I found Aaron sitting on one of those swing porch chairs and watching the pack children run around, I think he missed home. Either that or he really wanted a child. Aaron was an odd guy whom I could never really tell what he was thinking about.
I wonder when he's going back because he's starting to irritate me, you know how you hate someone but you're not sure why? Yeah, it was that. His vibes felt really off. I couldn't pinpoint where exactly his vibes felt off but it was just a gut feeling I guess. Maybe my gut would be wrong in the long run, maybe not.
"Geez, Brian. Did you and Greg fuck? His scent is all over you." said Aaron, chuckling slightly as I sat next to him.
''No, Aaron. We did not fuck but we did have a killer make-out session." I replied with a smirk. "Too much info dude." We shared a brief laugh before falling into a comfortable silence.
"Uh, Aaron. About what happened earlier today, please don't talk about mates around Greg." I said, biting my lip.
I mostly neglected using honorifics as I didn't really believe in them for some sorts. Werewolves often used honorifics to reduce people to but their pack status. Using them as an excuse to abuse their Omegas and let their Alphas get away with the abuse of power.
In Ian's pack, everyone was equal and those who were considered less strong from other pack members were protected. It was rare to find a pack such as Ian's. A pack that strived for the protection of it's Omegas.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Why? If you don't mind me asking." He said, sounding really sincere. Why didn't I believe that he is sincere? I questioned myself before shaking the thought off of my head. "Well, you see Greg is a lone wolf."
A lone wolf was a wolf who didn't have a mate. They were not destined to have a mate. in the most cases, they were mates that were mismatched by time meaning one mate either died or wouldn't be born for a couple of generations to come.
Lone wolves had a deep emotional with a certain person. The connection was similar to the romantic love but it was a further from the sexual desire to mate.
A lone wolf and their certain someone could have sex if they want. At least that's what I heard, but it wouldn't feel as good as sex with a mate.
I was Greg's certain person, our emotional connection ran very very deep.
"Oh my God, I didn't know. I'm sorry. Please tell Greg, I'm sorry." He apologized, his sincerity not quite reaching me. Our arms brushed against the other's, sparks shooting throughout my body. I quickly pulled away and judging by the look on his face he felt it too.
"I--- uhh ---got to go. Greg is probably looking for me."
I skipped into the room, Greg was sat on the bed. His sleepy face scrunched up in confusion. "Hi." I said, leaning on the door frame. His head whipped up to me, the corners of his lips forming a lopsided sleepy grin
Greg stumbled up to me and picked me, I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Hi." He said, his voice hoarse with sleep. I gazed into his eyes, smiling softly as I connected our lips in a slow kiss.
"Hey, guys. We're back." said Kyle, walking in on our kiss. We ignored him, continuing with the slow kiss. Pulling away from Greg's kisses was always hard. The pleasure they gave was always hard to deny myself off of. If I could, I would let Greg kiss me all day.
It wasn't the first time Kyle had walked in on us kissing and it wouldn't be the last time.
"Hello, I interrupted you, you have to be interrupted." I broke off the kiss with an exaggerated groan of annoyance. "Kyle, you're back." I stated smirking, getting off of Greg. "Gee, Brian. You're really excited to see me." He sassed with an eyeroll before exiting the room.
"Greg?" I questioned, earning a lazy hum from him in response. "Go bath." I said before making my way out of the room. Aaron leaning against the staircase because of course he was, peering down at the bustling wolves who were making their ways in and out of the pack house.
"Honestly, do you guys fuck all the time?" He asked, shaking his head as I walked up to him. "No, Aaron. We talked about this." I said with a tired sigh. I didn't blame him, really. I did have Greg's scent lingering on me more often than not. It was quite rare to find the opposite thereof. "Why are you standing around anyways?" I asked, leaning against the staircase too. "I'm just thinking about things." He said, peering down at the wolves once more.
"You know how to think?" I teased with a soft chuckle. I may not like the guy but I don't have to show him. I always wanted everyone to be comfortable around me, it was my charming point. It was also what would get me killed according to the all knowing Alpha Ian.
"Haha, very funny." He said, smiling softly before biting his lip ever so slightly. He looked kinda cute, even I can admit that. Aaron was the kind of person whose cuteness you wouldn't notice until you actually pay attention to him, I think. It was hidden in his stoic and thoughtful manner. Masked by his seriousness and mature stance.
"What things were you thinking about?" I asked in curiosity. Curiosity may have killed the cat but it sure as hell prolonged this conversation.
"Mates." I hummed in understanding. Everyone in our age vicinity had thought of mates once, twice or maybe three times. It was all that was on people's minds. Warm blood and youth, you know? That kind of thing.
"I just wonder, will I ever find my mate? You know?" He asked, turning to gaze at me. I nodded in response, I might as well play therapist while I am at it.
"Will they love me back?" He asked, biting his lip in doubt. He may have been the big bad Alpha but he still had human in him. Human emotions were often considered a weakness in Alphas. Everyone had a fixed perception of an Alpha.
Coldblooded, emotionless and cruel.
"Of course they will, Aaron. You're--- well ---you and besides they won't have a choice but to be stuck with you." I reassured him with a bright grin. He chuckled and turned to face me, his arm lightly brushing against mine.
Light enough for both us to feel the sparks once more. We shared a knowing look. An unspoken agreement to ignore the spark occurrences.
"I heard your birthday is tomorrow." He said in an attempt to divert from the sparks ordeal. An attempt I was internally grateful for even though my birthday was a no go area for me. "No, really?" I asked with a sigh.
I wasn't that surprised that he knew my birthday was tomorrow because hello, I'm Ian's son.
My dad was really famous around these parts. Ian was part of the big three. The biggest and strongest of the big three.
The big three were the biggest and strongest Alphas in the Deep Water's Valley with Ian as the head of the table. The leader of them and the one who called all the shots.
"Yeah, I mean you're like Ian's son but hey, it's still your birthday." He said with a smile, nudging me softly. "I'll see you around, Aaron." I said, walking away from him, I hate talking about my birthday. It was a bittersweet topic for me.
"Daddy!" I yelled, tackling Ian in a bear hug which caused him to fall with me on his back. "Brian, did you miss me?" He asked.
I gave him the what-the-fuck look. The fact that he had asked me that question baffled me.
"No but I went over my credit limit and I really want to go to the mall."
Ian sighed before giving me his credit card. He spoilt me, a lot. It was most likely to make up for the fact that I didn't really know my mother. Ian and I rarely talked about my mother. Talking about her was like walking on thin ice, one wrong move would send one plunging in to the dark icy waters of the unknown.
"Bye! I'm going to find Greg, Luther, Eric and whoever else I didn't list." I said, going to Greg's room.
"Greggy- Oh you're naked." I said, halting in my skipping. Greg was only wearing a towel, having been fresh out of the shower.
"We are going to the mall, so please borrow me clothes." He pointed towards his closet. I happily jogged there and pulled out black ripped jeans and a black and white stripped dress shirt. After wearing our clothes, Greg and I went to find Eric and Luther.
When they weren't too busy going at it, Eric and Luther were very fun to hang around. We had gotten really close with them. We instantly connected with each other as though we had been friends for a long time. Maybe we had known each other in our past lives.
Luther and Eric were more than happy to tag along with us. Aaron however was too keen on going but Ian insisted we take him with us.
So I did the next best thing and carried him to the car which wasn't hard considering that I'm stronger than most Alphas. I wasn't too sure on why that was the case. Ian knew but didn't tell me. "Trust me. It's for your own protection." He would say.
I threw him in the back seat and jogged to the passenger side.
"Ouch, Brian. That really hurt." Aaron complained through gritted teeth. "Desperate times call for desperate measures my guy." I said with a shrug as Greg began driving off.