of the days I had been spending at Ian's pack. She was one of the people who had been friendly towards me and made me feel welcomed.
"Thanks for waiting on me." I said as I sat next to her. "Oh, it's no problem." She said, flashing me a sly smirk. "No problem at all."