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I jolted awake, running to the bathroom and puking my guts out for the second time. After puking, I brushed ny teeth and took some pain killers.

I sighed looking at my appearance, I looked as awful as I felt. Under my eyes where dark bruise like eye bags. My eyes were blood shot with my hair sticking out of random places. I was truly a sight for sore eyes.

I felt like I had forgotten something, something important. I racked my brain, searching through my memory trying to piece everything up to find what I had forgotten. I came up short, the feeling lingering.

With a sigh, I tore my gaze away from the mirror, making my way back to Greg's room. "Brian!" Eugene yelled, tackling me to the ground. We landed with a hard thud, pain shooting through my entire body. The pain in my head returned, seeming as though it was worse than before.

"Oh my God, Brian! You're finally eighteen! My baby has grown!" Yelled Eugene, holding my face against his chest. I groaned in pain, as I tried to pry him off of me. "Let go of me, Eugene." I grumbled.

Eugene was eight years older than me which made him twenty five years old. If he hadn't already found his mate, it would be really hard believing that he was as old as he was.

Greg was nineteen, his birthday having passed months prior to mine.

"Eugene, get off of me. I look icky and gross, I need to bath." I said, trying to pry him off of me. Jeremy who was stood by the doorway, came and picked him off of me like the good little puppy he was.

"With the way you're treating him, Jeremiah. It's really hard to believe he's twenty five." I commented, rolling my eyes in annoyance. He really babied Eugene. He babied him to the point that he couldn't function like an adult. I guess I should be happy Jeremy was so protective of Eugene.

"Hey. Watch it, Brian. And It's Jeremy." He snarled, giving Eugene a piggy back ride. I cocked my eyebrow at that, he shrugged. Our love languages were different, where mine was mostly physical touch, Jeremy's love language was excessive caring. As different as they were, our love languages had something similar. They were both over bearing.

"Yeah, whatever. Get out of Greg's room." I said, shooing them out of the room.

"Fine, have your boyfriend's room all to yourself, then." Eugene huffed as Jeremy exited the room with him on his back still.

Greg was still asleep despite the commotion we caused. He was a heavy sleeper, making waking him up an extreme sport.

I went back to the bathroom where I took a bath. I then brushed my teeth once more and tried to fix my hair with, more often than not, no luck whatsoever.

I went back to Greg's room. Greg was waking up, his sleepy gaze wandering around in confusion. His lips lifted up in a lopsided smile as he set his gaze on me, blinking sleepily.

"Hi." I said as I wore a pair of black capris that I had bought when we went to the mall, a plain black t-shirt and Greg's Vans which seemed to be the only shoes I wore lately.

"Hey." He said, walking up to me from behind. He circled his arms around my waist, laying his head on my shoulder. He sighed in content, his eyes drooping sleepily.

He should have stayed in bed if he still felt tired. Greg was clingy, needing to touch me for one third of the time he spent around me. It was as though touching me was to him as the very air he breathe.

He groaned, willing himself awake. It was always so hard for him to come to whenever he first woke up. Perks of being a heavy sleeper I bet.

"Brian's finally old." Greg mumbled against my shoulder, chuckling softly. "Hahaha. That's very funny." I said, rolling my eyes.

He moved from me, turning to face me with a bright grin. "Are you ready to see the gift uncle Greggy bought you?" He asked, his grin widening.

"Uncle Greggy?" I asked, cocking my eyebrow at him. My face scrunched up in disgust. Gross, that's very gross.

"Yep, I'm older than you." He said in a matter-of-fact voice as he handed me the gift. "By only a year." I argued with a pout, shaking my head.

"I'm still older than you." He said with a grin. "I thought I told you that I didn't want any gifts." I said, biting my lip. "When have I have cared about what you wanted?" He asked in innocence.

He had a point there, both serious and opposite thereof.

Ladies and gentlemen, behold my bestfriend who I often questioned why I longed for him as much as I did. My standards were low, I'll tell you that much. I rolled my eyes opening the gift.

"Oh my God, Greg! Thank you!" I screamed as I jumped on him which resulted in him falling with me on top of him, straddling him. Fucking Eugene, I scoffed in my mind.

Greg was usually shit at buying gifts however this time around, he had outdone himself.

He bought me merch from the various bands I listened to. There were wristbands, caps and clothing items.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said, kissing him all over his face.

"Okay, I get it. You love it, now get your ass off off me. You're suffocating me." He groaned in pain. I giggled softly, before I got off him and helped him get up. "Now that you're done suffocating me to death, let's go eat breakfast." He said, taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen.

Breakfast was scrambled eggs, waffles and coffee. Greg was too lazy to actually cook anything satisfying but hey I'm not complaining.

"Brian!" Yelled Eugene, skipping over to me. "Eugene!" I yelled scooping him up in my arms. Eugene and I loved yelling when we were around each other. It was one of our forms of communication, the other including him jumping on me whenever he could.

"You know how you said that you didn't want any gifts?" He questioned, earning a sigh from me. "Yes?" I asked, my eyebrow cocked in question as I set him down.

"Well, I completely disregarded what you said and bought you a gift anyways." He said with a bright child like grin.

"Trust me, you aren't the first to do so." I said with a forced grin. I loved them, trust me I did but their complete disregard for my requests sometimes angered me.

"Here's your gift, open it." He said, giving me the gift which I opened with an eyeroll. I am actually glad that he disregarded my request.

"No, you did not." I said with a silent gasp, my eyes wide with surprise.

"Oh, yes. I fucking did." He said with a huge grin sat on his face.

I hugged Eugene squeezing the life of out of him.

"Thank you for making my dreams come true!" I yelled.

Eugene bought me a blue and black hoverboad. I wanted this for as long as I could remember but Ian wouldn't let me buy it. "It's too dangerous for you." He would say with a stern tone that gave me no choice but to agree with him.

Ian wasn't the boss of Eugene and I was very happy about that.

"Brian, I c-can't breathe." He said, with a breathless laugh. I released him before I lost one of the greatest cousins I had. "I fucking love you!" I yelled again.

"What's got you all excited?" Kyle asked, a smirk sat on his face as he leaned against the door way. "Eugene bought me a hoverboard!" I yelled, showing him the board.

"Ian!" He yelled, his smirk wavering. "Yes, love?" He asked, joining us in the kitchen. "Oh, no." He said, sighing in defeat. "Oh, yes!" I yelled, bouncing excitedly.

Ian chuckled, shaking his head. "There's nothing I can do about it now." He said with a soft smile sat on his face.

"Happy birthday, Brian." said Ian, coming up to me and hugging me. I hugged him back, normally I would have recoiled in disgust but I was too happy to let him ruin my mood.

"I need you to wear a blind fold so we can give you your gift." Kyle said, walking up to us. "Ahh, I was wondering whether or not my dear parents had regarded my request." I said as I let him blind fold me.

"It's cute that you thought we wouldn't get you anything for your eighteenth birthday." He said, leading me to the car.

We got in the car and drove for a long while before the car came to a stop.

"Now, get out so I can lead you." I got out and indeed Kyle led me. Kyle, because he was a jerk, made sure I tripped about five times on the way. He removed the blind fold and I swear I literally died.

"Oh my fucking Godess!" I shouted, instantly bursting into tears. I ran over and tackled Ian and Kyle into a huge bear hug. They managed to hold me up as I sobbed like the crybaby I was.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so fucking much." I said over and over again.

You might be wondering what got me so worked up. Ian and Kyle bought me a house. Not just any house, a fucking double storey house.

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