"Brian." Said a soft, sweet voice. Greg's voice was always so lovely in the morning. I always woke up before him but when he was the first to wake up, he'd always wake me up in the most gentle tone. It was smooth, melting in my ear as the morning's fresh honey.
"Greg?" I asked as I rolled over to my side, finding it empty as Greg stood besides me. "Yep, now wake up. It's ten thirty am." He said, dragging me out of bed.
"Why?" I asked as I landed on the floor with a hard thud. "Because it's almost time for your date. Remember? Aaron said he was taking you out today." I groaned in annoyance and pain. "I dont want to go." I whined, laying on the floor still.
"I also don't want you to go but you have to." He said, helping me up. "Aaron told me to tell you to get ready and to wear casual clothes." I yawned and rolled my eyes as I half listened to Greg go on and on about God knows what.
"So, Eugene suggested that you wear dark denim ripped capris, a white and black stripped dress shirt, a blue beanie, a leather jacket and well my Vans." He finished talking and waited for my reply that never came.
I lazily nodded and yawned again, sleepily and slowly blinking my eyes. "I ran you a hot bath, now go bath." He said, looking at me as I made no means to go to the bathroom.
Why did I have to go on a date again?
"I'm tired and lazy. Join me." I whined, Greg chuckled and shook his head before picking me up and making his way to the bathroom with me. "Normally I would but no can do kiddo." He said, placing me on the closed toilet seat. "Now bath, I'm going to make you breakfast." He said.
I slowly undressed myself and got into the bath where I lazily scrubbed myself. After I was done, I slowly got out, wrapped a towel around my waist and dried some parts of my hair.
I felt and looked like shit. We really loved that, I thought to myself with a good ole lazy roll of my eyes.
"I made breakfast." Greg said, taking in my god awful appearance. "Hey, are you okay?" He questioned, kneeling besides me on the floor.
"What do you think?" I asked, shaking my head with a bite of my lips. "I have a really bad feeling about this." I sighed shakily.
Whenever something bad was about to happen, I always felt like someone had drained my energy. It left me feeling nauseous with a throbbing headache.
"Is it always accurate?" He asked and I shook my head.
"Not often."
"Maybe you're just sick, let's feed you and give you pills." Greg picked me up, sat me on his lap and fed me.
After I was done eating, he gave some pills and dressed me.
"How are you feeling?" He asked as I laid my head on his shoulder, nuzzling my face against his neck. I was sat on his lap still, my arms around his neck.
Greg babied me whenever I was sick. Letting me cling to him as much as I wanted. He would run to the ends of the universe with a chocked out "please, Greggy." It made being sick kind of worth it.
"A little better."
"Enjoy yourself okay? Aaron is here." I held his hand as he led me downstairs. "Remember to enjoy yourself, okay?" I nodded and kissed him on the cheek.
"I'll miss you." I went out the door and went to Aaron's car. "Hey, baby. Are you okay?" I flinched at the pet name. It would take me a bit of time to get used to this. To him being so lovesick, for lack of better words.
Each love filled action he did sent me shuddering, it was kinda creepy. Was I allowed to think that way about my mate? Goddess Nadia might as well struck me down with a lightning strike.
"What do you think?" I asked, rolling my eyes and entering the car. He gave me a can of Red Bull. "Try that, you should be okay."
I sipped slowly it while he drove.
"Since I don't know any date spots, we are going to the mall." I nodded quietly and continued to sip my drink.
When we arrived at the mall I was completely energized.
"What should we do first?"
"Can we go to the cinema? There's this new movie that I have meaning to watch." I said, batting my eyelashes prettily. "Okay, okay." He said, shutting his eyes. "There's no need to blind me with your cuteness." He said as he let me drag him to the cinema.
"Holy shit, that was great!" I exclaimed. For once, critics weren't lying when they said a movie deserved screening.
"Let's go and eat." said Aaron, smirking and taking my hand in his. "Wanna race to the food court?" I asked, with an innocent smile earning a grin from him as he nodded his head.
We took off running but just as we were about to reach the food court, the mall cop stopped us. "Where do you kids think you're going?" He asked in a stern tone.
"Oh, you know? To the place where unicorns live." I replied breathlessly, rolling my eyes. Aaron elbowed me on the ribs, really hard I might add. I was already wheezing painful as it was. Him elbowing me, knocked the remainder of my air from my lungs.
"God, dang it! What's with people and thinking that they can elbow me?" I yelled through my teeth, clutching my aching mid section.
"I'm sorry for his behavior, good sir. He is horrible at meeting new people." Aaron apologized, trying his best to prevent himself from bursting out laughing.
"I was actually trying to calm him down, he had heard about the stern mall cop and wanted to meet him." He cleared his throat. "My boyfriend over here is a very big fan of yours." He said. I cringed at him referring to me as his boyfriend.
Gross, I thought.
"No problem but don't run in my mall." The mall cop said bashfully before walking away.
We released the laughter we had been holding in as we made our way to the food court.
"Do you want to order?" Asked Aaron, earning a nod from me. "Just pick anything you feel like. I'm cool with whatever." He said, handing me his card.
"I'll be right back then." I said before spinning on my heel and making my way to the stall that sold pizza. Pizza was the endgame of all foods. It was impossible to get tired of pizza. Anyone who disliked pizza was an enemy in my books.
"Brian?" Asked a voice behind me, I turned around. "Keith!" I yelled in excitement. "Long time no see." He said, earning an eye roll from me. "We saw each other yesterday." We both laughed. "I know, I know."
"What are you doing here?" He asked. "I'm on a date." I replied in a bored tone. "Sounds fun." He said with a sly smirk. I chuckled and shook my head, "There's nothing fun about being yelled at by a mall cop." I said with a slight pout.
"Mall cop? I won't even ask." He said, shaking his head. "You're are really something else, aren't you?" He asked. Was this considered flirting?
"Next please." Saved by the bell.
"It was nice talking to you." I said, bidding him goodbye and going to order. I then took the food and went back to Aaron. "Who was that guy?" He asked, jealousy filling his scent. I winced, it smelled awful.
"Oh, that was my friend. His name is Keith and you saw him yesterday." I replied with a brief shrug. "The one who looked like he was in love with you?" He asked, earning another shrug off of me.
He decided to drop the subject as we ate and talked about random things.
After we had finished eating and him buying me gifts and goods I didn't need, we decided that it was time to go home.
"Wait here, I gotta go to the bathroom." I said, handing him my things. "Do you want me to come with?" He asked, earning a shake of my head from. "No. I'll be fine, I think." I said before spinning on my heel and started walking away.
As I made my way to the bathroom, some guy started to follow me. I thought he was drunk so I did my best to lose him. Weird people were everywhere and sometimes all we could do is try and avoid them.
When I finally lost sight of the drunk guy, I went to the bathroom and did my business. As I was drying my hands, the same guy entered the bathroom.
"Wooo, weeee. My bladder is about to explode." He slurred with a lazy laugh. I let my guard down, he was just drunk I concluded. Drunk people were often harmless, right? I nervously chuckled and scratched the back of my neck awkwardly as I went out.
A cloth was suddenly held against both my mouth and nose. A smell filled my nose, chloroform.
"Oh, shit..."