"Is gwandma going to be happy when she sees us?" Hafsa asked as she swung around a toy in her hand from her baby seat.
"Of course, princess. We're going to surprise, grandma." I said.
"What's a supwise, mummy?" Hamza asked and I smiled.
Neither Hafsa, nor Hamza could pronounce their 'R's properly.
"It's when you do something for someone, but they don't know about it so they get more happy." I said.
I glanced at him from the rear view mirror, seeing both his and Hafsa's mouth form little 'O's.
"Aunty Fayza is going to be there too." I told them both and they laughed and cheered loudly in excitement.
I turned on Quran and they quieted down, listening to the soothing recitation of Moutasem Al-Hameedi.
We pulled into the driveway of my mum's house. I went to the boot and took out two duffle bags, slinging them over my shoulder and then going to Hafsa's side of the car.
I unbuckled her belt and took her out of the car, holding her hand and leading her to Hamza's side before unbuckling him and also placing him on the ground.
"Come on." I said as I held both of their hands and walked to the front door "Can I pwess it? Can I pwess it?" Hamza said as he began jumping up and down.
I chuckled. "Of course." Letting go of Hafsa's hand, I lifted him up and he pressed the doorbell with a big grin.
SubhanAllah, such innocence. It is so easy to make a child happy.
"Me too!" Hafsa said and so I put Hamza down, picking her up as she pressed the doorbell over and over again.
When I scolded her quietly and put her back down, we heard my mum from inside the door.
"Ya sabr! Have you never heard of patience!"
"Uh-oh." Hafsa said as she wrapped her arms around my thigh and hid behind me.
I laughed as my mum opened the door. "Oh! Sumayya!? Hi, habibti!" She said, her eyes wide as she looked at me and then down at her grandchildren.
"Oh my sweethearts!" She said as Hamza ran to her.
"Gwandma!" He yelled as she picked him up and hugged him tightly.
"I've missed you so much." She whispered as she kissed his head.
"Hafsa? Didn't you miss gwandma?" My mum said, imitating the way they said the word.
"Hafsa pwessed the doorbell lots of times and hear you get angwy." Hamza explained before he saw Fayza walk to the door.
"Khala!" He screamed as he wriggled in my mum's hold making her put him down.
"Come on, Hafsa. I could never be angry at you." My mum said and Hafsa slowly emerged from behind my leg and walked into my mums arms as I smiled, walking in and locking the door.
"Why didn't you tell me you were going to come?" She asked as she tried taking the duffle bag off my shoulders. I held the strap and moved it away from her grip, not letting her carry it.
"We suwpwised gwandma and made you more happy." Hafsa said with a cheeky grin making my mum chuckle and pinch her chubby cheek before kissing her.
I smiled at my mum, holding her face and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Surprise." I said with a smile.
"Well I would have prepared proper food if I knew that you were going to come." She chastised, narrowing her eyes a little.
I gave her a grin. "I'm perfectly fine eating bread and cheese if it's with you, mama."
She placed her hand on her heart and sent me a heart warming smile. "Wallahi my love for you grows every day, habibti." She said, giving me a proper hug once she put Hafsa down who ran to Fayza. I chuckled as I hugged her back just as hard and then told her I'll be putting the bags into my room.
"As salamu alaykum, Fayza." I said as I hugged my cousin.
"Wa alaykum Salam." She replied with a grin. "How are you?"
"I'm good." I stayed simply and she gave me a disbelieving look.
"I'll come down in a minute." I said and she nodded, taking Hafsa into the living room.
As I walked into my room and saw my bed across me, I couldn't help but remember the countless amount of nights that I had cried on that exact bed. The amount of times that I had fallen asleep with wet cheeks and woken up with puffy eyes only to want to fall back into a deep sleep to escape my reality yet again.
Normally, I'd be able to enter my room without having flashbacks of those times but now that Zaid was back, it felt like all the walls that I've built in the past three years and all the things that I've achieved since then were for nothing. He had that power of me and I hated it. After three years of hard work, he was able to just show up and ruin everything and make my world fall apart once more.
I took a deep breath and wiped the fresh tears off my cheeks, walking further into the room. I placed the duffle bags on the swivel chair and took off my hijab, undoing my bun and running my fingers through my hair before tying it into a high ponytail and walking back downstairs, not feeling comfortable in my own room any longer.
"What are you making?" I asked my mum as she was lighting up the stove.
"I'm going to make you all shawarma. I've got some lamb in the fridge and we'll cut up some vegetables and whatnot. That should be fine, yes?" She smiled at me.
"Are you kidding? Mama, that's perfect. I'll cut the veggies." I said to her with a smile. "Do you have pickles." I asked her, trying to not sound so hopeful just incase she didn't have any.
"We do." She said with a wink and I laughed as I searched for the jar, spotting it on the second shelf and taking it out before looking for cucumbers, tomatoes and some other stuff.
Hafsa came into the kitchen and grinned. "Ooh, shawarma." She said in excitement as she took out a bottle of water from the fridge before sitting on one of the stools.
I had told Fayza about Zaid and told her to come to my mum's so I could speak with her and vent a little. Alhamdulillah Fayza was the closest relative I had that was my best friend at the same time.
As I chopped the vegetables and mixed them together in a bowl, knowing that it would make life easier with the kids, the doorbell rang.
"Did you wanna..." I trailed off, not knowing who it might be.
"I'm not expecting any friends. You go ahead and open it." She said.
I looked at Fayza. "I'm wearing a T-shirt. Sorry." She smiled at me cockily making me glare at her.
I rinsed my hands as the doorbell rang again. "There's a hijab hanging on the coat hanger by the door." She called behind me and I nodded as I took it off, wrapping it around my head lazily.
The doorbell rang for a third time.
"Relax, relax." I muttered under my breath as I unlocked the door and pulled it open, only to have my mouth fall wide open along with my eyes, my body freezing as my brain tried to comprehend whether my pupils were playing tricks on me.
It couldn't be. Zaid was actually standing on the porch of my mothers house right now.
What on earth was he doing here?
"Have you lost your mind?" I asked him, ignoring the strong desire to ask about how his injuries felt. His busted lip had now formed a scab and his cheek was a greeny purple colour along with a red split above his eyebrow and swollen eyes.
"You're making me lose my mind." He answered in frustration, running a hand through his hair. "Just let me explain!"
"You're four years too late for that, Zaid! Four bloody years!"
"I can explain!" He yelled back, taking a step closer as I took a small step back.
"Leave." I spat. "Now."
"Mummy?" Hamza said as he walked beside me, making my head spin. The world felt like it had stopped as Zaid's head slowly turned downward, looking at Hamza with wide eyes.
I shut my eyes. Ya Allah. Help me.
Help me.
I took deep breaths to try and calm myself as Zaid stared directly into Hamza's eyes, that looked exactly like his.
Zaid looked back at me, his jaw clenched as he swallowed, his Adam's apple bopping up and down, before he looked back down at Hamza who was looking up at his...at Zaid with his beautiful eyes through his thick lashes.