"So when am I moving in?" I asked Kyle as he showed me around my house. The place was big, bigger than it looked from the outside. It was very spacious and the interior design was amazing, totally suited to my taste.
Whatever the hell my taste was. I honestly didn't know what I liked, as long as it was black I was into it. The house looked like a morden Victorian castle. I was in love. My parents knew my taste better than I did it seemed.
"When you turn twenty two." Ian replied casually with a brief shrug. My heart dropped as I stared at him in shock. "Twenty two?" I exclaimed in surprised. "You are kidding, right? Please tell you're kidding." I begged with a pout.
"Nope." Kyle said, popping the 'p' for extra emphasis. Why were they doing this to me? Was it because I was young? Was this because I was their only son?
"What if I find my mate and they are older than me?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. I couldn't wait to move in, my house would provide a sense of privacy that the pack house couldn't provide.
"Only then can you move in but they have to be mature." I groaned in annoyance as I followed Ian, Kyle and Gregory back to the pack house.
"Where's Aaron?" I asked, I haven't seen him since I last saw him. Greg and I made our way to the kitchen. It was empty save for us as it always was. "I don't know. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him-" Greg began before I cut him off. "Since you last saw him?" I asked with a smirk.
"Yep." He replied, he wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. He laid his chin on my shoulder, sighing in content. I guess he was enjoying having me all to himself before I would eventually found my mate.
I bit my lip. I didn't want to find my mate. I was aware that was selfish of me but I didn't want my mate. I wanted Greg. Greg who I knew as well as I knew some parts of me. Greg who I was so familiar with. I sighed, moving away from him.
My heart ached for me, for him, for us. The distance felt colder, I resisted the urge to run back into Greg's arms. Greg's warm arms.
Being around him made it harder for me to try and move on from him. I shook my head, pouring myself a glass of juice. I ignored the sad look Greg was flashing me. I rarely moved away from his touch.
"Why is it so tense in here?" Aaron asked as he came into the kitchen. "Oh, hey." I said, raising my head to gaze at him. We held a trance like stare, gazing into each other's eyes.
"Mine." He growled, stalking up to me. "Oh, no." I said, shaking my head in disbelief as I backed away from him.
No, no, no. This can't be happening I thought.
I was mates with the guest whose vibes I despised the most. Why has the Goddess forsaken me? Aaron. Out of all people, Aaron.
"Holy shit, you guys are mates!" Greg suddenly shouted, breaking off of mines and Aaron's trance like stare.
"What's all this commotion about?" Kyle asked as he entered the kitchen as well. "Aaron and Brian are mates!" Greg exclaimed. Why was he that excited? He knew that I disliked Aaron.
Maybe I could learn to love him. I wanted Greg, I groaned that made me selfish didn't it? Aaron didn't deserve someone such as I was. I needed to clear my head and think straight.
"I need some air. Greg, don't follow me." I said, shifting into my wolf form.
My wolf had grey fur with some parts being darker than the others and icy cold blue eyes with some red pecks around the iris.
I took off and ran until I got to the middle of the woods where I collapsed in exhaustion. I was still within the boarders of Ian's pack, so I shifted back into my human form and retrieved some clothes behind a marked tree.
When a werewolf shifted back into human form, their boxers stayed intact. To avoid half naked werewolves roaming the woods, packs put some clothes behind marked trees.
I sat on a log, trying to organize my thoughts. "Out of all the werewolves in the pack house, you choose him?" I questioned, my head thrown back as I gazed at the dark sky. "Really, Nadia? Aaron? Oh for fuck's sake." I said, throwing my hands up in frustration.
A twig snapped from behind me. I instantly put my sense on full alert, my head whipping behind me. "Keith?" I asked, as the male stumbled next to me. "God, you're fast." He said, flopping on the log next to me.
"Hi?" I asked in confusion. "I'm sorry. I was passing by and caught your scent. Your wolf is very fast." He said, panting heavily. "Thanks?" I was still a bit confused. Why was he here? On Ian's pack grounds?
"If I had shifted to my Leopard, I could have caught up with you." Ahh, that made so much sense now. I somehow understood everything from that one sentence.
"So you're a Leopard Shifter?" I asked, earning a nod from him. "Woah, that's so cool! I have only ever been around werewolves." I exclaimed with a bright grin.
"I guess." He replied, shrugging briefly.
"So what color is your leopard?" I asked, tilting my head in curiosity. "White. Like my hair." He replied with a small smile.
"So, you aren't just cute and short for nothing. You're pure." I said, pinching his cheeks.
"Shut it." He said, slapping my hands away. He bit back a shy smile. Aww, I found myself cooing. Keith really was cute. He had the type of cuteness you'd expect a younger brother to have. Except he wasn't younger, we were the same age, eighteen.
We shared a brief laugh before a comfortable silence fell between us. I had texted Keith the following day after the whole mall saga day. We had become close friends, calling each other when we could. I didn't really like him like that and him me. At least that's what he said.
I believed him. Anything otherwise would be me being conceited, I thought.
"So, mind telling me why you're in the middle of the woods?" He asked, breaking the silence. He inched closer to me, our shoulders touching.
"Well, I kinda ran away after an incident." I said, biting my lip and ignoring his actions. I would just run back to get his scent off of me before either Aaron nor Greg freak out.
"Wanna talk about it?" He asked, gazing at me with a soft smile sat on his face. I narrowed my eyes, trying my best to not read too much into it. I shook my head, taking a breath before I began speaking.
"Well, you see I found my mate today but I kinda ran away from him because I was shocked." I explained releasing a long breath.
"Him?" He asked, his face scrunched up in confusion. "I though you were straight." He said with a shocked laugh. I cringed, "I literally flirted with you when we first met." I exclaimed, throwing my arms in the air. We laughed, Keith's gaze lingering on me once.
"Brian?" Aaron asked, Keith tearing his gaze away from me. "Brian, that's my cue to bounce. It was nice talking to you." And with that Keith disappeared.
"Who was that guy?" Asked Aaron, taking dangerously slow steps towards me. "He looked like he was in love with you." He said, a smirk that sent me shuddering sat on his face.
"What if he is my boyfriend?" I asked, backing away from him. He chuckled, biting his lip ever so slightly. "That's impossible, you're mine." He said, halting in front of me.
I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "I'm not an object, you know?" I asked him. "An object?" He asked, his head tilted in question. "You're aren't a object." He said nearing his face to mine.
He cocked his eyebrow before he whispered in my ear, his lips really close to my ear. "You're mine."
I pushed him to the ground and straddled him, pinning his arms on the ground. "Didn't know Mr Big Bad Alpha was so possessive." I said with a smile. "That's quite a shocking reveal, Mr Alpha." I said with an eyeroll.
He flipped us over and pinned my hands above my head. "I'm full of surprises." He whispered in my ear, his hot breath grazing my ear. It felt gross, it always did.
"Mmhh, looks like somebody is getting hard. What are you? A virgin?" I asked with a smirk. I can make jokes such as these because I was in fact, a virgin. Mother Brianessa if you will.
Aaron blushed and I pushed him off of me. "You'll find me at the pack house." I said, walking away.