After thirty minutes of trying to get back to work, I realised that both Bella and Kyle were right. I needed to get home and rest, but after looking at the time, I realised that I only had about forty minutes left anyway.
Zaid had left. When I went back to taking orders, I saw him standing outside through the glass of the restaurant. He looked at me and we made eye contact but I made sure to look away immediately.
After another half hour of working, I signed out of work and said bye to everyone, thanking Bella and Kyle once again as I left the building and got into my car.
Normally when I got home from work, I'd go into the kitchen, check if Jessica made food, which was hardly ever, and cook for dinner. However, today I really couldn't see myself slaving away in the kitchen for hours so instead, I went straight up to my room, smiling as I saw my babies sleeping on the bed.
I changed out of my uniform and got into bed, feeling the tears that I had managed to hold in for a while fall freely down my cheeks as I hugged my babies, inhaling their scents.
I sniffled and continuously wiped away the wetness from my cheeks over and over as they continued to fall.
I still couldn't believe it. After so many years, I had just newly accepted life without him and now he came here, thinking that he's got the right to turn my life upside down. I felt like it was all a night...Nightmare? The word wasn't falling off my lips as easy as I would've hoped it would.
Zaid and nightmare could never be said in the same sentence. It just wasn't right. He was perfect in every way possible.
The short year I spent with him was one of the absolute best years of my life. All of our memories were engraved into my mind heart and soul and were forever going to stay there.
Yet the day he got up and left me without a word was the day I broke. Completely fell apart. For so long I didn't know what to do with my life. I had no hope in this world. I was in a never ending cycle of depression. Every time it felt like I was finally beginning to be my old self again, I would see something or remember a memory and fall right back into the trap over and over again.
It was only after I gave birth to my blessings that I finally gathered enough courage to let him go completely and try to be happy with my babies.
It was only me and them and I was okay with that.
For a whole two years, 730 damn days I had hope that he might return, that maybe for some odd reason he might miss me and come back and we would be able to raise our children together, but I was wrong and I only realised after the second anniversary of him leaving me.
My children weren't going to have a dad, but I would be enough for them inshaAllah.
I still remember the day he left me like it was yesterday.
I shut my eyes, laying on my side with my hand tucked under my pillow as I tried to sleep. We had just gone to bed after praying Isha and right as I felt myself drifting out of consciousness Zaid called my name.
"Sumi?" He whispered. "Habibti, are you awake?"
I turned around to face him, only being able to make out his bright eyes in the dark with the little bit of moonlight seeping through the curtain. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing." He said. "Do you want to cuddle tonight?"
I furrowed my eyebrows in curiosity as I wondered why he'd want to cuddle out of the blue. "Sure." I said, not questioning him.
I snuggled closer to the warmth of his body, wrapping my arm around his waist as he put his arm around my neck, my head on his shoulder and our legs tangled.
His heartbeat beneath my head brought me relaxation and as I listened to the steady beat, I smiled, leaning up to give him a kiss just under his jaw. "Are you okay?" I asked softly. "Did something bad happen?"
He took his free hand and stroked his fingers through my hair, craning his neck down to inhale my scent. "No. Everything's fine. I just felt like holding you." He said.
"Are you sure?" I pressed and he nodded his head.
"I love you." He said, his voice croaky. "You deserve so much better than me. I don't know why Allah (swt) let me be lucky enough to have you when there's so many other men that are better for you."
"Stop it, what the hell are you talking about?" I asked him, my eyebrows narrowed. "We're perfect together, habibi. You're talking nonsense. There's nothing that you don't have that other men do. You've got everything I want in a husband. You're everything I need and more." I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Trust me, if I didn't think you were the perfect man for me, I never would have married you, especially at such a young age." I said to him. He smiled at me but looked almost pained. I lifted my head up and looked at him in concern. "Are you sure nothing happened?" I asked him once again.
He looked down at me, nodding, stroking my cheekbone with the back of his hand he cupped my cheek and placed a kiss on my forehead. "I love you so much." He said. "I'll always love you, okay? Promise me you won't forget that."
"What is up with you, Zaid?" I asked him, not knowing where all of this was coming from all of a sudden.
"Just promise me." He said.
I stared into his eyes for a few moments, trying to figure out exactly why he was acting so strange, but they were so clouded with so many emotions that I couldn't make out any one of them. "I promise." I said, nodding my head. "I'll always love you too." I reassured him, feeling like he needed that at the moment.
I wrapped my arm around his waist tighter and snuggled closer into his warmth before closing my eyes and trying to fall asleep to Zaid's heartbeat, his warmth and his fingers continuously running through my hair.
*morning after* (still a flashback)
I yawned, stretching my arms out on the bed as I tried waking up only to realise that the side of the bed was empty.
I opened my eyes and looked to see an empty bed instead of Zaid's sleeping face. Had he woken up before me?
I looked at my phone only to see that the time was 11:47am.
What the hell!?
Did we even wake up for Fajr?!
Confused, I decided to call Zaid. Normally my alarm would go off for Fajr, we would pray together, sleep, then I'd wake up again at 7:30, prepare breakfast then wake Zaid for him to eat and go to work.
When he didn't answer, I assumed that he was busy in the office and so I went downstairs to make myself breakfast. It felt weird, so weird having breakfast alone after the both of us had been having breakfast and dinner together every single day for the past year.
As the day went on, I did my normal housewife chores. I vacuumed, I mopped, I dusted, I washed clothes, folded laundry and then I cooked dinner.
After I had prayed Asr, I messaged Zaid asking him to call me whenever he was available or at least message me what time he'll be home, but he still hadn't replied or called.
I sat and watched the news a bit, noticing that he should have been home by now.
I prayed Maghrib alone...for the first time in a year also. It felt odd and I didn't feel complete.
I decided to call Zaid again as worry consumed my thoughts. Had something bad happened?
He didn't answer. I sat on the couch, looking at all the food that was ready and cooling.
Maybe he was just busy at work, forgot his phone in his car, didn't have time to get it and was also working over time.
I prayed Isha and had a shower before drying my hair and sitting down in our bed to read some Quran. I would have read at least thirty pages before I started yawning. Bookmarking the page, I put it on the top of our dresser and laid down under the covers. He should be here soon.
I hadn't even realised it, but eventually I ended up falling asleep and sleeping through the whole night. It was only when I got up for Fajr that I realised he still hadn't come home.
Worry surrounded me and I prayed that he was okay. I couldn't focus properly during my salah. My heart was pounding against my chest and I had no idea of what to do.
I quickly got my phone and called him three times in a row but as I had guessed, there was no answer. I then called my cousin, Fayza. "Morning." She answered, not sounding sleepy or angry at all. MashaAllah Fayza never missed her five daily prayers and so I knew she would be up and awake.
I explained to her what was going on and she realised that I was freaking out.
"Shh, hey, hey, calm down. I'm sure everything is fine, in'shaAllah. Don't panic straight away."
"Straight away? Fayza hes been gone since yesterday." I said to her.
"It's okay, Sumayya, relax. Look, the times coming to six already. Just wait another hour and call the office. I'm sure he slept there or something after he had to work overtime." She said soothingly.
I looked at the wall clock and nodded. "You're right." I said, wiping away the few stray tears on my cheeks. "Thanks, Fayza." I said to her and after a few more words were exchanged, we both hung up.
The two hours until 7:30 felt like an eternity as I sat down watching the seconds on the clock tick by, my leg bouncing up and down from nervousness, my head in my hands.
As soon as it was 7:30am I picked up my phone and called his office. "Good morning, this is Pablo and Co Publishing. Nancy speaking, how may I help you?"
"Hi, Nancy." I said, trying to control my nerves. "My name's Sumayya, I'm Zaid Hassan's wife. Could you please transfer me through to the Final Reading line. I couldn't get through to him on his private mobile."
"Sure, just give me a moment." She said as I bit my lip nervously.
Another lady picked up the phone with the same greeting, except her name was Emily. "Hi Emily. I was just wondering if you could transfer me through to Zaid please? I'm his wife Sumayya, I believe we've seen each other quite a few times." I said, knowing who I was speaking to as I would speak to her whenever I visited Zaid at work or when he asked me to take papers that he had forgotten to him.
"Oh, yes, love. I remember you. Did you say you're trying to get through to Mr Zaid?" She asked, sounding a little surprised.
"Yes." I said simply.
"Mrs Hassan, your husband quit his job three days ago. He packed up all his belongings and left on Tuesday morning. He told us that he was moving states."
My whole body turned cold and the phone dropped out of my numb fingers, clattering to the floor as I stared at the wall in front of me, trying to figure out what was going on.
I was silent, as tears poured out of my eyes.
He couldn't have just left.
Left me?
There was no way.
I picked up my phone hearing Emily's panicked calls for my name. Ending the call without saying anything I called Zaid again only this time, the phone didn't even ring. A voice recording answered. "The number you are trying to call is incomplete, incorrect or no longer in service. Please check the number and try again."
I tried to process everything that was happening, but it all seemed too much. I quickly went on my dad's contact and called him. As my vision became blurry and the world started spinning in my eyes I heard him answer with a salaam.
"Baba," I croaked out. "Help."
That was it. That was all I could say before blackness engulfed my vision and I lost all sense of consciousness.